Wednesday, 21 October 2009

21st October, 2009.

21st October, 2009.

Dear Parent/Carer,

Can I take this opportunity to thank you all for your hard work and support since the start of the school year. I hope you all have restful break.

School Attendance
Here is the percentage attendance for last week –

Miss Wright’s class 85.3%
Mrs Ford’s class 96.2% GREAT!
Mrs Mantle’s class 94.1%
Mrs Joseph’s class 94.1%
Mr Sherwin’s class 97.1% GREAT!
Mrs Patton’s class 94.4%
Mrs Bell’s class 85.7%
Mr Conlon’s class 94.0%

Well done to Mrs Ford’ class and Mr Sherwin’s class for achieving over 95% attendance.

Can I remind you all that the school can only authorise 10 days of absence in any school year. All other absences (with the exception of sickness) will be recorded as unauthorised and may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice.

School Governor
St Bernadette’s Catholic Secondary School is looking for a School Governor with links to St. Joseph’s. If you are interested, please contact St. Joseph’s school office or see Mr Condon in the playground.

Road Safety
Walking around the school at the start and end of the day I have noticed that some younger children are crossing the road unsupervised. Can I remind all parents that Pauline (our school crossing patrol person) is available to help families cross the road (on Forest Road), but she cannot take responsibility for children crossing who are not supervised by their parents.

Windmill Hill Farm
Windmill Hill Farm needs your help. It is a valuable and much loved community facility which is currently threatened with closure. As part of the appeal to save the Farm, an online pledge has been created. If by the deadline of 31st October 2009, 500 people will pledge to donate £25.00 then the farm will raise £12,500 in one go – a quarter of its appeal target. If the pledge does not make its target of 500 people, then all those who have signed up will not need to fulfil their pledge and donate their money.

If you value the Farm and are in a position to support it by making the pledge, please visit the Farm’s page on the pledgebank website – the link is www/ and sign your name and e.mail address (only used to tell you when the pledge is completed and to contact you about the pledge). This coming Saturday the creators of Wallace and Gromit and Shaun the Sheep will be taking over the Windmill Hill City Farm for the fundraising day to help save the farm from closure.

Celebration Assembly
There will be a special celebration assembly this Friday at 9.15am, and the following children will receive headteachers award:-

Mikenagh Quirke, David Sebastian, Corada Wilson, Aengus Mooney, Thomas Hallard, Elliott Swan, Maya Buckler, Sarah Moylan, Izzy Woodruff, Leanne Hunt and Lakshmi Kaur.

St Josephs Recipe Book
We would like to compile a recipe book of all the favourite recipes of the St Joseph's Community - a starter, main course, puddings or cakes - whatever your family enjoys the most. We would like each family to donate a favourite recipe to be included in the book which can be tried and enjoyed by the rest of the community. If you would like to send a recipe to be included in the book you can either e-mail Mrs Gossan at or send it in on a piece of paper. Please ensure that you put the ingredients first and then the cooking instructions. The deadline for sending in your recipes is Friday 6th November as we aim to have the book ready for sale by the 1st December.

Dinner Money
Please could you ensure that all dinner monies are paid on a Monday either to your child’s class teacher or the school office. I would grateful for your help in this matter as we collect the money on behalf of Bristol City Council and they collect the dinner money on Tuesday morning.

Dean Field Study Centre
A quick reminder that the October instalment of £30 is now due. Cheques to be made out to Bristol City Council.

There a few places left on the Dean Field trip which will take place in the first week of February for the years 5 & 6. If you are interested in your child going on this trip please contact the school office for details.

The Greater Bristol Cycling City team and your Bike It officer are pleased to be offering a fun family cycling event on SUNDAY 25th OCTOBER. It will take place on the Bristol to Bath Railway Path opposite Morrisons supermarket in Fishponds. Your Bike It officer will be there waiting to greet your families. Bike It schools are encouraged to wear Fancy Dress and 'Bling their Bikes' for a competition to be judged by the Bike It officers. If you have any questions, please contact your Bike It officer. We look forward to seeing you on the 25th!

Dr Bike It
Dr Bike It will be in on Wednesday, 3rd November 1.00-4.00pm to mend bikes, and from 3.400pm on the same day giving advise about buying bikes for Christmas and any other advise you may like to ask him.

Dates for Diaries
Friday 23rd October - End of Term 1
Monday 2nd November - Start of Term 2
Tuesday 3rd November - Later Primary (Y5/6) Mass in Church
Wednesday 3rd November - Dr Bike It
Wednesday 3rd November - Start of term 2 Mass
Thursday 5th November (9.15am) - Parents meeting about sharing pupil progress
Tuesday 10th November - Middle Primary (Y3/4) Mass in Church
Tuesday 10th November (9.10am) - Reception phonic lesson
Tuesday 17th November - Early Primary (Y5/6) Mass in Church
Friday 20th November - Mrs Joseph’s class assembly
Friday 4th December - PTFA Christmas Disco
Friday 11th December - Mrs Mantle’s class assembly

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,

Friday, 16 October 2009

16th October, 2009

16th October, 2009.

Dear Parent/Carer,

School Attendance

Here is the percentage attendance for last week –

Miss Wright’s class 95.6%
Mrs Ford’s class 94.5%
Mrs Mantle’s class 96.5%
Mrs Joseph’s class 94.1%
Mr Sherwin’s class 96.4%
Mrs Patton’s class 93.7%
Mrs Bell’s class 91.0%
Mr Conlon’s class 97.9%


Can I remind you all that the school can only authorise 10 days of absence in any school year. All other absences (with the exception of sickness) will be recorded as unauthorised and may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice..

Car boot sale CANCELLED

Thank you to those who supported the car boot sale, but unfortunately we have had to cancel it due to lack of interest. We are hoping to organise a table top sale in the hall before Christmas, so watch this space.


Have you completed and submitted your application form for secondary school? NEXT FRIDAY 23rd October is the last date for applications. A late application received after that date is not looked at until everyone else has been allocated their school, so please complete your form with your 3 preferences, now, on line if possible. BEWARE! Postal strikes are imminent!

If you are still confused please call Denise on 0845 129 7217 or email for support.

St Joseph's Recipe Book

We would like to compile a recipe book of all the favourite recipes of the St Joseph's Community - a starter, main course, puddings or cakes - whatever your family enjoys the most. We would like each family to donate a favourite recipe to be included in the book which can be tried and enjoyed by the rest of the community. If you would like to send a recipe to be included in the book you can either e-mail Mrs Gossan at or send it in on a piece of paper. Please ensure that you put the ingredients first and then the cooking instructions. The deadline for sending in your recipes is Friday 6th November as we aim to have the book ready for sale by the 1st December.

Dinner Money

Please could you ensure that all dinner monies are paid on a Monday either to your child’s class teacher or the school office. I would grateful for your help in this matter as we collect the money on behalf of Bristol City Council and they collect the dinner money on Tuesday morning.

Dean Field Study Centre

A quick reminder that the October instalment of £30 is now due. Cheques to be made out to Bristol City Council.

There a few places left on the Dean Field trip which will take place in the first week of February for the years 5 & 6. If you are interested in your child going on this trip please contact the school office for details.


The Greater Bristol Cycling City team and your Bike It officer are pleased to be offering a fun family cycling event on SUNDAY 25th OCTOBER. It will take place on the Bristol to Bath Railway Path opposite Morrisons supermarket in Fishponds. Your Bike It officer will be there waiting to greet your families. Bike It schools are encouraged to wear Fancy Dress and 'Bling their Bikes' for a competition to be judged by the Bike It officers. If you have any questions, please contact your Bike It officer. We look forward to seeing you on the 25th!

Dr Bike It

Dr Bike It will be in on Wednesday, 3rd November 1.00-4.00pm to mend bikes, and from 3.400pm on the same day giving advise about buying bikes for Christmas and any other advise you may like to ask him.

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 20th October - Parents’ Evening
Friday 23rd October - End of Term 1
Monday 2nd November - Start of Term 2
Friday 4th December - PTFA Christmas Disco
Thursday 5th November (9.15am) Parents meeting about sharing pupil progress
Tuesday 10th November (9.10am) Reception phonic lesson

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

7th October, 2009

7th October, 2009.

Dear Parent/Carer,

School Attendance and Lateness

What is the problem?

Disappointingly, last years the school attendance figures were lower than in previous years.

Attendance is a factor often linked to low levels of academic success. Pupils also have difficulty maintaining friendships if they have long or numerous periods of absence.

What is the school’s policy?

The school’s policy is that no more 10 days absence can be authorised in any academic year.

It is a parent’s legal responsibility to ensure their child is in school, and the School Governors have decided that the school must take action against parents and carers of children who are absent from school without authorisation.

Ongoing unauthorised absence could lead to a Penalty Notice! This is a fine of £50.00 if paid within the first 28 days and £100 if paid within 42 days. If the fine is not paid within 42 days parents could be prosecuted.

Lateness is also a significant problem. Children are expected to be in line, with their class, at 8.55am. Where children are persistently late the school will be contacting parents and carers immediately and taking appropriate action to ensure it does not continue.

We have to take tough action because poor attendance and lateness is damaging the learning of too many children in the school.

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon, Headteacher

Monday, 5 October 2009

2nd October 2009

2nd October, 2009.

Dear Parent/Carer,

Harvest Assembly

A big thank you for the food donated for the homelessness. It will be distributed accordingly.

Caerphilly Castle

The trips to Caerphilly Castle for Years 3 & 4 next Tuesday and Wednesday, will be going ahead. Thank you for your financial contribution.

Deanfield Study Centre

The next instalment is now due.

Nut Allergies

We have in the school some children who are allergic to nuts. Unfortunately, for one of them the allergy is such that even the smell or any residue left on a table can cause a reaction. We therefore ask that no nuts are included in your child’s lunch box.

Parents’ Evening

These will be held on Thursday 15th October and Tuesday 20th October. The letter for Parents’ Evening will be going out next Monday.

Car Boot Sale

To be held in the school playground on Saturday 17th October, 10am - 12 noon. Why not have a clear out before Christmas & make a bit of money too! The number of pitches is strictly limited. See the separate leaflet in your child's book bag.


There will be a planning meeting for next year's Summer Festival on Friday 2nd October at 9.15 am in the Rainbow Room of pre-school, with tea and coffee for sale. We will be gathering ideas for games, stalls, rides etc. If you have any thoughts and would like to come along, you'll be very welcome.

Also, the date for the Christmas disco is Friday 4th December, 7-10pm if you can put that with the other diary dates.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 5th October at 9.15am, where the following children will receive a headteachers award. All parent/carers are welcome

Jeffery Grimes, Stella Harvey, Joe Staddon, Amelianya Cachia, Maddie Khan-Slade, Joel Shelvi, Bethany Prasadm Martyna Oszwaldowska and Evie Attwood

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 6th October - Caerphilly Castle
Wednesday 7th October - Caerphilly Castle
Thursday 15th October - Y6 Lifeskills
Thursday 15th October - Parents’ Evening
Friday 16th October - Y5/6C Assembly
Tuesday 20th October - Parents’ Evening
Friday 23rd October - End of Term 1
Monday 2nd November - Start of Term 2

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,