Friday, 11 July 2008

11th July, 2008.

Dear Parent/Carer,

Vassalls Park

Reception,Y1 and Y2 will be going to Vassals Park on Tuesday 22nd July from 11.30-2.30pm. The children will need a packed lunch, own clothes and appropriate footwear. We also need parent helpers.

Jump Rope For Heart

As you know, this Monday we will be holding a ‘skipathon’ for the British Heart Foundation. Each class will be going out into the playground for 10 minutes of continuous skipping. 75% of the money that we raise goes to the BHF to help in the fight against heart disease. The remaining 25% that we raise goes to the school to buy sports equipment. For these reasons please could you and your child find as many sponsors as possible.

School Reports

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances End of Year Reports will be sent home on Tuesday, not today as we had hoped. As some children have been told they would find out about their new classes today, teachers will be sharing this information with their classes at the end of the day. Next year’s class organisation is as follows –

Reception – Mrs. Rollings (Assistant Headteacher)
Year 1 = Miss O’Toole
Year 2= Mrs. Ford
Year 2 = Mr. Sherwin
Year 3/4 = Mr. Tilmouth
Year 3/4 = Mrs. Bell
Year 3/4 – Mrs. Mantle
Year 5/6 – Mrs. Joseph (Assistant Headteacher)
Year 5/6 – Mr. Conlon
Year 5/6 – Mr. Patton

Mrs Marsh – Music and teaching in various classes
Mrs. Workman – Teaching in various classes

Sports Day

Weather permitting, this will take place next Thursday (17th July) at the school field off Forest Road. It will begin at 9.30pm but we would appreciate if some parents are able to help the teachers walk the children to the field. Please contact your child’s class teacher if you are able to help.

Internet Safety

We have now sent out third copies of letters to parents in Key Stage 2 who have not returned the original letters. If we do not receive permission slips by the end of next week, those children will be unable to use any internet learning materials in class in the new school year (many of which are excellent).


Bristol Grade 2 £2066 - £2096 (Actual) 7.5 hours per week Term Time OnlyThe Governors of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School are looking to employ a School Meals Supervisory Assistant to work 5 days a week (Mon-Fri) 1 hour 30 hours minutes per day (12.00 – 1.30pm) to cover both KS1 and KS2 lunchtime.You will ideally be enthusiastic, energetic, flexible and be able to work as part of a team.Application form and job details are from the school office.


Netball will have to cancelled this coming Monday, 14th July.

Celebration of Achievements

Jakub Spoinski, Johann Manosh, Jeleil Manmohan, Jaylene Manmohan, Klaudia Swiader, Yan Stepanuik, Michael Apperley, Eleanor Stepanuik, Molly McBride, Oskar Musial, Emediong Jumbo, Sophie Sawers, Hamze Ibrahim-Mahamoud, Sebastian Smaka, Samara Ayton-Lambourne, Agnel Aliyath, Sam O’Brien and Aryl Gudaca.

All are welcome to Monday’s celebration assembly.

Past Pupils Achievement

Stacey Keary, who left St. Joseph’s in 2000, has fulfilled her life ambition and has become a professional dancer. She will be joining the ‘Lord of the Dance’ production and will be touring all around Europe, starting in Russia. Good luck Stacy.

School Meals – Unison Strike

Due to the two day strike of some support staff next Wednesday and Thursday (16th and 17th), the school kitchen will be unable to provide hot school dinners. If your child usually receives free school meals and you would like the school to provide a packed lunch, please contact the school office.


Camp DVD’s

School camp DVD’s will be available next week for £5.00. All profits will go toward materials to enhance the school curriculum.

Best wishes

Matt Condon

Dates for Diaries

Thursday 17th July Sports Day for KS1 and KS2
Tuesday 22nd July KS1 Picnic at Vassals Park
Wednesday 23rd July Year 6 Performance to Parents (7.00pm)
Thursday 24th July Year 6 Performance to Parents (2.00pm)
Friday 25th July Leavers Mass (9.30am in Parish Church)
Friday 25th July End of Term 6 – Summer Holidays (Hooray!!)

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