Friday, 23 September 2011

Dear Parent/Carer,


Autumn Terms 2011 - Overviews of the schools curriculum are being sent home today. Hopefully they will highlight some areas where you can support your child with their learning.

Friendship Month

Dealing with Problems - The School Council have met recently and written some great guidance for other children, if they have a problem in school –

We expect every pupil to take responsibility for looking after each other and being there for everyone!

Someone on their own –

We expect everyone in the school to ask them if they are OK. Perhaps ask them to join in and play. If that does not help ask Buddies for advice.

Children who argue -

Get Buddies to help as they have been trained to help with children who do not get on with each other.

Children hurting each other –

Tell a member of staff immediately.

If you think someone is being bullied –

If you feel able to, point out to the bully what they are doing – they might not have realised they were bullying. Always tell a member of staff who will tell the Headteacher. Befriend the child who is being bullied.

The Dahlicious Dress Up Day

On Friday 30th September it will be a ‘Dress Up Day’ in aid of seriously ill children. You pay £1.00 to dress up as one of Roald Dahl’s favourite characters – Witch will you choose?

Dean Field Study Centre

If you have not paid your July instalment of £30, could you please do so as the next instalment of £30 is due on the 3rd October. If you are paying by cheque, please make it payable to Bristol City Council.

Reception 2012

The Admissions booklet and ‘Additional Form’ which you will need to get from the office for reception 2012 will be available from the office on Monday 26th September. The closing date for applications is January 15th 2011. It is very important that if you apply on-line, you wait for online confirmation of your application. Also, the New Parents’ Tours for children starting in September 2012 are Friday 30th September at 10am or Monday 3rd October at 2pm. Please contact the school office if you have a child starting school next year and you would like to have a look around.


May I remind parents that if their child is absent, they telephone the school so a message can be given to the class teacher. If we are continually contacting parents with regard to their child’s absence, I have no alternative but to mark the pupil’s absence as unauthorised which could result in the Education Welfare Officer being informed who will take further action. Also, could you please make sure your child is in school by the time the bell goes at 8.55am, as we currently have too many children arriving late for school.

Attendance last week

Well done to Mrs Mantle’s class with 97% and Mr. Conlon’s Class with 99%! All other classes had attendance less than 96%.

Out attendance last year was 94.7% which was still not good enough. Improving attendance is a key priority for us this year and our target is at least 96%!!!

Celebration Assembly

There will be a Celebration Assembly on Monday 23rd September at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s Award:
Aleena Vincent, Eddy Brain, Irene Raju, Lauren Helm and Ben Underhill.

These children will receive our new Superstars Sports Awards:
Charlie Russell, Reuben Reji, Joseph Nurse, James Ayton-Lambourne and Alvin George.

Dates for Diaries

Friday 30th September - PTFA Meeting (9.30am in school library)
Friday 30th September - Dahlicious Dress Up Day
Tuesday 4th October - Individual Photographs
Wednesday 5th October - Y6 visit to the Synagogue
Thursday 13th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.30pm
Tuesday 18th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.00pm
Friday 14th October - SING UP Platinum Celebration
Wednesday 19th October - Y4J Red Lodge
Friday 21st October - End of term 1
Monday 31st October - Start of term 2
Wednesday 2nd November - Reception Y1S & Y2F – Westonbirt
Friday 16th December - End of term 2

Best wishes

Matt Condon

Friday, 16 September 2011

!6th September 2011

Dear Parents and Carers,

Mass for Catholic Education

This special Mass is at 7pm on Wednesday the 21st September 2011 at Clifton Cathedral. The Mass is being led by Bishop Declan and you are all invited to join us for this special celebration.

Friendship Month

This month we are focussing on exploring with the children what makes good friendship. In assembly children have been using our ‘Tree of Friendship’ to record how they have been friends in school with all children. The School Council will be working with me next week to write clear guidance for any child who has a problem, so they know how to get help.

Religious Education

Our current topic in RE is Creation. In this topic children throughout the school will be learning from the Old Testament about God as creator and how God protects and cares for His universe. Children will also be reflecting on the talents they have been given by God and how they can use them to celebrate his creation.


Topic overviews for the whole school autumn term will be sent home early next week.

The Dahlicious Dress Up Day

On Friday 30th September it will be a ‘Dress Up Day’ in aid of seriously ill children. You pay £1.00 to dress up as one of Roald Dahl’s favourite characters – Witch will you choose?

Dean Field Study Centre

If you have not paid your July instalment of £30, could you please do so by before the end of next week. The next instalment of £30 is due on the 3rd October. If you are paying by cheque, please make it payable to Bristol City Council.

British Food Fortnight

Enjoy a school dinner from the 19th September until the 30th September and you could find the special sticker to win a perfect pencil case.

2012 New Parents Tour

Dates for the new parent’s tour for children starting in September 2012 are Friday 30th September, at 10.00am, or Monday 3rd October at 2.00pm. Please contact the school office if you have a child starting school next year, and you would like to have a look around.

Security – A reminder

For security reasons, when children arrive late we are unable to allow parents to escort their children to their classrooms. Children will be quite safe walking to classrooms by themselves.All adults who enter the school building (even just to go into the front office), must be signed in and given an identification badge by a member of staff. Any adult without authorised identification will be politely challenged. We still want to be friendly and welcoming but we have to ensure unauthorised adults do not enter the school.

Pupil/Parent Concerns

If you have any concerns regarding your child/children’s welfare at school, or their learning please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with their class teacher. As Headteacher, I am always available to discuss concerns if they of a very serious nature, or if you feel your concerns have not been addressed by the class teacher. Please contact Mrs. Slade if you would like to make an appointment to see me.


Children should not wear jewellery to school. This is increasingly becoming a problem when getting ready for PE lessons. Teachers have been spending a lot of PE time removing jewellery from children, so they do not injure themselves or others.

Please note: Children with pierced ears whose parents wish them to wear earrings must, for safety reasons, wear studs rather than other types of earrings. Children who wear earrings must remove (or tape) them for all PE and sporting activities on Health and Safety grounds.

After School Clubs

Unfortunately fencing has been cancelled this term, but we hope to resume next term.ALSO, if your child attends one of our after school clubs, please could you inform the school if your child will not be attending for any reason. This is for the safety of the children and also ensures that clubs can start promptly and all children are accounted for.


May I remind parents that if their child is absent they telephone the school so a message can be given to the class teacher. If we are continually contacting parents with regard to their child’s absence, I have no alternative but to mark the pupil’s absence as unauthorised which could result in the Education Welfare Officer being informed who will take further action. Also could you please make sure your child is in school by the time the bell goes at 8.55am as we currently have too many children arriving late for school.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 19th September at 9.10am where the following children will receive their Headteachers award:
Mackenzie Sawers, Thomas Jaworski, Micah Gayle, Charlotte Petrie, Grace Stepaniuk, and Erin Brooks.

Please look at the school BLOG as there is lots of new photos of learning from the first couple of weeks of school.

Dates for Diaries

Wednesday 21st September - Mass for Catholic Education at Clifton Cathedral
Thursday 22nd September - Mrs Ford & Mr Sherwin’s Class visit Playspace
Friday 23rd September - Special Ethiopian Assembly
Friday 30th September - Dahlicious Dress Up Day
Tuesday 4th October - Individual Photographs
Wednesday 5th October - Y6 visit to the Synagogue
Thursday 13th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.30pm
Tuesday 18th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.00pm
Friday 14th October - SING UP Platinum Celebration
Friday 21st October - End of term 1
Monday 31st October - Start of term 2
Friday 16th December - End of term 2

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Thursday 8th September 2011

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to the start of the new school year, hopefully you all had a good summer break.

Welcome to new Reception children who have started this week on a part-time basis. We know that they will really enjoy growing as part of our school community.

We would like to invite you all to our start of the school year Mass tomorrow, at 9.30am in the School hall.

Mass for Catholic Education

This special Mass is at 7pm on Wednesday the 21st September 2011 at Clifton Cathedral. The Mass is being led by Bishop Declan and you are all invited to join us for this special celebration.

Friendship Month

This month we will be focussing on exploring with the children what makes good friendship. In assembly and in class we will be discussing with children how to behave as good friends but also how to deal with friendship problems. I hope this to be a really positive experience and I will be working with the newly elected school council to write some new guidance for children, so they all know what to do when they are unhappy in school. We will be sharing this information with you all over the next couple of weeks.

Past Pupil Success

A big well done to Tom Gossan who achieved 4 A's and a B at A level and is off to Bristol University to do a masters in Physics in October.

Please let us know about other St. Joseph’s ex pupil success stories – there are lots out there and we would love to publish them in the newsletter.

New Staff and New Roles

Can I please welcome the following people into our school –

Mrs Lorraine Chicken is taking on the role of part time and temporary Bursar. Lorraine is the full time Bursar at Summerhill Juniors and I am really pleased that she is joining the team. Lorraine will be in school every Wednesday and will be responsible for financial management, health and safety and safeguarding, amongst other things.

Miss Kellie Holman will be our PE Specialist for the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Kellie is a Primary PGCE graduate with a strong track record in different schools teaching PE and leading after school clubs. Kellie will also be running two after school clubs which will begin soon.

And can I welcome following people into their new roles –

Mrs Jess Lee now has a much more significant role as Financial Assistant. She will be dealing with all enquires which involve dinner, trip and after school club monies. Jess will work 8.30am – 1pm daily.

Mrs Shelagh Mizen will be beginning her role as Higher Level Teaching Assistant for 3 ½ days per week and will be teaching various classes under the guidance of the class teacher.

Mrs Shelagh Mizen also begins her role as Family Support Worker for 1 ½ days per week. In this role she will be supporting families in different ways and working with me to continue to improve attendance and punctuality.

Contact Details

If any of your details have changed could you please let the school know as soon as possible, in order for records to be up-dated.

Morrison’s Gardening Vouchers

We are collecting Morrison’s Gardening Vouchers again. If you give them to your children they can then bring them to the school office.


This is what your child should be wearing for PE: A white T-shirt, navy blue or black shorts, plimsolls/daps, a suitable bag for the above with a string loop for hanging


For security reasons, when children arrive late, we are unable to allow parents to escort their children to their classrooms. Children are perfectly capable of walking to classrooms by themselves.

All adults who enter the school building (even just to go into the front office), must be signed in and given an identification badge by a member of staff. Any adult without authorised identification will be politely challenged.

Dean Field Study Centre

If you have not paid your July instalment of £30.00, could you please do so by the end of next week. The next instalment o f £30.00 is due on the 3red October. If you are paying by cheque, please make it payable to Bristol City Council.

After School Clubs

Here is a list of starting dates we currently have for after school clubs:

Cookery - Thursday 22nd September - For Y3-4
Film Club - Tuesday 13th September - For Y3-6
Fencing - Thursday 22nd September - For Y3-6
Choir - Thursday 15th September - For Y3-6

Please see the school office if you would like details of these clubs. We will be introducing clubs soon for younger children!!

Dates for Diaries

Friday 9th September - Start of Term Mass in school hall
Wednesday 21st September - Mass for Catholic Education at Clifton Cathedral
Friday 23rd September - Special Ethiopian Assembly
Wednesday 5th October - Y6 visit Synagogue
Friday 14th October - SING UP Platinum Celebration
Friday 21st October - End of term 1

Term Dates 2011-12

Term 1 Thursday 1st September to Friday 21st October 2011
Term 2 Monday 31st October to Friday 16th December 2011
Term 3 Tuesday 3rd January to Friday 10th February 2012
Term 4 Monday 20th February to Friday 30th March 2012
Term 5 Monday 16th April to Friday 1st June 2012
Term 6 Monday 11th June to Thursday 19th July 2012

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please talk to the class teacher or a member of staff in the front office.

We hope all the children have a great year of learning!Best wishes

Matt Condon
