Friday, 22 May 2015

Dear Parents/Carers,

Mr Condon returning
With this newsletter is a letter from Mr Condon regarding his return to school after the half term holiday.  Our thanks go to parents, staff and children for helping to keep the school running smoothly over the last few months. 
New Schoolgateway – online credit and debit card paymentsAll parents and carers have received a letter this week with information about our new online payment system ‘Schoolgateway’. You can now make online payments for school dinners using the ‘Schoolgateway’ smartphone app or website.  We hope this will be a faster and easier way for you to pay for school items. If you are having trouble logging on this is because we don’t have your current email address or mobile phone number on record. So if you have any problems using this system please contact the school office who will be happy to help you get setup on ‘Schoolgateway’.
Just a reminder that the school will be closed to pupils on Friday 19th June for staff training.

Half Term Soccer School
Bristol Inner City's May Half Term development & Goal Keeper camp being held at City Academy School on 28th & 29th May 2015. The event is for ages U6-U11.  For further information visit their website at:


 Saturday June 20th at 12.00pm.

Come and enjoy an authentic 
Spanish Lunch with Flamenco Dancers 
all for a good cause. 

For more information, please ask at the school office.  

Governor Vacancies
Vacancies have arisen for a Foundation Governor.  For further information please contact Fr Paul or our school secretary with your name and contact number and a governor will get back to you.

For security reasons, when children arrive late, we are unable to allow parents to escort their children to their classrooms. Children are perfectly capable of walking to classrooms by themselves.

School Dinners
On Wednesday this week, several children were very worried about what was being offered for their lunch and opted for the vegetarian lunch instead.  Due to a mispronunciation when reading the menu, roast loin became roast lion!  Please rest assured that no lion entered the building – the cook says she would never be able to fit one into the oven anyway!

Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 20th May                      -           Class Photographs
Friday 22nd May                               -           Pentecost Mass in School Hall
Monday 1st June                              -           Start of Term 6
Thursday 4th June                            -           Y1 Outdoor Experience
Wednesday 10th June                     -          Y6 Moving On Day at Bristol Cathedral
Thursday 11th June                          -           Y2 Outdoor experience Savernake Forest                    
Thursday 18th June                          -           Year 6 Leavers’ Mass in Clifton Cathedral (PM)
Friday 19th June                               -           SCHOOL CLOSED – In-service training
Wednesday 24th June                    -           Y5 – St Brendan’s Sports Day
Thursday 25th June                          -           Y3 Outdoor experience Mendips
Sunday 28th June                             -           First Holy Communion in Church
Tuesday 30th June                           -           Y6 retreat – St Brendan’s
Wednesday 1st July                          -           meeting for Year 5 parents (going into Year 6)3.30pm
      -           New Parents’ Evening 6pm
Thursday 2nd July                             -           Y4 Outdoor experience Kenfig
      -           Education mass at Clifton Cathedral 7pm
Friday 3rd July                                    -           Celebration for Feast of St Thomas
      -           Choir concert (eve) – rehearsal in afternoon
Wednesday 8th July                        -           SPORTS DAY
Thursday 9th July                              -           Y5 Outdoor experience Malverns
Friday 10th July                                  -           Y6 Elite sports event with local cluster
Tuesday 14th July                              -           Y6 performance to parents 7pm
Friday 17th July                                 -           End of school year

We wish you a happy and restful half term and look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday June 1st.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C Joseph

Joint Acting Head Teacher
Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you have all had a really good spring term and that that the children (at least!) are looking forward to a well-deserved break next week.

The last few months have been an interesting challenge for all at St Joseph’s. Whilst I have been seconded to Holy Cross for three days a week, the school has had to adapt to a different model of leadership which has affected everybody. It has made me immensely proud of how well and (seemingly!) effortlessly the whole team has risen to the challenge, creating an even stronger school for our children.

I would like to thank all staff for their hard work, thank the school governors for their support and thank you as parents and carers for trusting us. This thank you is also on behalf of the Holy Cross community, who greatly appreciate the support we have given them.

I would especially like to thank Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. Bell who have guided the school brilliantly as Acting Headteachers during this time.

After the break I will be visiting Holy Cross each week for at the most a day, to continue some support. On every other level it’s back to business as usual at St Joseph's.

Have a lovely holiday!

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon

Friday, 15 May 2015

Dear Parents/Carers,

Key Stage One and Two SATs
Well done to all the children in Year Six and Year Two who were sitting their SATs tests this week.  We are very proud of how focused and hard-working they were.  I am sure they have all done well.

Chaplaincy Team
Thanks go to the Chaplaincy Team, three of whom (Aleena, Ashley and Daniel) led a reflection and presented their work to the Governors at the meeting last night.  The governors were extremely impressed with their maturity and confidence.

After School Clubs
There have been several times over the last few weeks when children have been collected late following after school clubs.  Choir finishes at 4.30pm.  All other clubs finish at 4.45pm.  Please note that if parents regularly come late then their children will not be allowed to take part in the clubs.

Italian Club
We plan on starting an after school Italian Club in the new school year. This will be a weekly club led by Mrs Searle, who is an experienced Italian language teacher. There will be a charge for the club to cover costs.

Before we plan the club we would like to know how many parents are interested. If you would like your child to start Italian Club in September, please contact the school office next week.

Bristol Schools Annual Championship Gala
The Bristol Schools Swimming Association Annual Gala took place recently where pupils from St Joseph’s took part.  The following awards were given to Emily (Y6) who came 2nd in the Primary Girls’ 50m Breaststroke, and 3rd in the Primary Girls’ Individual Medley.  St Joseph’s also came 2nd in the Small Schools Medley team.  Well done to all of them.

Governor Vacancies
Vacancies have arisen for a Foundation Governor.  For further information please contact Fr Paul or our school secretary with your name and contact number and a governor will get back to you.

For security reasons, when children arrive late, we are unable to allow parents to escort their children to their classrooms. Children are perfectly capable of walking to classrooms by themselves.

Well done to the following classes with their attendance last week:

·         Y1, Y3 with 99% attendance
·         Y4 with 98% attendance.

Parish May Procession
The procession will take place at the end of 10.00am Holy Mass on Sunday 17th May. We will need help to carry the statue of our Blessed Lady Mary. If you are interested please see Matthew Martin after Mass on Sunday (or contact  0117 9566101) and give him your details.

Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly next Monday 18th May, where the following children will receive their headteachers award: Ben (Y1), Harrison (Y3), Nathan (Y4), Irene (Y5), Jake (Y6), Joel (Y6), Taychon (Y6)

Sports Stars:  Betty (R) Owen (Y5), Salvatore (Y5), Philip (Y2), Talia (Y6), Anns (Y1), Soraya (Y5|), Jan (Y3), Jayden (R), Alena (R), Maeya (Y1), Joel (Y6), Marco (Y3), Wiktoria (Y4), Naomi (Y2) and Jeremy (Y2)

Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 20th May                      -           Class Photographs
Friday 22nd May                               -           Pentecost Mass in School Hall
Monday 1st June                              -           Start of Term 6
Thursday 4th June                            -           Y1 Outdoor Experience
Wednesday 10th June                     -          Y6 Moving On Day at Bristol Cathedral
Thursday 11th June                          -           Y2 Outdoor experience Savernake Forest                    
Thursday 18th June                          -           Year 6 Leavers’ Mass in Clifton Cathedral (PM)
Friday 19th June                               -           SCHOOL CLOSED – In-service training
Wednesday 24th June                    -           Y5 – St Brendan’s Sports Day
Thursday 25th June                          -           Y3 Outdoor experience Mendips
Sunday 28th June                             -           First Holy Communion in Church
Tuesday 30th June                           -           Y6 retreat – St Brendan’s
Wednesday 1st July                          -           meeting for Year 5 parents 
      -           New Parents’ Evening 6pm
Thursday 2nd July                             -           Y4 Outdoor experience Kenfig
      -           Education mass at Clifton Cathedral 7pm
Friday 3rd July                                    -           Celebration for Feast of St Thomas
      -           Choir concert (eve) – rehearsal in afternoon
Wednesday 8th July                        -           SPORTS DAY
Thursday 9th July                              -           Y5 Outdoor experience Malverns
Friday 10th July                                  -           Y6 Elite sports event with local cluster
Tuesday 14th July                              -           Y6 performance to parents 7pm
Friday 17th July                                 -           End of school year

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C Joseph
Joint Acting Head Teacher

Friday, 8 May 2015

Dear Parents/Carers,

Key Stage One and Two SATs
There is no celebration assembly this coming Monday due to KS2 and KS1 SATs taking place.  The children in Year Two and Year Six have been working very hard and we wish them all the best.  Please keep them in your prayers.

Marie Curie
A fantastic well done to Year 1 and Year 2 who raised a total of £453.73 for the Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Parish May Procession
The procession will take place at the end of 10.00am Holy Mass on Sunday 17th May. We will need help to carry the statue of our Blessed Lady Mary. If you are interested please see Matthew Martin after Mass on Sunday (or contact  0117 9566101) and give him your details.

St Joseph’s Pre-School 40TH Birthday Celebrations!
To celebrate its 40th Birthday, the Pre-school are having a Fabulous Family Funday on Saturday 9th May from 2pm to 5pm. Featuring bouncy castles, face painting, a shopping hall, games and raffle and including visits from Elsa and Spiderman!! Plus Tae Kwando and Dancing displays! Entry 50p adults, children free. See posters/fliers at the back of church for more info. This will be followed by a Reunion for all past and present staff, volunteers and committee members from 6pm till 8.30pm to include Cream Tea and cakes! Please pass the message around anyone you may know who has been involved with the Pre-school over the last 40 years!!

Staff changes
It is with sadness that I report that Mrs Gilvear, our sports coach, will be leaving us at the end of this term to take up a new position elsewhere.  We wish her all the best for the future.  Our new sports coach, Mr Tom Dawes, will be taking over from 1st June.

There seems to be an increasing number of pupils who are coming to school late. If lateness becomes persistent your child will miss a significant amount of teaching time. Continued lateness causes disruption to the class teacher and the other pupils who are already engaged in the first lesson of the day. Similarly, there are many pupils who are being collected late at the end of the day.  The school day finishes at 3.30pm. 

For security reasons, when children arrive late, we are unable to allow parents to escort their children to their classrooms. Children are perfectly capable of walking to classrooms by themselves.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 11th May                            -           Start of Key Stage 2 SATS Week
Friday 22nd May                               -           Pentecost Mass in School Hall
Thursday 4th June                            -           Y1 Outdoor Experience
Wednesday 10th June                     -          Y6 Moving On Day at Bristol Cathedral
Thursday 11th June                          -           Y2 Outdoor experience Savernake Forest                    
Thursday 18th June                          -           Year 6 Leavers’ Mass in Clifton Cathedral (PM)
Friday 19th June                               -           SCHOOL CLOSED – In-service training
Wednesday 24th June                    -           Y5 – St Brendan’s Sports Day
Thursday 25th June                          -           Y3 Outdoor experience Mendips
Sunday 28th June                             -           First Holy Communion in Church
Tuesday 30th June                           -           Y6 retreat – St Brendan’s
Wednesday 1st July                          -           meeting for Year 5 parents (going into Year
      -           New Parents’ Evening 6pm
Thursday 2nd July                             -           Y4 Outdoor experience Kenfig
      -           Education mass at Clifton Cathedral 7pm
Friday 3rd July                                    -           Celebration for Feast of St Thomas
      -           Choir concert (eve) – rehearsal in afternoon
Wednesday 8th July                        -           SPORTS DAY
Thursday 9th July                              -           Y5 Outdoor experience Malverns
Friday 10th July                                  -           Y6 Elite sports event with local cluster
Tuesday 14th July                              -           Y6 performance to parents 7pm
Friday 17th July                                 -           End of school year

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C Joseph
Joint Acting Head Teacher

Friday, 1 May 2015

Dear Parent/Carer,

Nepal Earthquake Appeal
Thanks to your generosity this morning, we are able to send off £158 to the help the victims of the earthquake in Nepal.

Downs Syndrome International
Congratulations to Mr Turvey for completing the London Marathon on Sunday on behalf of Downs Syndrome International.   Year Three are at present working overtime cooking up scones and doing other activities, plus two girls from Year 6 (Natalia and Summer) did a sponsored walk yesterday evening in aid of this charity.  We will let you know how much has been raised in due course.

Reading at Home
Reading is the most important homework that parents can do with primary school children.

It is most important that children recognise that their parents take an interest in and value the reading experience. Remember, your child's education is a partnership between home and school.

We hope that all parents will enthusiastically encourage their children to read at home by sharing a book with them. For younger children please use their reading records to show they are reading at home.

School 5 Minute Walk Zones
Five Minute Walk Zones aim to encourage children and families to walk for at least part of their journey to and from school.  They increase opportunities for healthy exercise, reduce traffic and congestion around the school gate and improve the local environment for the whole community.

Steps to creating your Five Minute Walk zone is available on the School Travel facts website:

Our final INSET day this year will be on Friday 19th June.  Please note that the school will be closed to children on this day.

Celebration Assembly 
There will be a celebration assembly on Tuesday 5th May at 9.10am. Where the following children will receive their  headteachers award:  Lyra (Y1), Ashley (Y6), Claudia (Y5), Shaun (Rec)

Sports Award:  Java (Y3), Yanek (R), Eva (Y1), Teia (Y1), Jesselyn (Y2), Harrison (Y5), Ollie (Y4), Poppy (Y6) and Martyna (Y6).

Dates for Diaries

Monday 4th May                              -           BANK HOLIDAY – SCHOOL CLOSED
Monday 11th May                            -           Start of Key Stage 2 SATS Week
Friday 22nd May                               -           Pentecost Mass in School Hall
Thursday 4th June                            -           Y1 Outdoor Experience
Wednesday 10th June                     -           Y6 Moving On Day at Bristol Cathedral
Thursday 11th June                          -           Y2 Outdoor experience Savernake Forest                    
Thursday 11th June                          -           Class Photographs
Thursday 18th June                           -           Year 6 Leavers’ Mass in Clifton Cathedral (PM)
Friday 19th June                                -           SCHOOL CLOSED – In-service training
Wednesday 24th June                    -           Y5 – St Brendan’s Sports Day
Thursday 25th June                          -           Y3 Outdoor experience Mendips
Sunday 28th June                             -           First Holy Communion in Church
Tuesday 30th June                           -           Y6 retreat – St Brendan’s
Thursday 2nd July                             -           Y4 Outdoor experience Kenfig
Thursday 9th July                              -           Y5 Outdoor experience Malverns
Friday 17th July                                  -           End of school year

I hope you enjoy the long weekend and look forward to seeing you in school on Tuesday.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C Joseph
Joint Acting Head Teacher