Friday, 24 October 2014

Dear Parents/Carers,

Infant (Rec – Y2) Christmas Disco

A flyer for this festive event will be sent home today. A big thank you to the parents who are organising it.

After School Clubs - Mandarin and Textiles

Mandarin classes will not resume after half-term, due to family commitments.  We hope this club resumes in April 2015.
Textiles club will run on a bi-termly basis this year. This means that textiles club will now break until after Christmas.
Can I take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Johnson and Ms. O’Connor for their commitment and expertise running these great clubs.

After School Clubs and our Extended School Club

Last year we had requests for children to be supervised between school clubs (i.e. When a club finishes earlier than another). To help parents we can offer a place at the extended school club for these short periods at a cost of £1.50. Like the usual Extended School Club all places must be booked in advance using the form available in the school office.
Attendance for After School Clubs

We have had a number of children who are attending after school clubs on a sporadic basis. For these opportunities to be effective we do need commitment from children. If children miss more than 2 sessions without good reason, parents will be contacted to discuss ending their participation.

Updated Email Addresses

If your email address has changed, could you please let the office know? Also, if your address, telephone or mobile number has changed, please let the office know in case of emergencies.

Morrison’s ‘Let’s grow’ Gardening Vouchers

Morrison’s will be giving out Let’s Grow Gardening Vouchers until 26th October 2013.  The School Gardening Club depends on these vouchers which they exchange for seeds, equipment and compost.  If you are not offered the vouchers at the checkout, please ask for them and send them into school as soon as possible.  There is a collection box in the reception area of the school.  Thank you for your continued support.

PE and PE Kits

Can I take this opportunity to remind all parents and carers about the school PE Kit.
(PE kit should be in school all week).

•    PE kit should be complete and labelled – plain white t- shirt, navy shorts, daps and/or trainers for outdoor PE.
•    If the incorrect PE kit is taken home accidentally – please send it back immediately. We have too many kits that are going missing!
•    If due to medical reasons your child is unable to do PE, you need to send a note to your child's class teacher. Please ensure the letter includes details of how long your child is unable to do PE for.

Term 1s Good Attendance and Punctuality Presentation

This will be held after the holiday on Wednesday 5th November. Children with 100% attendance will be given 2 tickets; one to take home so that parents know they have a non-uniform day on Wednesday 5th November and one to be kept in school for the draw during Wednesday’s Assembly. All parents and carers are invited to this assembly.

This term, children who have 100% attendance but have attended 1 medical appointment taking up no more than ½ a day, will also be included.

Because punctuality this year is still disappointing, when entering children into the draws, we will be entering all children with 100% attendance and no more than 2 late arrivals to school.


Well done to Reception and Y5 with 98% attendance last week.

Overall can I thank you all for supporting us in improving attendance. This term we have had the best term 1 attendance ever!

Dates for Diaries

Monday 3rd November                                         -          Start of Term 2
Wednesday 5th November                                  -           Special attendance assembly
Thursday 6th November                                         -          Y1 Playspace visit
Thursday 13th November                                       -          Y2 Playspace visit
Monday 24th November                                         -           Book fair week (any help appreciated!)
Thursday 11th December                                       -           Infant Nativity – 2.30pm
Friday 12th December                                            -           Infant Nativity – 9.30am
Thursday 18th December                                        -           Infant Christmas Disco
Friday 19th December                                            -           End of Term 2
Monday 5th January                                               -           Start of Term 3
Monday 2nd February                                            -           Staff training day (school closed)
Friday 17th July                                                         -           End of school year

Have a great half term holiday.

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon


Friday, 17 October 2014

Dear Parents/Carers,

Reception Story Telling

The Reception children will be performing The Little Red Hen in our Celebration Assembly on Monday 20th October.  Parents are invited to come and watch.

The Infants' Nativity will be on Thursday 11th December at 2.30pm and Friday 12th December at 9.30am.

Charity Fundraising by Year 6

On Thursday 25th September our Year 6 class raised money for Macmillan Cancer Trust.  We held a coffee morning in the school hall and in the afternoon provided a variety of games.

Raising money for Macmillan was fun as well as learning about their work.  This money does not only go to people who have cancer but also to the people and families who have known someone with cancer and they help and support them.

During the coffee morning we made our own delicious cakes and crispy cookies with fantastic tea and coffee.  The coffee morning itself raised over £100!

All you could hear was children laughing and having fun during the afternoon.  Through the chaos in the afternoon we had a variety of games like: blow the ball; pick a stick; nail salon, and much more.  During the busy afternoon some children quoted that it was the best year 6 fundraising ever!

We think the money raised for Macmillan Cancer Trust is a phenomenal amount and well deserved.  We raised £500 WOW!

A massive WOW! Im  so proud of you all.  Thank you for helping to make the fundraising day so successful.

Written by Aleena

March on Cancer report by pupils in Year 4

Last Saturday we did a march for Stand up to Cancer.                                                                    
We started by the amphitheater in the Millennium Square.  We marched past the harbourside and the old train lines, Zaza Bazar and the lovely water fountains.  We have made over £150.00 at the moment, but we are still collecting.

We watched some videos of people who had cancer, it was heartbreaking.

Written by Cheyenne, Jackson and Fletcher in Year 4.

Updated Email Addresses
If your email address has changed, could you please let the office know? Also, if your address, telephone or mobile number has changed, please let the office know in case of emergencies.

Morrisons Lets grow Gardening Vouchers

Morrisons will be giving out Lets Grow Gardening Vouchers until 26th October 2013.  The School Gardening Club depends on these vouchers which they exchange for seeds, equipment and compost.  If you are not offered the vouchers at the checkout, please ask for them and send them into school as soon as possible.  There is a collection box in the reception area of the school.  Thank you for your continued support.

End of Term Cake Sale and Free Tea, Coffee and cakes (for parents and carers)

We will be having our termly fundraising cake sale in a few weeks. These are an easy and popular way of bringing parents together, raising some funds for the school and buying some delicious cakes.

We would welcome any parents who are willing to come in for half an hour to help run the sale. Last year's sales were a real success so please let the office know if you can help. We plan on holding our next cake sale on Friday 24th October at 3.30pm in the school hall. This is the same day as our free tea/coffee and cake afternoon at 2.45pm, so parents could come in for a chat and a drink first.


Well done to Y2 for their 100% attendance for the week beginning 29th September.  Also to Y3 and Y5 with who had 99% during that week.

Well done to Reception who had 99% attendance last week. Y2 and Y6 had very good attendance with 98%.

All classes with 99% or 100% attendance will get a special non-uniform day on Friday 24th October.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 20th October, where the following children will receive their Headteacher's Award:  Liam (Y3), Haris (Y3), Fletcher (Y1), Joel (Y6), Amber (Y4), Cheyenne (Y4), Josh M (Y4), Caspar (Y2), Ellie (Y5), Natasha (Y5), Daniel (Y6) and Shaan (Y6).

Super Stars:- Clara (Y1). Bogdan (Y1), Anns (Y1),Charlie (Y1), Darrell (Y2), (Sammie (Y2), Chloe (Y3), Lorenzo (Y3), Josh (Y4), Pawal (Y4), Beatrice (Y5), Lena (Y5), Taychon (Y6), Josh (Y6), Summer (Y6), Marco (Y3)  Eva (Y1), Alfie (Y5), Janice (Y2) and Jacks (Y1),

Dates for Diaries

Wednesday 22nd October                                             -           Parents Evening
Thursday 23rd October                                                    -           Parents Evening
Friday 24th October                                                         -           Cake Sale and Tea and Coffee
Friday 24th October                                                         -           End of Term 1
Monday 3rd November                                                   -           Start of Term 2
Thursday 6th November                                                  -           Y1 Playspace visit
Thursday 13th November                                               -           Y2 Playspace visit
Thursday 11th December                                               -           Infant Nativity 2.30pm
Friday 12th December                                                     -           Infant Nativity 9.30am
Friday 19th December                                                     -           End of Term 2
Monday 5th January                                                        -           Start of Term 3
Monday 2nd February                                                     -           Staff training day (school closed)
Friday 17th July                                                                   -           End of school year

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon


Thursday, 2 October 2014

Dear Parents/Carers,

A reminder that the school is closed tomorrow (3rd October) for another staff training day.

Text to Parents

Please let the office know if you would like text messages sent to additional mobile phone numbers.

Sponsored Bike Rides

On behalf of myself and Angus Wallace a big thank you for the £250 raised for St. Peter's Hospice. St Peters Hospice is a Bristol charity caring for adults with life-limiting illnesses. They aim to improve the quality of their living and dying while extending care and support to their families and loved ones.

End of Term Cake Sale and Free Tea, Coffee and cakes (for parents and carers)

We will be having our termly fundraising cake sale in a few weeks. These are an easy and popular way of bringing parents together, raising some funds for the school and buying some delicious cakes.

We would welcome any parents who are willing to come in for half an hour to help run the sale. Last year's sales were a real success so please let the office know if you can help. We plan on holding our next cake sale on Friday 24th October at 3.30pm in the school hall. This is the same day as our free tea/coffee and cake afternoon at 2.45pm, so parents could come in for a chat and a drink first.

School Harvest Festival Collection for Foodbank

We will be supporting Foodbank again this year. More details coming soon.

69th Scout Group (St Josephs)

The Cubs and Scouts sections have places available.

·         Cubs is for children aged 8-10.5 years.
·         Scouts is for children aged 10.5-14 years.

We meet on Tuesdays in the Parish Hall.  Cubs 6.00pm-7.30pm. Scouts 7.30pm-9.00pm. If your children would like to join please contact Wendy or Marek Petela on 0117 9606378.

Attendance Requesting Leave of Absence

This was a big problem for us last year with too many parents requesting leave out of term time.

This has improved already this year and I would like to thank parents for supporting us by not choosing to take your children out of school. It makes a big difference to their learning.


Apologies for the non-uniform mix up this week and thank you to the parent that pointed it out. Non-uniform for classes mentioned in last weeks newsletter will have a non-uniform this Monday.

This week well done to Years 1 and Year 4 with an amazing 100% attendance last week.  Reception, Year 5 and Year 6 had a great 99% attendance. These classes will have a special non-uniform day on Friday 10th October.

Prospective Parents Tours

There will be tours for prospective parents for September 2015. The dates are:

       Wednesday 8th October at 10am
     Thursday 16th October at 2pm

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly this Monday, where the following children will receive their Headteacher's Award:  Nile (Y6) Emily (Y4), Hector (Y2), Jessica (Y2), Franek (Y1), Michal O (Y5) and Keanna (Y3).

Dates for Diaries

Friday 3rd October                                                   -           Staff training day (school closed)
Wednesday 8th October                                       -           Prospective parents visit at 10am
Wednesday 8th October                                        -           Y4  Cabot Circus and Museum
Thursday 16th October                                           -           Prospective parents visit at 2pm
Thursday 16th October                                            -           Y2 Westonbirt visit
Thursday 16th October                                            -           Choir Colston Hall   
Wednesday 22nd October                                     -           Parents Evening
Thursday 23rd October                                            -           Parents Evening
Friday 24th October                                             -           Cake Sale and Tea and Coffee
Friday 24th October                                             -           End of Term 1
Monday 3rd November                                          -           Start of Term 2
Thursday 6th November                                          -           Y1 Playspace visit
Thursday 13th November                                        -           Y2 Playspace visit
Friday 19th December                                             -           End of Term 2
Monday 5th January                                                -           Start of Term 3
Monday 2nd February                                             -           Staff training day (school closed)
Friday 17th July                                                          -           End of school year
Monday 20th July                                                     -           Staff training day (school closed)

Best wishes

Matt Condon
