Dear Parent/Carer,
PTFA Infant Party
There are only limited spaces left for the infant party, so as not to be disappointed
hurry up and buy yours.
Postponed School Trips
Can I again confirm that the planned trips to the SS Great Britain and Bristol Zoo are
now postponed until May. This is dependent on us receiving funds to cover costs (currently we have not received a sufficient amount).
Some parents have requested a breakdown of costs for the planned school trips (all
costs per child):
SS Great Britain – Coach = £6.66, Entry = £3.95, requested contributions = £10
Bristol Zoo – Coach = £5.35, Entry = £6.47, requested contributions = £10
As you can see we are already making a loss on these educational visits, even with 100% of contributions received.
The final closing date for these visits (money and permission slip) is now Friday 25th April.
Spring Holiday
The school closes for the Spring Hoilday today Friday 4th April, and re-opens
on Tuesday 22nd April. Monday 21st April is an In-service Day.
Holidays during Term Time
If you request a holiday form, you also need to enclose an explanatory letter.
Absence Policy
A reminder if your child is unwell and unable to attend school we ask you to please
inform us by telephone or by letter by 9.30am. If a message has not been received
we will need to contact the home address to confirm the whereabouts of your child.
We cannot take a message from a child it has to be from the parent/carer.
Dates for Diaries
Friday 4th April End of Term 4 – School closes for holiday
Monday 21st April INSERVICE DAY
Tuesday 22nd April Start of Term 5 – School re-opens
Friday 25th April Start of Term Mass in the School Hall
Friday 25th April Infant Party
Monday 12th May Start of KS2 SATS week
Friday 23rd May End of Term 5 – School closes
Monday 2nd June INSERVICE DAY
Tuesday 3rd June Start of Term 6
Friday 25th July End of Term 6 – Summer Holidays.
School Website and Blog
The Blog ( is being updated daily, with lots of work, comments, photos, video and audio clips. We think it is amazing and really shows what a great time we have learning in St. Joseph’s. Please have a look with your families and make a comment!
We all hope you all have a happy and peaceful Spring Holiday.
Yours Sincerely
Matt Condon