Friday, 21 December 2012

Dear Parents/Carers,

School Blog

Our School Blog is now 5 years old, so you can look back at 5 years of learning and life at St Joseph’s.

Being Safe

We have been reminding all children that it is important that they do not talk to strangers or other people they might not know well enough. We have also reminded children that if they have to wait for parents/carers to collect them, they need to wait in the school playground. If parents/carers are late then they need to come to the school office.

The children have a great knowledge of how to be safe and we are very proud of how sensible they all are.

Pupil Premium - Free School Meals

The Government is giving money to schools to help children from lower income families do their very best. This funding is called a ‘Pupil Premium’. For every child registered at St Joseph’s, the school gets £619.00 this year. This is expected to significantly increase next year.

With this money we could organise more individual tuition, increase Teaching Assistant support and improve learning opportunities in lots of other ways. If you are registered for Free School Meals you could also get support for school trips and have help with after school clubs.

If you think you might be entitled to free school meals, please contact the school office.


Well done to Mrs Ford’s class with 97%, and Mrs Joseph, Mrs Patton and Mrs Bell’s classes with 96% attendance.

St Joseph’s Christmas Mass Times

Monday 24th December – 6.00pm Children’s Mass

Monday 24th December – 9.00pm Carols and Readings

Monday 24th December – 9.45pm Christmas Mass

Monday 24th December – 11.35pm Syro-Malabar Mass

Tuesday 25th December – Christmas Mass
After School Clubs

After School Clubs will start the second week back (week beginning 14 January 2013):

For Years
Finish Time
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
3 to 6
15 January
Ultimate Frisbee
4 to 6
15 January to 19 March
Gymnastics & Dance
1 to 6
16 January to 20 March
1 to 3
17 January to 21 March


If your child would like to attend any of the After School Clubs, please contact the school office for a Parental Consent Form, which will need to be completed and return prior to the first session. Unfortunately, for safeguarding reasons, children will be unable to join without the school receiving their completed consent form (and full payment if required).

Drama Club – start date to be confirmed. Awaiting confirmation of the theme from Big Foot, watch this space!

Due to the high number of children wishing to attend Gymnastics Club, pupils on the waiting list will be given priority.

Deb Davies – School Business Manager

Date for Diaries

Friday 21st December                     -                       End of Term 2
Monday 7th January                        -                       Start of Term 3
Friday 25th January                          -                       Y6P and Y6B WW2 educational visit
Friday 1st February                           -                       INSET –  (school closed)          
Monday 4th - 8th February               -                       Deanfield Studies Centre visit for Year 5/6
Wednesday 20th February              -                       Life Skills Year 6 visit

Can I take this opportunity to thank all of you for your help and support this year.

 We wish you all a peaceful and happy Christmas and we will see you all on Monday 7th January.

Matt Condon


Friday, 14 December 2012

Dear Parents/Carers,

Community Carols Around the Tree

You are all invited to our ‘Community Carols Around the Tree’ on Thursday 20th December 3.40-4.40pm, followed by mince pies, tea and coffee provided by the PTFA.

Nativity Play

Foundation and KS1 will be performing their Nativity Play on Monday 17th December at 2.00pm and Tuesday 18th December at 9.45am.

National Test Results

These were published yesterday for all primary schools. The results show that St. Joseph’s has performed very well in all areas - especially in ‘value added’, which shows pupil progress, where the school is in the top 15 out of 92 across the city. Well done to everybody for your on-going success.

Parking in the Local Area

Can I please ask all parents and carers to be considerate towards residents who live in the local area when they drive and park their vehicles. It can obviously be very frustrating to local residents when then are unable to access driveways or if the road is blocked by cars dropping off children. Can I also remind everybody that dropping children off in the middle of the road is also very dangerous.

Deanfield Study Centre

The next instalment of £30.00 for Deanfield is now due and the remainder (£25.00) is due on the 7th January.


Well done to Mrs Ford’s Class with 99% attendance last week who will get a special non uniform day as a reward. Also, well done to Miss Holman’s class with 98% attendance. Overall attendance this year has been lower than last year, so let’s look forward to even better attendance in 2013!

100% Attendance for Terms 1 and 2

A big well done to all the children who achieved 100% attendance for terms 1 and 2:-

Alexander, Benjamin, Summer, Laura, Darrell, Janice, Evie, Saul, James, Ellie, Harrison, Lachontay, Al-Janat, Catalina, Evelyn, Alana, Joshua, Kai, Oliver, Marlen, Micah, Abbey, Daniel, Alfie, Sydney-Kay, Alfie, Charlie, Amy, Dashana, Ashley, Hannah, Olivia, Madeleine, Marco, Alisha, Ceris, Oliver, Jeleil, Rosemary, Mathews, Jackson, Samuel, Isabel, Jeswin, Rian, Ty, Nadia, Emily, Adedire, Maciej, Michal, Martyna, Patrycia, Bethany, Anna, Irene, Charles, Austin, Josmi, Edwin, Godwin, Anique, Jesselyn, Joel, Zahra, Lena, Lionel, Jordan, Dean, Jake, Jaimie, Jessica, Joel, Aleena, Allen David, Vanessa, Hector, Pawel and Liam.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 17th December at 9.10am, where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s Awards:   Olly Wiercioch-Giles, Ollie Louch, Isobel Nurse, Javier Graham, Poppy Kelliher-Swash, Talia Scott and Thomas Jaworski.

These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards:  Anna Raju, Jerin Mathew, Wiktoria Pawlaszczyk,  Reuben Reji, Ruby Walsh and Rebecca Davies.

Date for Diaries

Monday 17th December                -                       Infant Nativity – 2.00pm
Tuesday 18th December                 -                       Infant Nativity – 9.45am
Wednesday 19th December          -                       Carol Service – 2.00pm
Thursday 20th December                -                       Carols around the Tree – 3.30pm
Friday 21st December                     -                       Christmas Mass (at 9.30am in the school hall)
Friday 21st December                     -                       End of Term 2
Monday 7th January                       -                       Start of Term 3
Friday 25th January                          -                       Y6P and Y6B Swindon
Friday 1st February                           -                       INSET – assessment (school closed)          
Monday 4th-8th February                 -                       Deanfield Studies Centre visit for Year 5/6 
Wednesday 20th February              -                       Life Skills Year 6 visit




Best wishes,




Matt Condon


Friday, 7 December 2012

Dear Parent/Carer,

A reminder that the school is closed this Monday for an INSET day (maths focus).

Website and Online Newsletter

Just a reminder that the school Blog (online diary) and the weekly newsletter are available via the school website (the address is on the letterhead). If you no longer want to receive a paper copy, please let the school office know.

We also have topic plans for all classes and important school information available online. Please click on the links on the right hand side of the main school blog to find this information.

Choir Performing at Cabot Circus

The choir will be singing at Cabot Circus on Wednesday 12th December for Ronald Macdonald House. This is an independent charity which provides home from home accommodation for families of critically ill children.

Community Carols Around the Tree

You are all invited to our ‘Community Carols Around the Tree’ on Thursday 20th December 3.40-4.40pm, followed by mince pies provided by the PTFA.

Nativity Play

Foundation and KS1 will be performing their Nativity Play on Monday 17th December, at 2.00pm and Tuesday 18th December at 9.45am.

Infant Christmas Film Night

This Christmas, the PTFA are staging a special infant Christmas film night for years YR - Y2, on Tuesday December 11th, from 3.30pm - 5.30pm. It will be a U certificate Christmas film and there will be an interval half way through for drinks and snacks. Tickets will cost £2.00 and will also include a non-uniform day on the Tuesday (for infants only). Look out for the form in book bags next week.

Junior Christmas Disco

We are having a Christmas disco for years Y3-Y6 on Friday 14th December at 3.30 - 5pm.  You can pick your own playlist and there will be a tuck shop. This also includes a non-uniform day on the Friday (for juniors only). Tickets cost £3.00, so look out for the form in book bags next week.

Deanfield Study Centre

The next instalment of £30.00 for Deanfield is now due and the remainder (£25.00) is due on the 7th January.


Well done to Mr Conlon’s class with 98% attendance last week, and also Miss Holman’s class with 97% attendance.

Disappointingly overall attendance since September has not been as good as last year, although can I thank all the children who have 100% attendance (or nearly 100%) so far this year.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Tuesday 11th December at 9.10am, where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s Awards:  Rochelle Christian, Will Scammell, Wiktoria Pawlaszczyk ,Pawel Wisniewski and Luke Briones.

These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards: Isobel Nurse, Allen Vincent, Melani Biju, Joshua Bristow, Sydney-Kay Haberfield, Dean Turner and Rachel Butcher 

Date for Diaries

Monday 10th December                -                       INSET day – maths focus (school closed)
Wednesday 12th December          -                       Choir at Cabot Circus
Monday 17th December                -                       Infant Nativity – 2.00pm
Tuesday 18th December                 -                       Infant Nativity – 9.45am
Wednesday 19th December          -                       Carol Service – 2.00pm
Thursday 20th December                -                       Carols around the Tree – 3.30pm
Friday 21st December                      -                       Christmas Mass (at 9.30am in the church)
Friday 21st December                      -                       End of Term 2
Monday 7th January                       -                       Start of Term 3
Friday 25th January                          -                       Y6P and Y6B Swindon         
Monday 4th-8th February                -                       Deanfield Studies Centre visit for Year 5/6
Wednesday 20th February              -                       Life Skills Year 6 visit

Best wishes,

Matt Condon