Friday, 28 March 2008

Dear Parent/Carer,

Student Support Centre

Packs will be sent home early next week from the ‘Student Support Service’. This is a private company who provide home learning support at a financial cost. Whilst we are happy to send this information home we are not recommending any particular product.

However, for every reply slip that is returned into school the ‘Student Support Service’ will make a contribution into school funds. They will make a contribution even if the reply slip says you are not interested! So please return the slips so we can raise some additional funds.

Postponed School Trips

KS1 Multi Skills Club

After an initial funded period we are now able to offer this club to children already involved, for a small fee. The cost will be £15 for 15 sessions between now and the end of the summer term. If you would like your child to continue in these sessions, please send a cheque for the amount into the school office, payable to ‘St. Joseph’s School’.

PTFA Events

The PTFA held a very successful meeting this week. They are now able to announce the dates of several events:-

Infant Party Friday 25th April – 7.00-9.00pm
Tickets £3.00 each – Family Ticket £10.00

Friday 4th April – Cake Sale

Summer Fayre - Saturday June 21st.

More information will be coming from the PTFA next week.

Spring Holiday

The school will close for the Spring Hoilday on Friday 4th April. School re-opens
On Tuesday 22nd April, as Monday 21st April is an Inservice Day

St George’s Day

Rainbows, Beavers, Cubs, Brownies, Scouts and Guides can were their uniform to
school on Wednesday, 23rd April, to celebrate St George’s Day.

Celebration of Achievements

Owen Ridler, Sandra Paslawska,

All parents are welcome to Monday’s Celebration Assembl

Assistant Headteachers

Last week the school Governors appointed two permanent Assistant Headteachers: Mrs. Rollings was appointed to lead the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 (Infants) and Mrs. Joseph was appointed to lead Key Stage 2 (Juniors). These permanent posts will begin this September.

Mrs. Patton and Mrs. Joseph are currently acting Assistant Headteachers and will
be able to assist you if I am unavailable.

Dates for Diaries

Friday 4th April PTFA Cake Sale
Friday 4th April End of Term 4 – School closes for holiday
Monday 21st April INSERVICE DAY
Tuesday 22nd April Start of Term 5 – School re-opens
Friday 25th April Infant Party
Monday 12th May Start of KS2 SATS week
Friday 23rd May End of Term 5 – School closes
Monday 2nd June Start of Term 6 – School re-opens
Saturday 21st June Summer Fayre
Friday 25th July End of Term 6 – Summer Holidays.

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