Tuesday 28 September 2010

Thursday 28th September, 2010

Tuesday 28th September, 2010.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Book Sale – This Friday
Mrs Ford’s Year 2 children have organised a sale of library books, no longer needed by the school. All books will be sold at 10p each and will be on sale for children in the school hall on Friday afternoon. Each child can bring in a maximum of 50p if they wish to buy a second hand book. Money raised will go towards buying new library books.

Parish Harvest Mass – This Sunday 3rd October
All of the school community are invited to join the Parish for a special Harvest Mass on Sunday 3rd October at 10am.

On Friday, children who wish to contribute to this celebration, can bring in a grocery item (not perishable) to be offered at this Mass. All offerings will then be presented to a local charity, supported by the Parish.

The school choir will be singing and we are all very excited, as the Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Declan.

We hope that many of you can join us on Sunday at 10am.

Best wishes

Matt Condon

Friday 24 September 2010

Friday 24th September

Dear Parents and Carers,

Parish Harvest Mass – Sunday 3rd October
All of the school community are invited to join the Parish for a special Harvest Mass on Sunday 3rd October at 10am. The school choir will be singing and we are all very excited, as the Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Declan. We hope that many of you can join us.

School Attendance
Over the last 3 weeks Mrs Joseph’s class achieved 96% attendance and Miss Wright’s, Mrs Bell’s and Mrs Patton’s achieved 97% attendance. Well done to these classes.

Improving attendance is still crucially important, if we are to continue learning for children in our school. Also can parents/carers ensure that children are in the school playground to line up at 8.55am.

Bristol Dinosaur Project
Next week members of the ‘Bristol Dinosaur Project Team’ will be visiting the school. They will be visiting all classes so that children can learn about Bristol’s pre-history.

Walk to School Month
October ‘Walk to School Month’ begins on Monday 4th October. On Thursday 7th October there will be a Street Entertainer who will walk with the children from the Forest Road end of Chatsworth Road at 8.40am

Dean Field Study Centre
The next instalment of £30 is due on the 1st October. If you are paying by cheque, please make it payable to Bristol City Council.

Dinner Money
Please could you ensure that all dinner money is paid in a named envelope on the first day of the week.

‘In the Beginning’ Sex and Personal Relationship Learning
A meeting to share details of this curriculum will be on Monday 27th September at 3.30pm. Supervision for children will be available in the computer room.

Parent Information Meetings – Mrs Joseph’s class
These meetings enable teachers to share important information about the school year and learning with parents/carers. The meetings for Mrs Joseph’s class will be next Thursday at 3pm.

Individual Photographs
A date for the diary is - Tuesday 5th October for individual photographs starting at 8.45am for families with younger siblings

Celebration of Achievements
There will be a celebration assembly on Wednesday, 29th September, at 9.15am. The following children will receive awards:-

Catalina Bodnarescu. Libby Rice, Edwin Sebastian, Agnel Ailyath, Laura Smith, Sydney Haberfield, Daniel Edwards, Eoan Tuohy and Lucia Mercato.

Dates for Diaries
Monday 27th September (3.30pm) - ‘In the Beginning’ meeting
Wednesday 29th September - Celebration Assembly
Thursday 30th September - Playscheme Y1 and Y2
Friday 1st October (pm) - New parents visit
Monday 4th October (am) - New parents visit
Monday 4th October - Start of Work to School Month
Thursday 14th October - Parents evening
Friday 15th October - Blaise Castle Museum – Y5
Tuesday 19th October - Parents evening
Friday 22nd October - End of Term 1
Monday 1st November - Staff training day (school closed)
Tuesday 2nd November - Start of Term 2
Wednesday 3rd November - Caerphilly Castle – Y3
Tuesday 30th November - Lifeskills – Y6
Friday 17th December - End of Term 2
Tuesday 4th January - Start of Term 3

Best wishes

Matt Condon

Friday 17 September 2010

Friday 17th September

Dear Parents and Carers,

Stranger Danger
We have been reminding all children this week that it is important that they do not talk to strangers. We have also reminded children that if they have to wait for parents/carers to collect them, they need to wait in the school playground. If parents/carers are late then they need to come to the school office.

Reception 2011
The Admissions booklet and ‘Faith Form’ for reception 2010 will be available from the office next Friday. The closing date for applications has changed from October to January 15th 2011. It is very important that if you apply on-line that you wait for online confirmation of your application. (You also need to fill out an Additional Information Form for St Joseph’s which is available from the office).2011 New Parents TourThe dates for the new parents tour for children starting in September 2010 is Friday 1st October at 10.00am, or Monday 4th September at 2.00pm. Please contact the school office if you have a child stating school next year, and you would like to have a look around.

‘In the Beginning’ Sex and Personal Relationship Learning
A meeting to share details of this curriculum will be on Monday 27th September at 3.30pm. Supervision for children will be available in the computer room.

Parent Information Meetings
These meetings enable teachers to share important information about the school year and learning with parents/carers. The meetings for Miss Wright’s and Mrs Mantle’s class will be next Thursday at 3pm.

After School Clubs
Film Club is on Tuesday (current members do not need to reapply. See Mrs Martin if you want to join)
Choir is on Wednesday for Y3 to Y6 (3.45-4.30pm)
Cookery is on Thursday for Y3 (3.45-4.45pm)
Fencing is on Thursday Y3 to Y6 (3.45-4.45pm)
African Drumming is on Thursday Y4 to Y6 (3.45-4.45pm)
Multi Sports is on Tuesday Y2 to Y4 (3.45-4.45pm)
Gardening Club is every Tuesday lunchtime

ALSO, if your child attends one of our after school clubs, please could you inform the school if your child will not be attending for any reason. This is for the safety of the children and also ensures that clubs can start promptly and all children are accounted for.

A correction in last week’s newsletter about choir. It starts at 3.30pm and ends at 4.30pm not 4.45pm. Year 3 pupils are welcome to join the choir.

Celebration of Achievements (and new time for Celebration Assembly)
There will be a celebration assembly Monday, 20th September, at 3pm. The following children will receive awards:-

Annie Madden, Shinique Dehaney, Alfie Haberfield, Sean Snaden, Hannah Maslowski, Oliver Wiercioch-Giles, Maici Quirke and Lauren Helm.

Dates for Diaries
Monday 20th September (3pm) - 1st Celebration Assembly
Tuesday 21st September - World Peace Day (celebrated in school)
Thursday 23rd September (3pm) - Y1 and Y3 parent information meetings
Monday 27th September (3.30pm) - ‘In the Beginning’ meeting
Friday 1st October (pm) - New parents visit
Monday 4th October (am) - New parents visit
Monday 4th October - Start of Work to School Month
Thursday 14th October - Parents evening
Tuesday 19th October - Parents evening
Friday 22nd October - End of Term 1
Monday 1st November - Staff training day (school closed)
Tuesday 2nd November - Start of Term 2
Friday 17th December - End of Term 2
Tuesday 4th December - Start of Term 3

Best wishes – Matt Condon, Headteacher

Friday 10 September 2010

Friday 10th September

Dear Parents and Carers,

The Big Assembly – The visit of Pope Benedict XVI
On Friday 17th September – the day after the Holy Father arrives in Scotland – he will take part in an Education event – ‘The Big Assembly’ - at St Mary’s University College in Twickenham. We will join this special event by webcast, as part of a special assembly starting at 9.45am. You are all welcome to join us.

Information About Learning
A priority still remains sharing quality information about your child’s learning. This year topic plans and weekly overviews will again be displayed in each class’s window (or an alternative location if more appropriate): the topic webs at the start of each new topic and the weekly overviews at the start of each week. These are ‘plans’ and the learning may change as the week progresses – so don’t panic if all areas of learning are not covered in a specific week. The hope is that this information will enable parents to talk to their children about their learning at home. Yearly overviews and topic webs will also be available on the website, under the curriculum link.

Reception 2011
The Admissions booklet and ‘Faith Form’ for reception 2010 will be available from the office next Friday. The closing date for applications has changed from October to January 15th 2011. It is very important that if you apply on-line that you wait for online confirmation of your application. (You also need to fill out a Faith Form for St Joseph’s which is available from the office).2011 New Parents TourThe dates for the new parents tour for children starting in September 2010 is Friday 1st October at 10.00am, or Monday 4th October at 2.00pm. Please contact the school office if you have a child stating school next year, and you would like to have a look around.

Donation of Good Quality Books
We are currently organising our new school library. If any families have any high quality children’s book, which are no longer needed, we would be happy to accept any donations to improve the choice of books available to our children.

Parent Governor
A vacancy for a parent governor has arisen due to end of 4 year term of office for the present post holder, Helen Stepaniuk, who has carried out her role with commitment and dedication.

An informal meeting with some experienced governors will take place at 3.00pm Thursday September 16th in the school library for any parent/carer who would like to express an interest in this role.

Anyone unable to attend at this time is invited to contact the school office for an alternative arrangement.Pupil/Parent ConcernsIf you have any concerns regarding your child/children’s welfare at school, or their learning please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with their class teacher. As Headteacher, I am always available to discuss concerns if they of a very serious nature, or if you feel your concerns have not been addressed by the class teacher. Please contact Mrs. Slade if you would like to make an appointment to see me.

After School Clubs
Film Club begins on Tuesday 21st September (current members do not need to reapply. See Mrs Martin if you want to join)
Choir begins on Wednesday 15th September (3.45-4.45pm)
Cookery being next Thursday (3.45-4.45pm)
Fencing begins next Thursday (3.45-4.45pm)
Gardening Club is every Tuesday lunchtime

We will soon be offering the following after school activities to children – Multi Sports, and African DrummingALSO, if your child attends one of our after school clubs, please could you inform the school if your child will not be attending for any reason. This is for the safety of the children and also ensures that clubs can start promptly and all children are accounted for.

PE Kits
Can I take this opportunity to remind all parents and carers about the school PE Kit:· PE kit should be in school all week.· PE kit should be complete and labelled – White T. shirt, Navy Shorts, Daps and/or Trainers for outdoor PE.· If the incorrect PE kit is taken home accidentally – please send it back immediately. We have too many kits that are going missing!· If due to medical reasons, your child is unable to do PE, you need to send a note into your class teacher. Please ensure the letter includes details of how long your child is unable to do PE for.

School Uniform
There is in place a school uniform comprising white polo shirt, navy blue sweatshirt, cardigan, fleece, grey trousers/skirts, (tailored shorts in warmer weather) or blue/white gingham dress. We do not stock school uniform anymore, it has to be ordered on line and the website is:

www.schoolwearforless.com/schools/StJosephsRCPrimaryBS163QR. The order will normally take about two weeks to deliver.

Children must wear clothing and footwear (black shoes or black trainers) appropriate to the school environment and activity whilst avoiding extremes of fashion.

School staff and governors retain the right to request children not to attend school in clothing or footwear deemed to be unsuitable, inappropriate or likely to compromise health and safety.

Children should not wear jewellery to school. The school will not be responsible for any loss or damage to property or person resulting from the bringing of jewellery into school.

Please note: Children with pierced ears whose parents wish them to wear earrings must, for safety reasons, wear studs - plain silver or gold, rather than other types of earrings. Children who wear earrings must remove (or tape) them for all PE and sporting activities on Health and Safety grounds.

Dogs in Playground
Can I remind you all that for Health and Safety reasons dogs are not allowed in the school playground.

Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 14th September - Year 6 Mass in Church
Friday 17th September - The Big Assembly (Papal visit)
Tuesday 21st September - Y5P and Y3M Mass in Church
Friday 1st October (pm) - New parents visit
Monday 4th October (am) - New parents visit
Monday 4th October - Start of Work to School Month
Thursday 14th October - Parents evening
Tuesday 19th October - Parents evening
Friday 22nd October - End of Term 1
Monday 1st November - Staff training day (school closed)
Tuesday 2nd November - Start of Term 2
Friday 17th December - End of Term 2
Tuesday 4th December - Start of Term 3

Best wishes

Matt Condon

Friday 3 September 2010

3rd September 2010

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to the start of the new school year, hopefully you all had a good
summer break. The Reception Year will join us next week on a part-time basis, building up to full-time.

We will be sharing dates and other ‘new term’information in the next newsletter. All newsletters can be found on the school website (see above address).

We all look forward to a very special year of learning in
St. Joseph’s. Above is a ‘Wordle’ summary of our priorities for this school year.

Site Security
For security reasons the gates between the school and church (at the rear of the school), will be locked at all times. Also children will no longer be leaving the school via the exit on Lodge Causeway. All children will exit the building into the school playground, where they can be met by parents/carers, or exit the grounds themselves (if parents/carers allow).

New Office layout
As many of you may have seen we have improved the office environment to help us provide an even better service to the school community, especially parents. Our admin staff are now located in 2 offices giving them more space to deal with their everyday tasks and, more importantly, more space to deal with your enquiries warmly and efficiently. The changes have meant that the headteacher’s office space has also been relocated. These changes have enabled us to focus on and increase security at the front of the building to ensure that the environment is as safe as possible for our children.

If your enquiry is about money (dinner money, school trips, after school clubs) then you need to see Eva our Bursar.
If your enquiry is about anything more general you need to see Liz our School Secretary.

There is also a new library area (which is not yet finished), our staffroom has been given a facelift and our medical room has been relocated and improved.

We have also introduced much improved CCTV systems and a new phone system. If you now phone the school you will be given several options, enabling you to report an absence, speak directly to Mrs Gossan about any matters involving money or talk to Mrs Slade in the main reception.

Please join us for a cup of tea and some cake on Thursday 9th or Friday 10th September at 3.15pm when my admin team and myself will show you around.

2010 School Leavers – Where are they now?
Bristol Brunel - 5 children, Bristol Met - 3 children, Bristol Cathedral – 1 child, Colston’s Girl School – 1 child, Downend – 4 children, John Cabot – 2 children, Kingsfield – 1 child, Oldfield – 3 children, Sir Bernard Lovell – 2 children, St Bede’s Catholic College – 3 children, St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School – 15 children, St Mary Redcliffe – 4 children, City Academy – 1 child, The Grange – 1 child

We hope they are all settling into their new schools.

Purple Mash – Home Learning
We are delighted to launch a new web based programme Purple Mash.(www.purplemashcom). It has hundreds of activities to help children develop their knowledge and creativity. To use it simply follow the link on the school website and use the log on details below for full access. Username:pupil@c46524, Password: Fig 3

School Crossing Patrol
Unfortunately, Mrs Sheere, our school crossing patrol, is still unable to return to her duties due to ill health. We hope she is able to return soon and wish her well.

We all thank you for your continuing support.

Start of Term Mass is next Friday, at 9.30am in the Church. There will be a special assembly the following week to celebrate the Pope’s visit.

We hope all the children have a great year of learning!

Best wishes

Matt Condon