Friday, 24 February 2012

Dear Parent and Carers,

Parent Governor

A vacancy has arisen for a parent governor. If you would like to express an interest or find out more about the role, please contact the school office.

Bristol Cathedral

Y4 children will be joining with 2 other primary schools and the choristers to sing at Bristol Cathedral on Wednesday, 29th February at 11.15am. The concert lasts for 45 minutes. All are welcome and it is free of charge.

Marie Curie Yellow Day

On Friday 2nd March is Marie Curie Yellow Day.

This special day is to raise money and awareness for the Marie Curie Cancer Care. In order to do this we would like all staff and pupils to wear yellow on that day, and give a donation of at least 50p for this cause. Daffodil pins will also be available for a donation of at least 50p


Netball resumed this week for years three, four, five and six and will run until Easter. The cost
will be £2.50 per session. If your child is interested in playing netball, they will need to collect a consent form from the office, which needs to be filled out before your child participates. There are only 30 places available, so it will be on a first come, first serve basis.

Cash/Cheques in School

In order to improve school efficiency and avoid possible confusion, please could any cash or cheques coming into school be sent in with your child in a sealed envelope marked with your child's name, class, amount and reason for the payment. Could I also ask that all payments, including dinner money payments, be sent into school on Monday morning of each week. We will only accept money on this day in a marked envelope. Thank you for your

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 27TH February at 9.15am, where the following children will receive a headteacher’s award:
Ida Johansson, Jordan Toy, Nadia Naibet, Rungkan Downes, Maciej Oledzki,
Joel Vadhyanath, Natasha Wines, Olivia Jim, Jeleil Manmohan, David Sebastian,
Norbert Kulesza and Lachontay Barrett.

These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards:
Eve Boniface, Adedire
Odumboni, Harrison Bains-Doyle, Natasha Wines, Kai Drysdale, Saul Ayton, Anisa
Rasul, Ollie Louch, Isabel Mathew, Ellie Bains-Doyel, Poppy Kelliher-Swash, Ceris Lee, Rungkan
Downes, James Ayton-Lambourne, Kwame Hartley, Dean Turner, Reuben Reji and
Muskan Rehan.

Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 29th February - Y4J visit to Bristol Cathedral
Monday 5th March - Bike it Breakfast
Thursday 8th March - Parents Evening
Tuesday 13th March - Parents Evening
Friday 30thMarch - End of Term 4

Matt Condon

Friday, 10 February 2012

Dear Parent and Carers,

Camp 2012

Welcome back to the group of Year 5 and 6 pupils and staff who returned early from the Forest of Dean yesterday evening. This was due to a significant outbreak of sickness Wednesday evening and the forecast of heavy snow in the Forest of Dean area.


The school will be closed on Monday 20th February for staff training. The school will reopen on Tuesday 21st February.

School Uniform

We now have a new supplier for school uniform - the details of which are attached to this newsletter.

Child Care Provision - Childminders

We are compiling a list of registered childminders to pass onto parents and carers. If you are, or know of, a good registered childminder, please let the school office know

Child Care Provision – before and after school (consultation)

Recently some parents have expressed interest in the school having its own before school and after school child care arrangements. If the school were able to provide any such provision it would however be at a cost. If you would be interested in using any such provision in the future, please contact the school office. We will then decide, based on the interest, whether it is viable to introduce such childcare in the future.

Currently we have only had one parent who has shown interest in the school providing its own childcare provision.


Netball resumes after half term for years three, four, five and six and will run until Easter. The cost will be £2.50 per session. If your child is interested in playing netball, they can collect a consent form from the office. There are only 30 places available, so it will be on a first come first serve basis.

Cash/Cheques in School

In order to improve school efficiency and avoid possible confusion, please could any cash or cheques coming into school be sent in with your child in a sealed envelope marked with your child's name, class, amount and reason for the payment. Could I also request that all payments, including dinner money payments, be sent into school on Monday of each week. Thank you for your co-operation.


Well done to Mr Sherwin’s class, Mrs Joseph’s, and Mrs Patton’s class with 98% attendance last week.

Dates for Diaries

Friday 10 th February - End of Term 3
Monday 20th February - INSET (school closed)
Tuesday 21st February - Start of Term 4
Friday 24th February - Y6 Life Skills
Wednesday 29th February - Y4J visit to Bristol Cathedral
Monday 5th March - Bike it Breakfast
Thursday 8th March - Parents Evening
Tuesday 13th March - Parents Evening
Friday 30th March - End of Term 4

Best wishes and have a safe and peaceful holiday.

Matt Condon
The school is open as normal today.

Mr Condon

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Camp 2012

Dear Parents and Carers,

Due to a sickness bug and expected heavy snow, in the Forest of Dean, we have decided that the children and staff on camp will be returning to Bristol this evening.

All children are safe and well cared for, although some have been suffering from a tummy upset. Some of these children are feeling better but are tired. Some children are still poorly and area being cared for.

We have arranged for a coach to collect the children from Parkend at 5pm, and we anticipate that the group will return to school by 6pm.

To avoid the risk of further contamination, we request that all children stay at home tomorrow.


Matt Condon

Friday, 3 February 2012

Dear Parent/Carers,

Main Telephone Line

Apologies - we have been having some problems recently with our main telephone line. If this
ever happens in the future you can also contact us on 0117 3772163. We
apologise for any inconvenience caused.

After School Clubs

Drama and Film Club are cancelled next week, but will resume after half-term.

Clothes for a Cause

Well done to everyone who supported the ‘Clothes for a Cause’ which is a charity dedicated
to raising money and awareness. £92.57
was raised.

Child Care Provision - Childminders

We are compiling a list of registered child minders to pass onto parents and carers. If you are, or
know of, a good registered child minder, please let the school office know

Child Care Provision – before and after school (consultation)

Recently some parents have expressed interest in the school having its own before school and
after school child care arrangements. If the school were able to provide any
such provision it would however be at a cost. If you would be interested in
using any such provision in the future, please contact the school office. We
will then decide, based on the interest, whether it is viable to introduce such
childcare in the future.

Cash/Cheques in School

In order to improve school efficiency and avoid possibleconfusion, please could any cash or cheques coming into school be sent in withyour child in a sealed envelope marked with your child's name, class, amountand reason for the payment. Could I alsorequest that all payments, including dinner money payments, be sent into schoolon Monday of each week. Thank you for your co-operation.

Bristol Met Academy

Bristol Met have organised a Valentine’s Disco exclusively for Years 4 and 5 on Thursday 9th
February, from 4.30-6.30pm. Parents are also invited for refreshments and a tour around the academy (optional). Tickets include a free drink and a snack and
are £1.50 which helps raise money for the Breast Cancer Campaign. If you are interested, tickets are available from the school office.


Well done to Mr Conlon’s class with 99% attendance last week! They will be able to wear non-uniform on
Friday 24th February.

Cake Sale

The PTFA will be holding a cake sale on the last day of term - February 10th. This will have a VALENTINE’S DAY theme, so get the red food colouring out or donations of romantic looking cakes (or Jammie Dodgers!) will be very welcome.

Celebration Assembly

There will not be a celebration assembly next Monday.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 6th February - Camp week for Year 5 and 6
Friday 10th February - PTFA Cake Sale
Friday 10th February - End of Term 3
Monday 20th February - INSET (school closed)

Best wishes

Matt Condon

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Due to technical reasons our main telephone line in not working. If you need to
contact the school please phone us on 0117 3772163. We apologise for any
inconvenience caused.