8th February, 2008.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Best of Friends
Some of our Year 6 pupils took part in the BBC 1 “Best of Friends”. You will
be able to see this on Tuesday 12th February at 4.30pm. Well done girls for
representing St. Joseph’s on national TV!
Celebration of Achievements
Well done to the following children who will receive Headteacher’s Award in
Mondays Celebration Assembly.
Seetal Kaur, King Wilson, Rebecca Davies, George Mainprise, Lucia Mercato,
Corada Wilson, Izza Chaudhry, Elijah Hayden, Alvin George, Hamze Ibrahim-Mahamoud
and Peter Suerte Felipe
Absence Policy
If your child is unwell and unable to attend school we ask you to please inform us
by telephone or by letter by 9.30am. If a message has not been received we will
need to contact the home address to confirm the whereabouts of your child.
Safer Internet Day 2008
As a contribution to Safer Internet Day the SWGfL (South West Grid for Learning)
is distributing postcards with an e-safety message to all primary schools in the South West. The aim is for every primary school pupil to take home a postcard to promote discussion with their Parents on Safer Internet Day, 12th February 2008.
Bristol School Meals
Attached is a questionnaire from Eden who were awarded the catering contract last
October. They would like you to take a few minutes to answer a few questions
regarding the meals and the menu.
School Crossing Patrol
Mrs Josie Fearnley will be leaving her job as a School Crossing Patrol to go
onto pastures new. Her last day will be Tuesday 26th February. Everything
will be done to recruit a new School Crossing Patrol, but in the meantime could
you please make sure your child(ren) are extremely careful when crossing.
St. Josephs' Website and Blog
We are very pleased to share our new school Blog (internet diary) with you. The blog
can be accessed through the frontpage of the website, www.stjosephsprimary.ik.org,
or by going directly to www.stjoesblog.blogspot.com. The Blog allows us to share our learning with you all on a regular basis (it's currently updated every couple of days). Pupils, parents and carers can also make comments about the Posts (diary entrys)
on the Blog.
You can currently view some great pictures from last week's visit by a group of
Chinese teaching students and their tutors as well as some great writing and digital
art by year 2.
Dates for Diaries
Friday 15th February End of Term 3 – School closes for holiday
Monday 25th February Start of Term 4 – School re-opens
Tuesday 26th February Parents Evening
Friday 29th February Mr Sherwin’s Class Assembly (Parents’ welcome)
Tuesday 4th March Parents Evening
Monday 10th March Book Fair Week
Friday 14th March Mrs Rollings Class Assembly (Parents’ welcome)
Friday 4th April End of Term 4 – School closes for holiday
Monday 21st April INSERVICE DAY
Tuesday 22nd April Start of Term 5 – School re-opens
Monday 12th May Start of KS2 SATS week
Friday 23rd May End of Term 5 – School closes
Monday 2nd June Start of Term 6 – School re-opens
Friday 25th July End of Term 6 – Summer Holidays.
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon
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