Friday, 21 October 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

School Council
St Joseph’s School Council has been up and running since the beginning of Term 1. They meet fortnightly and have had several meetings so far. During the last meeting they elected their Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.

Chairperson:               Lorenzo Hancock (year 5)
Vice Chairperson:      Clara Jaworski (year 3)
Secretary:                   Jerin Mathew (year 5)
Treasurer:                    Allen Vincent (year 6)
Members:                   Areeba Rasul (year 6)
                                    Jess Sawers (year 4)
                                    Jeremy Walton (year 4)
                                    Nelson Kasule (year 3)
                                    Charlie Barton (year 3)

The School Council aims to;
*Make sure that children have a place to voice their concerns.
*Encourage all children in the school to suggest improvements (these can be written and put in  
  the council suggestion box in the reception area)
*Make sure any suggestions or concerns are listened to and acted upon.
*Ensure our school is a safe and happy place for all children.

Extended School Club (ESC) bookings for Term 2
You are now able to book places for next term’s Extended School. Mrs Sawers will be helping Mrs Martin in ESC on Monday to Thursdays and next term we will be asking parents to call a mobile phone (the number will be displayed in the School Entrance) when they collect their children from ESC. Payment for Term 1 is due by 31st October.  Please pay using the School Gateway.

Lost Property
Please ensure all of your children’s items are named, especially their clothing. There is a lost property box in the reception area which parents are welcome to check regularly.

Reception Parents
May we ask parents who pick up reception children from the courtyard area to supervise their children if they are playing with the school equipment and to please put the equipment back where it belongs when you leave. Thank you.

PTFA Infant Disco
The Infant disco was a huge success and raised £204.95. Thank you to everybody that helped to make the event successful.  There is a similar event being planned for the Juniors later this year.

RAF Concert Tour
The RAF Charitable Trust is offering complimentary tickets to students (and parents of primary children) for their upcoming concert on Thursday 27th October, 7.30pm, at the Colston Hall as part of their RAF in Concert Tour 2016.  The concert features leading musicians from the bands of the Royal Air Force. If you would like to attend please email Chris Green at

Applying for a secondary school place for the school year 2017 – 2018
If your child was born between 1st September 2005 and 31st August 2006 you must apply for a year 7 school place by 31st October 2016.  The easiest way to apply is online at   If you would like to complete a paper application please contact School Admissions at Bristol City Council by calling 0117 903 7694 or by emailing

Parent Governor Vacancy
We have 2 parent governor vacancies. You should have received a letter home and an email with more information about the vacancies. Please note the deadline for nominations is 12 noon on Monday 31st October.

Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 31st October at 9.10am.  The following children will receive their head teacher’s award:  Julia and Alicia (R) Filip and Alison (Y1) Juliana Y2) Blake (Y3) Syesha (Y4) Cerys and Sean (Y5) and Oliver (Y6)

Dates for Diaries     
Monday 31st October                     - Doors open for Term 2 at 8.55am
Thursday 10th November                 - Open morning for Reception 2017 parents
Tuesday 22nd November                  - INSET day
Thursday 24th November                - Open afternoon for Reception 2017 parents 
Wednesday 30th November          - Advent Mass 9.30 in school
Tuesday 6th December                   - Infant Nativity 2.30pm
Wednesday 7th December             - Infant Nativity 9.30am (repeat)
Wednesday 7th December             - Christmas Lunch for all pupils
Thursday 8th – Friday 9th Dec          - Years 4/5 Trip to Kintbury
Tuesday 13th December                   - Pantomime trip for Infant Classes
Wednesday 14th December          - Infant Christmas Parties (am)
Wednesday 14th December          - Theatre trip for Junior Classes (pm)
Thursday 15th December                - Junior Christmas Parties (pm)
Friday 16th December                     - School breaks up for Christmas Holidays (2pm finish, there will be no Extended School Club after school on 16th December)

School term dates 2016-17
Term 1                        Thursday 1st September – Friday 21st October
Term 2                        Monday 31st October - Friday 16th December (2pm finish)  
                                    Tuesday 22nd November – INSET day (school closed to                                                                   children)                  
Term 3                        Tuesday 3rd January            - Friday 10th February
Term 4                        Friday 20th February – Friday 7th April
Term 5                        Monday 24th April – Friday 26th May
Term 6                        Monday 5th June – Friday 21st July
We will inform parents of the dates of the remaining two INSET days as soon as possible.

Have a lovely half term break.  We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 31st October.

Mrs Jackie McCarthy

Friday, 14 October 2016

 Dear Parent/Carer,

Parent Governor Vacancy
We currently have 2 vacancies for parent governors.  For more information please look out for an email and a letter in your child’s book-bag.  If you are interested in becoming a parent governor there will be a brief meeting after school on Monday at 3.30pm to find out more about the role and answer any questions you may have.

School Photographs
Individual school photographs will be taken on Monday.

Harvest Celebrations
There will be a Harvest Service on Wednesday 19th October at 9.30am.  Parents and Governors are welcome to attend.  As is traditional, we are inviting families to make a donation of tinned, dried or packet foods and these will be taken to the foodbank at Morrisons.  Donations to be brought to the school hall from Monday-Wednesday next week please (17th-19th October).

CAFOD’s ‘Brighten Up for Harvest’ campaign
This year CAFOD are running a ‘Brighten Up for Harvest’ campaign.  They are raising money to support families in Bolivia to grow their own crops.  We have decided to support the campaign and are asking children to wear bright colours on Wednesday and to give a small donation, ideally giving up something of their choice (e.g. sweets/pocket money) over this weekend.

Extended School Club (ESC) bookings for Term 2
You will be able to book places for next term’s Extended School Club from Tuesday for all registered children whose payments are up-to-date.  Payment for this term is due by 31st October. Mrs Sawers will be helping Mrs Martin in ESC on Monday to Thursdays and next term we will be asking parents to call a mobile phone (the number will be displayed in the School Entrance) when they collect their children from ESC.

Infant Disco
St Joseph's PTFA are hosting an infant disco on Thursday 20th October, 3.30 - 5.00 in the school hall.  Tickets are available from the school office at a cost of £3 which includes refreshments.

In addition, Thursday 20th October will be a non-uniform day for the infant school only due to the disco. Children are allowed to wear party clothes to school but please ensure they are wearing sensible shoes.
The PTFA are planning a similar event for the juniors next term.

Applying for a secondary school place for the school year 2017 – 2018
If your child was born between 1st September 2005 and 31st August 2006 you must apply for a year 7 school place by 31st October 2016.  The easiest way to apply is online at   If you would like to complete a paper application please contact School Admissions at Bristol City Council by calling 0117 903 7694 or by emailing

If you wish to apply for a place at St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School on religious grounds, you will also be required to send evidence of your faith commitment to the school by 31st October 2016. If, after reading the Admission Policy, you are not sure of the evidence required please call Mrs Nunnerley at the school on 0117 377 2050.

Family Masses at St Joseph’s Church
The parish is now trying to maintain a ‘Family’ Mass on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10am and we would really like to get more children involved and actively participating in the service. Children can take part by singing with the Music Group, reading a bidding prayer, helping with the Offertory Procession, or with welcoming and handing out hymn books at the door. The next Mass will be on 13th November. If you think you and your child would like to be more involved then please contact Cathy Williamson on 07917276994 (You can call or Text). Thank you!

Parents Evening
There will be parents evening on Tuesday and Wednesday this week from 3.30-6.00pm.  You should have received a note from your child’s teacher, including your appointment time.

Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Tuesday 18th October – please note this is on a Tuesday this week due to school photographs on Monday.  The following children will receive their head teacher’s award:  Nana (Y1), Maisah (Y2), Kieran (Y3), Max (Y4), Cerys (Y5), and Helene (Y6)

Dates for Diaries     
Monday 17th October                     - Individual School Photographs
Wednesday 19th October             - Harvest Festival Service 9.30 in school
Thursday 20th October                    - PTFA Infant Disco 3.30-5pm         
Friday 21st October                         - Last day of Term 1
Thursday 10th November                - Open morning for Reception 2017 parents
Thursday 24th November                - Open afternoon for Reception 2017 parents
Wednesday 30th November          - Advent Mass 9.30 in school
Tuesday 6th December                   - Infant Nativity 2.30pm
Wednesday 7th December            - Infant Nativity 9.30am (repeat)
Wednesday 7th December            - Christmas Lunch for all pupils
Thursday 8th – Friday 9th Dec        - Years 4/5 Trip to Kintbury
Tuesday 13th December                 - Pantomime trip for Infant Classes
Wednesday 14th December          - Infant Christmas Parties (am)
Wednesday 14th December          - Theatre trip for Junior Classes (pm)
Thursday 15th December                - Junior Christmas Parties (pm)
Friday 16th December                     - School breaks up for Christmas Holidays
(2pm finish, there will be no Extended School Club after school on 16th December)

School term dates 2016-17
Term 1                        1/9/16 – 21/10/16
Term 2                        31/10/16 – 16/12/16
Term 3                        3/1/17 - 10/2/17
Term 4                        20/2/17 – 7/4/17
Term 5                        24/4/17 – 26/5/17
Term 6                        5/6/17 – 21/7/17
We will inform parents of the dates of the remaining INSET days as soon as possible.

Mrs Jackie McCarthy

Friday, 7 October 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are pleased to welcome Mrs Daniels to the school staff team on Monday.  Mrs Daniels will join Mrs Montgomery and Mrs Lee in the School Office as our new Receptionist and Admin Assistant.  Mrs Daniels will work from 8.30-11.30 every morning and 2-4 on Wednesday to Friday afternoons.

Residential trips in 2016/17
There are still spaces on the Year 4 and 5 retreat to the St Cassian Centre in Kintbury and trip to Barton Camp in May.  The Year 6 trip to the Dean Field Study Centre is filling up fast but there are still spaces left so book soon. 
Please use the SchoolGateway to pay and return forms to the School Office as soon as possible. 

Infant Disco
St Joseph's PTFA are hosting an infant disco on Thursday, 20 October, 3.30 - 5.00 in the school hall. Tickets will again be available in the main playground from 3.30 on Monday. Cost £3 to include refreshments.

Applying for a secondary school place for the school year 2017 – 2018
If your child was born between 1st September 2005 and 31st August 2006 you must apply for a year 7 school place by 31st October 2016.  The easiest way to apply is online at     If you would like to complete a paper application please contact School Admissions at Bristol City Council by calling 0117 903 7694 or by emailing

If you wish to apply for a place at St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School on religious grounds, you will also be required to send evidence of your faith commitment to the school by 31st October 2016. If, after reading the Admission Policy, you are not sure of the evidence required please call Mrs Nunnerley at the school on 0117 377 2050.

Family Masses at St Joseph’s Church
The parish is now trying to maintain a ‘Family’ Mass on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10am and we would really like to get more children involved and actively participating in the service. Children can take part by singing with the Music Group, reading a bidding prayer, helping with the Offertory Procession, or with welcoming and handing out hymn books at the door. The next Mass will be on 9th October. If you think you and your child would like to be more involved then please contact Cathy Williamson on 07917276994 (You can call or Text). Thank you!

St Joseph’s Cubs and Scouts
We have places available for children aged 8-10 years in Cubs and 10-14 years in Scouts.  We meet in the Parish Hall on Tuesdays: 6-7.30pm Cubs; 7.30-9pm Scouts.
Adults who are willing to help at either section would be welcome. 
Please contact Wendy or Marek Petela on 0117 960 6378 for more information.

The Bristol Story Carousel - BYO language
Saturday 22nd October   2 - 5 pm in Bristol Central Library Children's section
A FREE multi-lingual children's event for all Bristol families.  The event will have 3 activities running simultaneously:
  •  Arts & Crafts workshop (age 6+) based on the Polish children’s classic ‘Mr Miniscule and the Whale’ by Julian Tuwim and Bohdan Butenko
  • Story Carousel: Non-stop story reading by local authors and illustrators (feel free to bring picture books in the language you speak at home)
  • Create your own paper cup character (activity led by local illustrators)

Celebration Assembly & Chaplaincy Team Commissioning
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 10th October, where the following children will receive their head teacher’s award:  Amira and Bernard (Y1), Sophiya (Y2), Hugo (Y3), Szymon and Dashana (Y4), Anna (Y5), and Marlen (Y6) and the Chaplaincy Team will receive their Commissioning Certificates.

The Chaplaincy Team went to the Cathedral yesterday (6th October) where they received their Chaplaincy Team badges from Bishop Declan. Cheyenne, Marlen, Jackson, Isabel M, Wiktoria, Areeba, Kiara, Dominic S, Jaimie and Allen are now wearing their badges with pride!

Dates for Diaries     
Tuesday 11th October                     - Year 4 Trip to the Museum
Wednesday 12th October              - Year 6 Trip to the Mshed
Wednesday 19th October              - Harvest Festival Service 9.30 in school
Thursday 20th October                    - PTFA Infant Disco 3.30-5pm         
Friday 21st October                         - Last day of Term 1
Thursday 10th November                - Open morning for Reception 2017 parents 
Thursday 24th November                - Open afternoon for Reception 2017 parents 
Wednesday 30th November          - Advent Mass 9.30 in school
Tuesday 6th December                   - Infant Nativity 2.30pm
Wednesday 7th December            - Infant Nativity 9.30am (repeat)
Wednesday 7th December            - Christmas Lunch for all pupils
Thursday 8th – Friday 9th Dec        - Years 4/5 Trip to Kintbury
Tuesday 13th December                 - Pantomime trip for Infant Classes
Wednesday 14th December          - Infant Christmas Parties (am)
Wednesday 14th December          - Theatre trip for Junior Classes (pm)
Thursday 15th December                - Junior Christmas Parties (pm)
Friday 16th December                     - School breaks up for Christmas Holidays
(2pm finish, there will be no Extended School Club after school on 16th December)

School term dates 2016-17
Term 1                        1/9/16 – 21/10/16
Term 2                        31/10/16 – 16/12/16
Term 3                        3/1/17 - 10/2/17
Term 4                        20/2/17 – 7/4/17
Term 5                        24/4/17 – 26/5/17
Term 6                        5/6/17 – 21/7/17
We will inform parents of the dates of the remaining INSET days as soon as possible.

Mrs Jackie McCarthy