Friday, 25 June 2010

Friday 25th June

Dear Parent/Carer,

A MONSTER newsletter this week! We always try to keep the newsletter to 2 sides but we’ve got so much going on this term.

The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
There will be a school Mass next Tuesday, 29th June, at 2.00pm in the school hall to celebrate St Peter and St Paul. You are all welcome.

Celebration of Keralite festival of St. Thomas
Next Friday we will be celebrating the feast of St. Thomas. An important Keralite festival celebrated in India. As part of this celebration we will be holding a special assembly at 9.15am involving the children whose families come from this area. At 3pm in the Reception classroom, the parents welcome you all to enjoy some delicious Indian food and drink. Donations will be welcome and all money raised will be used by the PTFA to buy learning resources.

Year 3/4 Topic Presentation
There will be a special Topic Presentation next Wednesday at 9.15am for children in Mrs Joseph’s, Mrs Mantle’s and Mr. Sherwin’s class. This will be an opportunity for some of the children to tell the learning story of the recent topic, ‘Shipwrecked’. This is not a whole class assembly. After the presentation, parents will be invited to go into the classes, with their child, to look at and talk about their work. Feedback from parents who visited Years 1 and 2 last week has been very positive. Other classes will also be inviting parents in, later in this term.

Congratulations, attendance for the last academic year rose from 93 ½ % to over 94%! Next year we are aiming for 96% attendance overall. Classes that achieved 95% and over last week were Mrs Mantle’s, Mrs Joseph’s and Mr Conlon’s.

Parish Fayre – Tomorrow!
Please support the Parish by attending the Parish Fayre this Saturday. The fayre begins at 2pm.

St Joseph’s Timeline
Come and look at our new pictorial timeline situated outside the Reception area (on the side of the Scout room). We are not sure about the decades on some of the older pictures. Perhaps you can help us identify the correct decade? Also you might be able to recognise some familiar faces? If you have any old pictures from St Joseph’s, we would love to add them to our timeline. We will photocopy or scan all photographs and return the originals.

Class Organisation 2010-11
The class organisation for the next academic year is –
• Reception ​– Mrs Rollings
• Year 1 ​​– Miss Wright
• Year 2 ​– Mrs Ford
• Year 3 ​– Mrs Mantle
• Year 4 ​– Mr Conlon
• Year 4/5 ​– Mrs Joseph
• Year 5 ​– Mrs Patton
• Year 6 ​– Mrs Bell
• Music Specialist (teaching different classes) – Mrs Marsh
• ICT Specialist (teaching different classes) – Mr Sherwin
• Mrs Workman, Mrs Coelho and Mr Burnell remain part of the team and we hope they will be in school teaching at various times

For those of you with children in Years 4 and 5, we hope to inform you all of your child’s class teacher before school reports are given out on Monday 12th July.

Sun Protection
The weather is currently wonderful which means the children have been able to use the school field more often. We advise that all children have a sun hat in school at all times. If you wish your child to put on sun cream in school, we also advise they have this in school everyday, again clearly labelled with their name. Also a reminder that sun protection is advised for next week’s sports day…

Sports Day – Tuesday 29th June, 9.30am start
As well as remembering sun protection can all children bring in a drink for Sports Day. Parents, carers and friends will be able to observe the action from the central area. All teachers, teaching assistants and parent helpers will be wearing high visibility jackets.

Sponsored Water Walk – 8th July
Letters went out for this sponsored event earlier this week. The WATER WALK will involve all of the school community and raise money to provide clean water to families in Ethiopia.

First Holy Communion
Congratulations to all those children who made their First Holy Communion last Sunday. The children looked beautiful, the mass was wonderful and the sun shone on all of them.

Mrs Bell would like to say a massive thank you for the beautiful flowers, gifts and cards given by the parents. The children are a credit to them and the school. Also a big thank you to Miss Hayley Geach who gives tirelessly throughout the First Holy communion preparations.

Road Safety - Zig Zag Lines
Mr Pitt, who you all know as the school caretaker, will be patrolling the Zig Zag lines outside of school on a regular basis. He will be reminding drivers that it is dangerous to park on these lines and recording registration numbers, so they can be reported to the community police.

Next week’s film will be Watership Down which is rated U. This is an emotional family favourite based on Richard Adams’ book and was originally released in 1978. The film should finish just after 5pm. Children can ask Mr Condon or Mrs Martin if they wish to join FILMCLUB.

Sports Day Menu
On the 29th June, for sports day lunch the school kitchen will be preparing a special menu of fish fingers or sausage and chips. The cost of the meal is £2.10.

St Luke - Team Points Winners non-uniform day - Friday 2nd July.

Medical Appointments
If possible (some appointments can only be made on the day), could you please inform the teacher in writing, in advance if your child has a medical appointment during the school day.

Sing Up Data Protection Consent Forms
Thank you to those of you who have returned these forms. However I still need many forms back. PLEASE return them soon, and if you have lost your form, please get a new one from the office. I need one form per family with all the names included on it. Thank you.

200 Club
Winners for the May draw are –
1st Prize - Mr & Mrs Poole, 2nd Prize - Mr F O'Hara, 3rd Prize - Miss E Doyle

Instrumental Lessons
Those of you who wish your child to have small group instrumental lessons next September 2010, need to fill in a form from the office. Instruments available are keyboard, violin and guitar. At present very few forms have been returned and therefore, it is a real possibility that lessons will have to be cancelled which would be a huge shame.

Dean Field Residential Trip
If your child is in year 5 or 6 next academic year, they have the opportunity to participate in an residential activity based trip. There are limited places available and full details can be obtained from the school office.

Saturday Morning Sports Club

It will only cost £3 for two hours from 10am until 12pm starting on June 12th. We really hope that you’ll come along and join us this summer. There is no need to book - just turn up at Bristol Met Sports Hall. Futher infornmation on 0117 958 58 55

Family Bike Ride
We (Bike it Ben and Ian from Sustrans) and Bristol City Council are organising an afterschool family ride on Friday 2nd July to visit some new improvements to cycle facilities in our area. The ride heads from Fishponds around 4.00pm and ends with a picnic in St George’s Park. The food will be jacket potatoes with cheese, beans or tuna and sweet corn, salad and chicken and rice. Upon arrival in the park the children will be entertained by Sole Events who will run for an hour. Also there will be some Dhol Drummers.

Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday, June 28th at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteachers award:
Owen Ridler, Oliver Kelliher-Swash, Emily Webb, Laura Smith, Nadia Naibet, Sydney-Kay Haberfield, Ruby Walsh, Grace Stepaniuk, Kealen Westlake, Talia Scott, Sylvia Buyoya,, Vivian Johnson and Seetal Kaur.

Dates for Diaries
Saturday 26th June ​​-​Parish Fayre
Tuesday 29th June​-​Sports Day – morning
Tuesday 29th December​-​Mass for Saints Peter and Paul
Wednesday 30th June ​-​Year 3/4 Topic Presentation
Thursday 1st July ​-​Class photographs
Friday 2nd July ​-​St Luke non uniform day
Friday 2nd July​-​Family Bike Ride
Friday 2nd of July ​-​Celebration of Keralite festival of St. Thomas
Monday 5th July ​- ​Staff Training Day (school closed) - Curriculum Focus
Thursday 8th July ​- ​Water Walk 2010
Saturday 10th July ​-​999 Fun Day - Harry Crook Centre, Moorlands Road
Friday 16th July ​-​Attendance Celebration Assembly
Saturday 17th July ​​- ​PTFA Summer Festival
Tuesday 20th July​-​Parents Evening (optional meeting to discuss reports)
Tuesday 20th July​-​Y6 Performance – 2.00pm
Wednesday 21st July ​-​Fencing Tournament​
Wednesday 21st July​-​Y6 Performance – 7.00pm
Friday 23rd July ​- ​Leaver’s Mass in church and end of school year
Wednesday 1st Sept ​- ​Staff Training (school closed)
Thursday 2nd Sept ​​- ​Start of new school year!

Best wishes,

Matt Condon

Saturday, 19 June 2010

18th June 2010

Dear Parent/Carer,

Book Fair

Book Fair Week begins on Monday 21st June until Friday 25th June. We have a fantastic Summer offer of 3 for 2. Buy any 2 books and choose 1 free.

Change Your World by Sustrans

Take a walk. Get on your bike, choose the bus or train. Pledge a journey to help us travel around the world by 4th July. Join in Change Your World. Make a journey and show your support by pledging one of your journeys – then tell the Government they must act too. Take your first step at. Win great prizes! Make your pledge today for the chance to win a fantastic break at Centre Parcs. A Riverford organice fruit and veg box for 3 months. A Lush Spa treatment. Closing date for entries is the 9th July.

Low Carbon Day/Parish Fair

We are running an eco-friendly day on Thursday 24th June where we are aiming to use as little energy and resources as possible. This will be a non-uniform day where the pupils are asked to where something green, blue or brown and also to bring in a tin to support the parish fair which is on Saturday 26th June. Your child will be bringing home raffle tickets.

Gardening Club

Well done to all who supported the afternoon plant sale. So far we have raised £170.00

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,

Friday, 11 June 2010

11th June 2010

Dear Parent/Carer,

There will be no newsletter next week as I am attending a national headteacher’s conference in Birmingham. This week we have BUMPER edition!

School Attendance

Well done to Mr Conlon’s, Mr Sherwin’s (again) for attending 96% last week, Mrs Rolling’s and Mrs Joseph’s classes achieving 97%, Mrs Ford’s with almost 98% and Miss Mrs Mantles class with over 98%!

Topic Presentation

There will be a special Topic Presentation next Friday for children in Mrs Ford and Miss Wright’s class. This will be an opportunity for some of the children to tell the learning story of the recent topics ‘Down on the Farm’ and ‘Growing and Changing’. This is not a whole class assembly.
After the presentation, parents will be invited to go into the classes, with their child, to look at and talk about their work. Other classes will also be inviting parents in, later in this term.

Community Singing Assembly

As you know, we are working towards our Sing Up Gold Award. We are therefore inviting you – parents, family and friends of St Joseph’s – to join us on Friday, 25th June for a Singing Assembly. In these assemblies we warm up our voices, sing songs we know and learn new ones. Why not come and join us and have a bit of fun singing alongside your children? The assembly will start at 9.15am and go on till 10.00am.

Sing Up Data Protection Consent Forms

Thank you to those of you who have returned these forms. However I still need many form back. PLEASE return them soon, and if you have lost your form, please get a new one from the office. I need one form per family with all the names included on it.
Thank you.

Instrumental Lessons

Those of you who wish your child to have small group instrumental lessons next September 2010, need to fill in a form from the office. Instruments available are keyboard, violin and guitar. At present very few forms have been returned and therefore, it is a real possibility that lessons will have to be cancelled which would be a huge shame.

Family Cycle Treasure Hunt and Bristol’s Biggest Bike Ride

On Sunday 13th June, 10.00am-3.00pm there will be a ‘Dinotour Family Cycle Treasure Hunt’. Turn up on the day and collect your free score card and further details at any of the 8 stalls along the route. The stalls are located along the Bristol to Bath Railway Path between Whitehall and Bath. The route is approximately 12 miles long. To find out more visit our website or telephone on 01454 863640. Also Bristol's Biggest Bike Ride takes place on Sunday 20th June. This is a great opportunity to join in with the rest of Bristol on a fun bike ride of your choice – the rides range from 9 to 38 miles. Check out for more information.

Dean Field Residential Trip

If your child is in year 5 or 6 next academic year, they have the opportunity to participate in an residential activity based trip. There are limited places available and full details can be obtained from the school office.

Uniform Sale

Due to limited space, we are selling off the last of the school uniform at greatly reduced prices. Polo Shirts cost £2 each or 3 for £5, Fleeces £5.00, Small Adult Sweatshirts £4 - Hurry while stocks last. If you wish to order any other uniform items, please visit the online shop at Our supplier has informed us that the last order date for receiving uniform before September is 1st August.

Book Fair

Book Fair Week begins on Monday 21st June

Multi-skills after school club - Years3/4

A 6 week multi-sports after school club will be commencing on Tuesday 15th June from 3.40-4.40pm. A different sport will be taught each week with a tournament in the final week. The cost is £15 which is incredible value at £2.50 per session. If you would like your child to participate please obtain a form from the school office.

Summer Festival

The St Joseph’s PTFA are looking for volunteers to assist with the setting up, clearing up, and running some stalls at the Summer Festival 17th July. If there are any parents that can assist could they please leave their details with the office for the attention of the PTFA. We are also looking of any contributions that can be used as prizes for the raffle and tombola.

999 ‘FUN DAY’

The Hillfields beat Team and the Harry Crook Youth Activities Centre are holding a 999 Fun Day.
Saturday 10th July 2010, 12pm-4pm, at the Harry Crook Centre, Moorlands Road, (just of Ridgeway Road), Fishponds.
On the day there will be emergency vehicles, face painting, prize raffle, fair ground attractions, hot food, stalls, bike maintenance, and lots more.One of the activities on the day will be in conjunction with the World
Cup theme is a sponsored Football Match, Harry Crook FC vs. Police FC. All the proceeds will be going towards the Harry Crook youth centre.

Saturday Morning Sports Club

What do you do on Saturday morning? Looking for something different and active?Why not come along to our new Saturday morning Sports Club? You will have the opportunity to try a variety of sports like Football, Basketball, Badminton, Uni-Hoc and rounders to name but a few.
It will only cost £3 for two hours from 10am until 12pm starting on June 12th. We really hope that you’ll come along and join us this summer. There is no need to book just turn up at Bristol Met Sports Hall.
Hope to see you there!

Futher infornmation on 0117 958 58 55


Moving from animals to aliens, next week’s film is ‘Fantastic Planet’. This French surrealist animation from 1973 tells the story of a future where humans have been taken from Earth to act as pets to the giant alien race of Draags. Full of bold ideas, Fantastic Planet is a classic of sci-fi animation. This film is rated PG and will finish at 4.45pm.

Gardening Club

A reminder that the Gardening Club will be holding an afternoon tea and plant sale on Thursday, 17th June at 3.00pm

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday, June 14th at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteachers award.
Yan Stepaniuk, Brandon Watts, Patryk Drozdz, Ellie Bradley, Summer Allen, Tejal Sebastian, Luke Briones, James Ayton-Lambourne, Therese Briones, Iwan Calloway.

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 15th June - Y6 Leaver’s Mass
Sunday 20th June - First Holy Communion – 11.30am
Monday 21st June - Book Fair Week
Thursday 24th June - School Low Carbon Day
Monday 28th June - Special Attendance Celebration Assembly
Tuesday 29th June - Sports Day
Thursday 1st July - Class photographs
Friday 2nd of July - Celebration of Keralite festival of St. ThomasMonday
5th July - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Curriculum focus
Thursday 8th July - Water Walk 2010
Saturday 17th July - PTFA Summer Festival
Friday 23rd July - End of school year
Wednesday 1st Sept - Staff Training (school closed)
Thursday 2nd Sept - Start of new school year!
Thursday 8th July - Water Walk 2010

Best wishes,

Matt Condon