Friday, 30 September 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

Chaplaincy Team
The chaplaincy team attended an induction day at St Brendan’s Sixth Form College this week. They prepared an action plan for the year and prepared for the commissioning service being conducted by Bishop Declan on 6th October.

Residential trips in 2016/17
A reminder that deposits for year 4, 5 and 6 Camps are due by next Friday, 7th October. Please use the SchoolGateway to pay and return forms to the School Office. 
This year we are offering 3 camps.
Year 4 and 5
In December we are going on a 2 day retreat to St Cassian Centre in Kintbury. We will be thinking all about Advent and preparing for Christmas.
In May Year 4 and 5 children will be going to Barton Camp for 3 days and will make use of the excellent facilities including an outdoor swimming pool, adventure playground, sports hall, woods and fields. They will have fun doing lots of exciting activities.
Year 6
Children in Year 6 will spend a week in February at Dean Field Studies Centre taking part in a fantastic programme of exciting adventurous activities, including canoeing and caving.

Extended School Club (ESC)
As Reception class children are full time from Monday they can now be booked onto our ESC along with all children registered for the club from all year groups. ESC’s morning session runs from 8-8.55am at a cost of £2.50 (no breakfast provided so please make sure children have breakfast before they come!). ESC’s afternoon sessions run from 3.30-5pm for £3.50 or our longer sessions from 3.30-5.30pm for £5 per session.  All sessions must be booked in advance using the SchoolGateway.  If you need to register please collect a form from the School Office.  Payment for ESC is due at the end of each term – our preferred method of payment is the SchoolGateway (  We also accept childcare vouchers.  Please ask in the School Office if you want to use childcare vouchers.

New Crossing Patrol
On Monday (3rd October) families will be able to cross the road to and from school with Mrs Perez at our new crossing patrol.   Mrs Perez will be by the school gates on Forest Road.

Family Masses at St Joseph’s Church
The parish is now trying to maintain a ‘Family’ Mass on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10am and we would really like to get more children involved and actively participating in the service. Children can take part by singing with the Music Group, reading a bidding prayer, helping with the Offertory Procession, or with welcoming and handing out hymn books at the door. The next Mass will be on 9th October. If you think you and your child would like to be more involved then please contact Cathy Williamson on 07917276994 (You can call or Text). Thank you!

Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 3rd October, where the following children will receive their head teacher’s award:  Mati and Daisha (Y1) William (Y2), Eoghan and Anns (Y3), Ruby (Y4), Liam (Y5), Josh M and Isabel (Y6).

Dates for Diaries
Thursday 6th October                       - Open morning for Reception 2017 parents
Thursday 20th October                    - PTFA Infant Disco  
Wednesday 19th October             - Harvest Festival Service 9.30 in school
Thursday 10th November                - Open morning for Reception 2017 parents
Thursday 24th November                - Open afternoon for Reception 2017 parents
Wednesday 30th November          - Advent Mass 9.30 in school
Tuesday 6th December                   - Infant Nativity 2.30pm
Wednesday 7th December            - Infant Nativity 9.30am (repeat)
Wednesday 7th December            - Christmas Lunch for all pupils
Thursday 8th – Friday 9th Dec        - Years 4/5 Trip to Kintbury
Tuesday 13th December                 - Pantomime trip for Infant Classes
Wednesday 14th December          - Infant Christmas Parties (am)
Wednesday 14th December          - Theatre trip for Junior Classes (pm)
Thursday 15th December                - Junior Christmas Parties (pm)
Friday 16th December                     - School breaks up for Christmas Holidays
                                                             (2pm finish)

School term dates 2016-17
Term 1                        1/9/16 – 21/10/16
Term 2                        31/10/16 – 16/12/16
Term 3                        3/1/17 - 10/2/17
Term 4                        20/2/17 – 7/4/17
Term 5                        24/4/17 – 26/5/17
Term 6                        5/6/17 – 21/7/17
We will inform parents of the dates of the remaining INSET days as soon as possible.

Mrs Jackie McCarthy

Friday, 23 September 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

Chaplaincy Team
The chaplaincy team visited Downside Abbey this week on a pilgrimage with other schools from Bristol. We were delighted to be able to pass through the Holy Door of Mercy in the Abbey and take part in a service, reflecting on how we can be merciful in our lives.

Trip report from Chaplaincy Team:
‘Yesterday the chaplaincy team went to Downside Abbey for a pilgrimage. It was exciting. At the start we did a warm-up and it was to make friends from other schools, we made loads! We met a priest called Dominic and he had a funny puppet parrot who taught us lots of things.
We had a little Mass and we read the bidding prayers. We decorated pictures of candles and placed them around the cross. We learned about how the church was made. It was one of the best trips ever because we has so much fun and found out lots. Our trip was so cool!’
By the Chaplaincy Team: Dominic, Jackson, Areeba, Wiktoria, Cheyenne, Marlen, Allen, Jaimie and Kiara

Residential trips in 2016/17
Letters about residential trips (Camp) went out to all children this week. This year we are offering 3 camps.

Year 4 and 5
In December we are going on a 2 day retreat to St Cassian Centre in Kintbury. We will be thinking all about Advent and preparing for Christmas.
In May Year 4 and 5 children will be going to Barton Camp for 3 days and will make use of the excellent facilities including an outdoor swimming pool, adventure playground, sports hall, woods and fields. They will have fun doing lots of exciting activities.
There is a short meeting to find out more about both trips on Friday 30th September at 3.30pm.

Year 6
Children in Year 6 will spend a week in February at Dean Field Studies Centre taking part in a fantastic programme of exciting adventurous activities, including canoeing and caving.
There is a short meeting to find out more on Monday 26th September at 3.30pm.

New Crossing Patrol
We are pleased to announce that Mrs Perez will start as our new school crossing patrol on Monday 3rd October.  Mrs Perez will help families cross the road by the school gates on Forest Road.

We have an active PTFA and they have some exciting plans for this year. The PTFA Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 30th September at 3.30 in the main hall. Please come along and find out how you can become involved in this friendly and welcoming group.

Places are still available at some after school clubs. Please encourage your children to join these clubs. It is important that we have sufficient numbers otherwise clubs may need to be cancelled.
Forms for all after school clubs are available from the school office or for Rugby:

Italian Club
Mrs Serle
KS2 children

Art Club
Miss Coates
KS2 Children

Gardening Club
Mrs Petela
KS2 children
Cup Stacking
Mr Conlon
Y 5 and 6 children
Colouring Club
Miss Garnier
KS1 and 2

After school
KS2 children
Mad Science
KS1 and 2 Children
Mrs Marsh
KS2 Children

KS1 children

KS2 children

KS2 children

Primary and Secondary School Applications
If you have a child born between 1st September 2012 and 31st August 2013 you need to apply for a primary school place by 15th January 2017.  See Dates for Diaries below for information about our open days for families considering St Joseph’s Reception Class for September 2017.
If you have a child born between 1st September 2005 and 31st August 2006 you need to apply for a secondary school place by 31st October 2016.  For more information about applying to a Bristol School please visit:

Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 26th September, where the following children will receive their head teacher’s award:  Toby Palmer (Y1) Maya Penar (Y1) Jacob Olive (Y2), Adedeji(Y3) Chetavia (Y3), Jeremy (Y4),  Dom (Y5), Thomas (Y6).

Dates for Diaries
Monday 26th September                - Chaplaincy Induction day at St Brendan’s
Monday 26th September                - Year 6 Camp Meeting (3.30pm)
Friday 30th September                    - PTFA Annual General Meeting (3.30pm)
Friday 30th September                    - Year 4 and 5 Camp meeting (3.30pm)
Thursday 20th October                    - PTFA Infant Disco  
Thursday 6th October                      - Open morning for Reception 2017 parents
Wednesday 19th October             - Harvest Festival Service 9.30 in school
Thursday 10th November                - Open morning for Reception 2017 parents
Thursday 24th November                - Open afternoon for Reception 2017 parents
Wednesday 30th November          - Advent Mass 9.30 in school
Tuesday 6th December                   - Infant Nativity 2.30pm
Wednesday 7th December            - Infant Nativity 9.30am (repeat)
Wednesday 7th December            - Christmas Lunch for all pupils
Thursday 8th – Friday 9th Dec        - Years 4/5 Trip to Kintbury
Tuesday 13th December                 - Pantomime trip for Infant Classes
Wednesday 14th December          - Infant Christmas Parties (am)
Wednesday 14th December          - Theatre trip for Junior Classes (pm)
Thursday 15th December                - Junior Christmas Parties (pm)
Friday 16th December                     - School breaks up for Christmas Holidays
                                                             (2pm finish)

School term dates 2016-17
Term 1              1/9/16 – 21/10/16                 Term 2              31/10/16 – 16/12/16
Term 3              3/1/17 - 10/2/17                    Term 4              20/2/17 – 7/4/17
Term 5              24/4/17 – 26/5/17                 Term 6              5/6/17 – 21/7/17
We will inform parents of the dates of the remaining INSET days as soon as possible.

Mrs Jackie McCarthy

Friday, 16 September 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

School Council
Elections have taken place for School Council. The following children have been elected as School Councillors:
Year 3: Clara, Charlie and Nelson
Year 4: Jess and Jeremy
Year 5: Jerin and Lorenzo
Year 6: Allen and Areeba

House Captains 
Elections for House Captains and Vice Captains have taken place. The following children have been elected as House Captain and Vice-Captain:
St Matthew House:  Captain -  Kiara Savage              Vice Captain - Amber Walton
St Mark House:         Captain -  Josh Matthew             Vice Captain - Hannah Long
St Luke House:         Captain -  Wiktoria Pawlaszczyk  Vice Captain - Jaimie Vadhyanath
St John House:         Captain -  Dominic Sebastian       Vice Captain - Zahra Smallwood

Worship Leaders
The following Year 6 children will support me in setting up and leading prayer during assemblies:
Jackson Marley
Isabel Matthew
Cheyenne Duffy

Congratulations to all these children. The outcome of the elections will be officially announced during Celebration assembly on Monday, Parents are welcome to attend.

PE Kit
We are aware there have been some issues getting the pale blue PE T-shirt. It will be fine for children to wear white T-shirt and navy shorts this year. We will try to get some pale blue PE t-shirts in the school shop and will let you know if we are successful. Thank you for your patience with this.

We have an active PTFA and they have some exciting plans for this year. The PTFA Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 30th September at 3.30 in the main hall. Please come along and find out how you can become involved in this friendly and welcoming group.

There is a vacancy for a Receptionist/Administrative Assistant for the school office. The post is advertised on ‘eteach’. If you are interested in the post please visit the eteach website to find out more:

We are pleased to have a wide range of clubs on offer this term. Clubs will run until Christmas, and in January some clubs may continue and some new clubs will be offered. The choice of clubs on offer and age group is determined, in part, by the competition calendar for Bristol. We will be preparing children to enter tournaments in Athletics, Rugby and Football this term.

Italian Club
Mrs Serle
KS2 children

Art Club
Miss Coates
KS2 Children

Gardening Club
Mrs Petela
KS2 children
Cup Stacking
Mr Conlon
Y 5 and 6 children
Colouring Club
Miss Garnier
KS1 and 2

After school
KS2 children
Mad Science
KS1 and 2 Children
Mrs Marsh
KS2 Children

KS1 children

KS2 children

KS2 children

Some clubs will be provided by professional coaches and will incur a charge of £2.50 per week. Details of payment and term dates for these clubs will be included in the club letter.

Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 19th September, where the following children will receive their head teacher’s award:  Eloisa (Y2), Fletcher (Y3), Joann (Y4), Jerin (Y5), Vanessa (Y6). Children in Year 6 that have been elected as School Councillors and House Captains and Vice Captains will also be announced during celebration assembly (See item above).

Dates for Diaries

Wednesday 21st September          - Full Governing Body Meeting (FGB)
Thursday 22nd September               - Y6 Chaplaincy Team to Downside Year of Mercy
Monday 26th September                - Chaplaincy Induction day at St Brendan’s
Thursday 29th September               - Open Morning for Reception Class 2017(9.30-10am)
                                                              Please book a place with the school office
Friday 30th September                    - PTFA Annual General Meeting (3.30)
Thursday 13th October                    - Open Afternoon for Reception Class 2017 (2-2.30pm)
                                                              Please book a place with the school office
Thursday 20th October                    - PTFA Infant Disco
Thursday 10th November                - Open Morning for Reception Class 2017(9.30-10am) 
                                                              Please book a place with the school office
Thursday 17th November                - Open Afternoon for Reception Class 2017 (2-2.30pm)
                                                              Please book a place with the school office

School term dates 2016-17
Term 1                        1/9/16 – 21/10/16
Term 2                        31/10/16 – 16/12/16
Term 3                        3/1/17 - 10/2/17
Term 4                        20/2/17 – 7/4/17
Term 5                        24/4/17 – 26/5/17
Term 6                        5/6/17 – 21/7/17
We will inform parents of the dates of the remaining INSET days as soon as possible.

Mrs Jackie McCarthy

Friday, 9 September 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome back
It was a real pleasure to welcome all the children back on Monday. They look well rested and ready for the new school year. I am delighted that they have all settled very well and school is a very calm and industrious place.
A special welcome to all the new parents joining us this year as their children start school in reception class. I am sure you will feel at home very soon and will get to know the staff and other families.

Welcome Meeting
Next week teachers and support staff will be holding brief welcome meetings. This will be an opportunity to meet them and provide information about the class routines and expectations for this year. The meetings will be at the following times:
Year 1: Monday 3.00-3.20pm
Year 2: Wednesday 3.00-3.20pm
Year 3: Wednesday 3.00-3.20pm
Year 4: Monday 3.00-3.20pm
Year 5: Tuesday 3.00-3.20pm
Year 6: Wednesday 3.00-3.20pm
If you are unable to attend the meeting please don’t worry, all the information discussed will be included in a welcome newsletter which will sent home with your child following the meetings.

While you have been enjoying your holidays the school has been a hive of activity. We have refurbished Year 5 and 6 classrooms and the new multi-functional room. This room will be used for Extended School Club and a regular morning teaching group as well as teaching groups practical subjects like art, craft and cookery. You will also notice the main entrance has been refurbished and brightened up with new skylights.

New School Uniform
It has been lovely to see the children in their new uniform, they look very smart.
The school uniform shop will be open on Friday mornings from 9.00-9.30 for uniform supplies. Orders may also be placed with the school office. Cash or cheque payments will be accepted.
We are aware there have been some issues getting the pale blue PE T-shirt. It will be fine for children to wear white T-shirt and navy shorts this year. We will try to get some pale blue PE t-shirts in the school shop and will let you know if we are successful. Thank you for your patience with this.

We have an active PTFA and they have some exciting plans for this year. The PTFA Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 30th September at 3.30 in the main hall. Please come along and find out how you can become involved in this friendly and welcoming group.

Extended School Club (ESC)
May I remind parents that the extended school club (ESC) now runs until 5.30pm daily.  If you have booked your child into ESC, you must ensure that the children are picked up promptly either by 5pm if a short session has been booked or 5.30pm if a long session has been booked.  There are occasionally unforeseen circumstances that keep you from being on time.  If this happens, please ensure that the school is informed.  However, we would remind parents that, if there is persistent lateness in collection, we will have no alternative but to cancel the place. 

For children not attending ESC the playground is supervised from 8.45am so please ensure children do not arrive before then. At the end of the school day we ask parents to leave by 3.45pm so that the school site can be secured.

There is a vacancy for a Receptionist/Administrative Assistant for the school office. The post is advertised on ‘eteach’. If you are interested in the post please visit the eteach website to find out more

Family Mass
This Sunday the 10 o’clock mass will be a family mass. All are welcome to join the mass and I look forward to seeing many of you there. I am hoping children from school will be leading many parts of the mass.

We have a wide range of clubs running for children this term which we will tell all classes about on Monday. If your child would like to join a club they must ask for a letter from the relevant teacher and return the permission slip before next Friday (16th September). All clubs will start in the week commencing 19th September.
Some clubs will be provided by professional coaches and will incur a charge of £2.50 per week. Details of payment and term dates for these clubs will be included in the club letter.

School term dates 2016-17
Term 1                        1/9/16 – 21/10/16
Term 2                        31/10/16 – 16/12/16
Term 3                        3/1/17 - 10/2/17
Term 4                        20/2/17 – 7/4/17
Term 5                        24/4/17 – 26/5/17
Term 6                        5/6/17 – 21/7/17
We will inform parents of the dates of the remaining INSET days as soon as possible.

Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 12th September, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:  Dominic (Y1), Angel (Y1), Jan (Y2), Hugo (Y3), Anns (Y3), Janice (Y4), Jav (Y5), Amber (Y6), Charlie (Y6).

Dates for Diaries

Monday 12th September                -           Welcome meeting Y1 and Y4 parents
Tuesday 13th September                -           Welcome meeting Y5 parents (3.00-3.30)
Wednesday 14th September         -           Welcome meeting Y2, Y3 and Y6 parents
Wednesday 21st September          -           Full Governing Body Meeting (FGB)
Friday 30th September                    -           PTFA Annual General Meeting (3.30)
Thursday 20th October                    -           PTFA Infant Disco                                        

Mrs Jackie McCarthy