Friday, 20 April 2012

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back for Term 5. I hope you all had a great Easter Break.

Titanic 100th Anniversary Performance

The special concert took place during the Easter holidays, with the St Joseph's Choir performing as part of a huge performance of 500 people. Well done to Mrs. Marsh and all the children, for again being amazing ambassadors for St. Joseph's! Also thank you to parents for supporting the school choir. The choir children will receive a special certificate next Friday, 27th April, also they will be wearing their special tee shirts.

Shape up for Summer

A brand new fitness class for parents and friends here at St Joseph’s School Hall. ‘Shape Up for Summer’ is a fun and effective class that will get results! Easy to follow aerobic and boxing moves with exercise to tone and shape bums, tums, legs and arms. This class is suitable for beginners too. First class starts on Tuesday 1st May from 6.30-7.30pm for a starting price of just £2.00.

Bring a mat or a towel, a drink and a friend. For more details contact Lucy on 077901716105 or

School Meals Supervisory Assistant

We currently have a vacancy for a School Meals Supervisory Assistant to join the team. The hours are 12.00 noon until 1.30pm each day, Monday to Friday, term time only. This is a temporary position until the end of Term 6. If you are interested and would like further details, please contact the school office. The final deadline for applying for this post is now Wednesday 25th April.

St George’s Day

Rainbows, Beavers, Cubs, Brownies, Scouts and Guides will be wearing their uniform to school on Monday, 23rd April to celebrate St George’s Day.


Again well done to Mrs Bell’s class with 100% attendance! In future, when classes have special non-uniform days because of their brilliant attendance, the dates will be published in the weekly newsletter.

Absence Policy

Another reminder that if your child is unwell and unable to attend school, we ask you to please inform us by telephone or by letter by 9.30am. If a message has not been received we will need to contact the home address to confirm the whereabouts of your child. We cannot take a message from a child ( it has to be from the parent/carer). Messages can be left regarding absences 24 hours a day.

Updated Contacts/Medical Conditions

If your child’s contact details, medical or dietary conditions have changed, could you please let the office know as soon as possible in order for us to update your child’s records.

Dates for Diaries

(other assembly dates to be confirmed, the final Teacher Training Day will be in Term 6 and we will confirm the date as soon as possible)

Thursday 3rd May - Polish Constitution Day Assembly

Friday 4th May - Y2 Class Assembly

Monday 14th May - KS2 SATS Week

Friday 18th May - Y1 Class Assembly

Monday 21st May - Full Governing Body Meeting

Friday 25th May - Y3M Class Assembly

Friday 22nd June - Y5/6 Class Assembly

Best wishes,

Matt Condon
