Friday 23 January 2015

Dear Parent/Carer,

Macmillan Cancer Support

This is a lovely message from  Macmillan Cancer Support:

You’re all wonderful.  You really are.  Thank you to everyone at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School  for you wonderful donation of £513.79.  What a brilliant effort.  We think you’re all stars

Using the Internet at home and E-Safety Week
It is important that children’s use of the internet is monitored at home - in particular, children’s use of social networking sites. Soon we will have our E-Safety Week where the children will be learning more about how to use the internet safely.  There is a website available which advises parents/carers on internet use: www/
More information will be shared during E-Safety week.
Football Club

As parents know, the Football Club hope, as much as possible, to use the school field for football. This does mean that during the wetter and colder months, the children need to wrap up warm with a long sleeved top, joggers or leggings. 

If any parents in KS2 have any spare clothing (like joggers) they would be much appreciated as we could use them as spares.


Well done to Y2 for 100% attendance last week. Year 2 will have a special non-uniform day on Friday 30th January.

Also well done to Y6 with 98% attendance.

Hockey Tournament

On Tuesday 20th January, 6 pupils from year 6 took part in a hockey tournament.  We are proud of what we achieved, even though we didn’t go through to the semi finals.  There were schools from the local areas who participated in this tournament.  We really enjoyed ourselves and had lots of fun.

The first game was very challenging and it ended in a close 0-1 to them.  The second game was our ticket to the semi finals, but unfortunately we drew 1-1. Then it came to our final game and we won 2-0.

A special thanks to Mrs Gilvear for coaching, helping and supporting us to achieve this.

From the hockey team - Alexander, Ashley, Olivia, Aleena, Jerome and Darshan.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Friday 30th January, at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award: Jakub (Y3), Lizzie (Y3), Michal (Y2), Patty (Y4), Jaimie (Y4), Teia (Y1), Harvey (Y5), Ridah (Y5) and Ashley (Y6)

And the following children will receive Superstar Awards: Amelia (R). Jacks (Y1), Angus (Y5), Alicja (R), Josmi (Y6), Maria (Y6), Ridah (Y5),  Talia (Y6). Abbey (Y3) and Tashrick (Y3).

Level 2 Bikeability Certificate

The following children will receive their Level 2 Bikeability Certificate:  Reuben, Jake, Alexander, Talia, Praise, George, Jerome, Nathan, Daniel and Shaan.

Dates for Diaries

Friday 30th January                                      -           St Matthew Team Point winner event
Sunday 1st February                                                 -           Education Sunday
Monday 2nd February                                -          Staff training day (school closed)
Monday 9th February                                  -           Year 6 camp week
Friday 13th February                                                 -           Reception Lent Assembly
Friday 13th February                                                 -           End of Term 3
Wednesday 18th February                          -           Ash Wednesday
Monday 23rd February                                -           Start of Term 4
Monday 23rd February                               -           E-Safety week 2015
Wednesday 25th February                          -           Y6 Lifeskills visit
Thursday 26th February                                -           Full Governing Body meeting  
Friday 27th February                                     -           Lent Mass in hall (Y5 readers)
Sunday 8th March                                        -           Mass for Parish’s 90th anniversary
Wednesday 11th March                              -           Year 6 visit to Leigh Woods
Friday 13th March                                         -           Year 2 Mother’s day assembly
Wednesday 18th March                              -           Year 6 topic presentation
Thursday 19th March                                                -           St Joseph’s Day Mass in hall (Y4 readers – tea/coffee/tours for parishioners afterwards)
Friday 20th March                                         -           Tennis competition – age TBC
Friday 27th March                                         -           Mass for Holy Week in church (Y3 readers)
Friday 27th March                                         -           Local cluster choir festival at St Joseph’s
Friday 27th March                                         -           End of Term 4
Sunday 29th March                                      -           Palm Sunday
Sunday 5th march                                        -           Easter Sunday
Monday 13th April                                        -           Start of Term 5 
Sunday 28th June                                         -           First Holy Communion in Church
Friday 17th July                                              -           End of school year

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,


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