Thursday, 17 December 2015

Dear Parents/Carers,

I have had an amazing experience as St Joseph’s and it’s been difficult during the last few days, coming to terms with the fact I’m actually leaving after so many years. I had a wonderful experience growing up here as a child from the ages 4-11but, in many ways, my time here growing as an adult has been even more significant.

I arrived here, as an ex-pupil, in the January of 1999, as a 27 year old lacking experience but with a full head of hair..! Since then I have become a husband, father of 3, Deputy Headteacher and then, almost 9 years ago, the Head of my old school – what an amazing privilege!

Although leading my old school has made me very proud, it has been the greatest honour to work with a brilliant staff, wonderfully supportive governors, great parents and so many children whose energy, enthusiasm and love have made this job such a joy. They are the best children who deserve the best.

I will miss you all.

I know you will all welcome Mrs. McCarthy as the new Headteacher and I wish her, and all of you, every success and happiness in the future.

Mrs Bell

As you will all know, Mrs Bell is retiring from teaching this week. Mrs. Bell has taught at St. Joseph’s since 2002 and has worked in Catholic education for an incredible 37 years. Mrs Bell’s contribution to the school and the children’s learning and wellbeing has been immense. She is uncompromising in her positivity and high expectations of all children who always succeed under her care and guidance. She will be missed by all in the school community.

After School Clubs

Unfortunately Mr Longney, our PE specilast, will be no longer coaching PE in school. Because of this, we are recruiting for a new coach, but this does mean that after school sports clubs will not be running for the first couple of weeks after the holiday. We will inform parents when they will be starting again.

Also, because I am leaving, Kodu Club will not be running after Christmas.

Children’s Christmas Mass 6pm Christmas Eve

Does your child want to take part in the Dramatized Gospel or help with a reading at the Children’s Christmas Mass? There will be two practices for this, one on Sunday after the 10.00am mass in the parish hall and the second on Monday 21st December at 10am in the church.  Please contact Cathy Williamson on 07917276994 or Susana Gouveia on 07808556615 for further information. Thank you.

Christmas Mass Times

•       Thursday 24th December 6.00pm - Children’s Mass
•       Thursday 24th December 9.00pm - Carols and Readings
•       Thursday 24th December 9.45pm - Christmas Mass
•       Thursday 24th December 11.35pm - Syro-Malabar Mass
•       Friday 25th December at 9.30am - Christmas Mass

Dates for Diaries

Thursday 17th December                           -                       Christmas Infant Party
Friday 18th December at 9.30am             -                       Christmas Mass in Church
Friday 18th December                                -                       End of Term 2
Wednesday 6th January at 9.30am           -                       Mass for Feast of the Epiphany in school hall
Thursday 26th May 2016                              -                       INSET (school closed)

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Dear Parents/Carers,

Prayer at Advent

During Advent each child will bring home an ‘Advent bag’ for one night.  It consists of a purple cloth, a prayer, a cross and a light.

Please encourage your child to set up a little prayer area, and together say the Advent prayer, discussing how Advent is the time when we are preparing for the Birth of Jesus.

Please ensure the bag is returned the following day.

Christmas at St Joseph’s

Can I remind you all of these key dates over the next couple of weeks:

·         Wednesday 16th December at 2pm  -                       Carol concert in Church
·         Thursday 17th December pm               -                       Christmas Infant Party
·         Friday 18th December at 9.30am        -                       Christmas Mass in Church

Security – A reminder

This week there have been a number of times when parents, and past pupils, have come into school without authorisation. This is often when the entrance is busy, somebody else is coming through the door and other adults follow without speaking to the office staff first. Can all parents please check with the office staff before coming into the school.

Christmas Mqss Times

•       Thursday 24th December 6.00pm - Children’s Mass
•       Thursday 24th December 9.00pm - Carols and Readings
•       Thursday 24th December 9.45pm - Christmas Mass
•       Thursday 24th December 11.35pm - Syro-Malabar Mass
•       Friday 25th December at 9.30am - Christmas Mass

Admission Policy 2017 Consultation

This policy is available on the school website or from the school office for consultation until 31st January 2016. Can any feedback be put in writing addressed to the School Governing Body via the school office.

 Celebration Assembly

There will be a Celebration Assembly on Monday 14th December, where the following children will receive their Headteacher's Award:  Marlen (Y5), Kiara (Y5), Rian (Y3), Jayden (Y1), Toby (R) and Lara (R).

Super Stars:

Hugo (Y2), Caitlin (Y6), Ruby (Y1), Zuzana (Y1), Jaspreet (Y3), Jakub (Y4), Thomas (Y5), Nnaemeka (Y1), Harry (Y2) and Wanessa (Y2)

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 15th December                            -                       Y3 Topic Presentation
Wednesday 16th December at 2pm       -                       Carol Concert in church
Thursday 17th December                           -                       Christmas Infant Party
Friday 18th December at 9.30am             -                       Christmas Mass in Church
Friday 18th December                                -                       End of Term 2
Thursday 26th May 2016                              -                       INSET (school closed)

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

Friday, 4 December 2015

Dear Parents/Carers,

Prayer at Advent

During Advent each child will bring home an ‘Advent bag’ for one night.  It consists of a purple cloth, a prayer, a cross and a light.

Please encourage your child to set up a little prayer area, and together say the Advent prayer, discussing how Advent is the time when we are preparing for the Birth of Jesus.

Please ensure the bag is returned the following day.

Christmas at St Joseph’s

Can I remind you all of these key dates over the next couple of weeks:

·         Thursday 10th December at 2pm              -                       Infant Nativity Performance
·         Thursday 10th December – 3.30-5.00pm   -                       Disco
·         Thursday 10th December                            -                       Non-uniform day
·         Friday 11th December at 9.30am              -                       Infant Nativity Performance
·         Wednesday 16th December at 2pm        -                       Carol concert in Church
·         Thursday 17th December pm                     -                       Christmas Infant Party
·         Friday 18th December at 9.30am              -                       Christmas Mass in Church

Infant Christmas Disco

As many of you already know, this event is now full. Every child who has a place will be sent home a ticket today as a reminder that they have a place. We also have a list of children attending which we will check on the day. If a child is not on our list, then we cannot allow them into the disco as we are already at our legal and safe capacity. If your child does not come home with a ticket, and you think you have place, then please phone the office to check.

It will be non-uniform that day for the whole school, so your child doesn't need to bring a change of clothes. Please collect your child at 5.00pm from:

  • Reception from their classroom exit in the infant courtyard.
  • Year 1 from their normal exit in the infant courtyard.
  • Year 2 from their normal exit in the infant courtyard.
  • Years 3 and 4 from the front entrance.
  • Years 5 and 6 from their normal exit at the rear of the school.
 Please contact us if you need any further information. Thanks.

Free Apple and Pear Trees

As part of Bristol’s ‘One Tree Per Child’ project, earlier in the year, every child had the opportunity to order a pear or apple tree to take home. We now have these trees in school and will be distributing trees after school on Monday. Mrs Petela will be giving out the trees to those who ordered them, in the garden area, behind the Year 6 classroom, after school on Monday.

Security – A reminder

This week there have been a number of times when parents have come into school without authorisation. This is often when the entrance is busy, somebody else is coming through the door and other adults follow without speaking to the office staff first. Can all parents please check with the office staff before coming into the school.

Admission Policy 2017 Consultation

This policy is available on the school website or from the school office for consultation until 31st January 2016. Can any feedback be put in writing addressed to the School Governing Body via the school office.


Well done to Y5 with 100% attendance last week – they will be able to wear non-uniform on Monday 7th December.  Also well done to Y3 with 99% and Y6 with 98% attendance.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a Celebration Assembly on Monday 7th December, where the following children will receive their Headteacher's Award:  Filip (R), Maya (R), Amelia (R), Japhet (R), Meikel (Y6), Keanna  (Y4), Ruby (Y3), Jacks (Y2) and Hugo (Y2)

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 8th December                              -                       Y5 trip to St Fagan’s
Tuesday 8th December at 7pm                 -                       Celebration Year of Mercy at the Cathedral
Wednesday 9th December at 9.05am      -                       Y6 Topic Presentation
Wednesday 9th December                       -                       Christmas Lunch
Thursday 10th December at 2pm             -                       Infant Nativity Performance
Thursday 10th December pm                    -                       PTFA Disco
Thursday 10th December at 10am           -                       Prospective parents tour
Friday 11th December 9.30am                  -                       Infant Nativity Performance
Tuesday 15th December                            -                       Y3 Topic Presentation
Wednesday 16th December at 2pm       -                       Carol Concert in church
Thursday 17th December                           -                       Christmas Infant Party
Friday 18th December at 9.30am             -                       Christmas Mass in Church
Friday 18th December                                -                       End of Term 2
Thursday 26th May 2016                              -                       INSET (school closed)

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon