Friday, 26 April 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

Past Pupil Success

A big well done to Julia Lewkowicz, who now attends St. Bernadette Catholic Secondary School. Julia is one of two children who is to be awarded the very first Bristol Prize presented by Bristol University. The prize is given to Year 8 students who have contributed significantly academically or in another field. We will share more details when she is presented with this award.

Parish May Procession

You are all welcome to join this special procession which is in honour of our blessed Mother Mary and the whole month of May, which is dedicated to her. It takes place on the 5th of May after the 10am mass. Children will be singing during the procession and after the procession in the Church. There will be a shared lunch in the Church hall and all children, friends and family are very welcome.

Lost Property

Our lost property box, which is situated in the porch at the front entrance, is beginning to overflow. It is full of jumpers, coats, fleeces etc. If you are missing any items please come and check the box, as it will be emptied by the end of next week. All items will be sent to a charity shop or recycled.


Attendance last week was outstanding with Mrs Pattton’s class having 100%, Mrs Bell’s class with 99%, Miss Phillips  and Mrs Ford’s class with 98% and Miss Holman’s class with 97% attendance. Mrs Patton and Mrs Bell’s classes will be able to wear non-uniform (a date to be confirmed). Well done to everybody for imaproved attendance.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 29th April, where the following children will receive their headteacher award:   Rebecca Davies, Nadia Naibet, Maria Benny, Cheyenne Duffy, Al-Janat Bashourn, Alisha Latif, Jessica Vadhyanath, Chinnu James and Ridah Caudhry.

Dates for Diaries

Friday 3rd May                                               -           Year 2 Class Assembly
Sunday 5th May                                            -           Parish May Procession
Tuesday 7th May                                          -           Governors Resources Committee meeting
Thursday 9th May                                         -           Ascension Mass (9.30am in the school hall)
Monday 13th May                                       -           KS2 SATs week
Tuesday 21st May                                         -           Reception trip to Bristol Zoo
Wednesday 22nd May                               -           Full Governing Body Meeting
Wednesday 22nd May                                 -           Y4 trip to the Red Lodge    
Thursday 23rd May                                        -           End of Term 5
Friday 24th May                                             -           INSET DAY (writing focus)
Monday 3rd June                                         -           Start of term 5
Monday 10th June                                       -           Book Week
Tuesday 11th June                                        -           Class photographs
Thursday 13th June                                       -           Y1 and Y2 trip to Avon Valley
Thursday 13th June                                       -           Y6 Bristol Cathedral – Moving On Day
Tuesday 18th June                                        -           Leavers Mass at Clifton Cathedral


Best wishes

Matt Condon




Friday, 19 April 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

Parish May Procession

You are all welcome to join this special procession which is in honour of our blessed Mother Mary and the whole month of May, which is dedicated to her. It takes place on the 5th of May after the 10am mass. Children will be singing during the procession and after the procession in the Church. There will be a shared lunch in the Church hall and all children, friends and family are very welcome.

St George’s Day

Rainbows, Beavers, Cubs, Brownies, Scouts and Guides can wear their uniform to school on Tuesday 23rd April to celebrate St George’s Day.  Also there will be a special menu of  sausage and mash.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 22nd April, where the following children will receive their headteacher award:  . Josmi Saji, Harvey Hill, Ruby Walsh, James Ayton-Lambourne, Jeleil Manmahon and Emily Nurse.

Helping in School

If you are available to help on a regular basis in any way, please let the school office know.

Also, we would love to hear from any parents who have got specific skills or talents and would like to lead an after school activity. Again, let the school office know or come and see me in the playground.

Caretaker of the Year

We are nominating our Caretaker, Nick Buck, for the Annual Bristol Caretaker of the Year award, to be presented in June.  You can strengthen our chances of recognising our fantastic Caretaker by going online and voting here: 

Dates for Diaries

Friday 3rd May                                             -            Year 2 Class Assembly
Sunday 5th May                                            -           Parish May Procession
Tuesday 7th May                                          -           Governors Resources Committee meeting
Thursday 9th May                                         -           Ascension Mass (9.30am in the school hall)
Monday 13th May                                       -           KS2 SATs week
Wednesday 22nd May                                -           Full Governing Body Meeting
Thursday 23rd May                                        -           End of Term 5
Friday 24th May                                             -           INSET DAY (writing focus)
Monday 10th June                                        -           Book Week
Thursday 13th June                                       -           Class photographs
Monday 3rd June                                          -           Start of term 5


Best wishes

Matt Condon




Sunday, 14 April 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

Year 6 SATs parents information evening

Last night’s session information session was a great success. A big thank you to Mrs Patton and Mrs Bell for organising the meeting and to all the parents who attended.

Helping in School

Recently I had a conversation with parents who were keen to support the school by being available to support classes walking to the school field during the summer months. If you are available to help on a regular basis please let the school office know.

Also, we would love to hear from any parents who have got specific skills or talents and would like to lead an after school activity. Again let the school office know or come and see me in the playground.

School Meals

We now have a new salad bar in the kitchen which the children are really enjoying.

After School Clubs – Athletics and Cricket

There are still places available for Athletics and Cricket, years 1 to 6. Athletics will run on a Wednesday and cricket will run on a Thursday.

If your child is interested, please contact the school office for a Parental Consent Form, which will need to be completed and returned with money prior to the first session. Unfortunately, for safeguarding reasons, children will be unable to join without the school receiving their completed consent form.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday, where the following children will receive their headteacher award:  Amber Walton,  Harrison Bains-Doyle, Salvatore La Porta, Saul Ayton, Stephanie Williams and Catalina Bodnarescu.

The following children will be receiving sports awards:

Hector Whitaker, Marlen Fernando, Charlotte Petrie, Nile Thomas, Oscar Johannson, Jennifer Eubebeagu, Melanie Lyon, Emily Webb, Samuel Masenyama, Anisa Rasul, Natalia  Franczak, Olivia Woodruff, Kealen Westlake and Harrison Hershbein.


Mrs Bell’s class will be able to wear non-uniform next Friday 19th April for achieving 100% attendance before Easter.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 13th May                                       -           KS2 SATs week
Thursday 23rd May                                        -           End of Term 5
Friday 24th May                                             -           INSET DAY (writing focus)


Best wishes

Matt Condon