Friday, 26 September 2008

26th September, 2008.

Dear Parent/Carers,

After School Clubs

We will soon be offering after school activities to children. Our plan is to use specialist coaches to offer Multi-Sports (football, netball, basketball, hockey etc.), to children in Years 3 and 4 and Drama to children in Years 5 and 6. There will also be a ‘Physical Skills’ session for Year 2 children (places for this are limited and may only be offered to specific children).

We plan to develop the after school menu further and offer activities to all children. There will be a cost to cover instruction and first aid for these activities. Letters will be sent out next week.

ALSO, if your child attends one of our after school clubs, please could you inform the school if your child will not be attending for any reason. This is for the safety of the children and also ensures that clubs can start promptly and all children are accounted for.

Religious Education Overviews

These are being sent home today. Please use them as a family to support your child’s learning and help them on their spiritual journey.

Walk to School

Get your walking shoes on as OCTOBER is walk to school month. Families can walk into school any day of the week.

Harvest Celebration

Next Friday Y5/6C will be celebrating Harvest in their class assembly. Also as part of this celebration, we will be collecting groceries to support local good causes. Please can all contributions come into school by Thursday, 2nd October.

Celebration of Assembly

There will be no Celebration Assembly next week.

Parent Information Sessions – Year 3/4

This session will allow teachers to meet parents together (without the children) and explain issues that are relevant to their year group, such as homework and the curriculum. The session will take place on Tuesday 30th September at 3pm.

Absence PolicyAnother reminder if your child is unwell and unable to attend school, we ask you to please inform us by telephone or by letter by 9.30am. If a message has not been received we will need to contact the home address to confirm the whereabouts of your child. We cannot take a message from a child (It has to be from the parent/carer).

Dean Field Study Centre Trip

The next instalment of £30 is due on the 1st October. Please could you ensure that payment is sent to the school office promptly. Cheques to be made payable to Bristol City Council.

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 30th September - Y3/4 Parent Information Session
Friday 3rd October, 9.30am - Y5/6C Class Assembly
Tuesday 7th October - Year 6 - Lifeskills Centre
Tuesday 14th October - Parents Evening
Thursday 16th October - Parents Evening
Friday 17th October - Y5/6P Class Assembly
Friday 24th October - End of Term 1

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,

Also - Out of School Clubs

Over the next couple of weeks the club links board in the playground will be updated. The board is designed to make children aware of some of the opportunities available to them in their local area. In turn this will hopefully encourage more of our children to be involved with clubs and groups outside of school.

Could you please return the attached slip with any clubs that your children presently attend outside of school so that a new list can be produced.

Friday, 19 September 2008

19th September, 2008

Dear Parent/Carer,

Y6 - Information Sessions about Secondary Transfer

An information session for parents of Year 6 children will be held this Monday - 22nd October at 3.30pm in the school hall. This session will be provided by the local authority and will last approximately 40mins. Supervision for siblings will be provided in the computer room.

Updated Contacts/Medical

If your child’s contact details or any new medical conditions have changed since the end of last term, could you please let the office know as soon as possible.

Religious Education Overviews

These will be sent home next week. Please use them as a family to support your child’s learning and help them on their spiritual journey.

Celebration of Achievements

Well done to the following children who will receive Headteacher’s Award in Monday’s Celebration Assembly.

William Brain, Charlotte Petrie, Ruby Walsh, Rochelle Christian, Keegan Broad and Rebecca Dagnall

Parent Information SessionsThese sessions will begin next week and will allow teachers to meet parents together (without the children) and explain issues that are relevant to their year group, such as homework and the curriculum. The dates are at the end of this letter.

The Y3/4 session has been postponed. A new date will be in next week’s newsletter.
Lost PropertyMr. Pitt will place all lost property on a table in the playground every Thursday. All labelled property will be returned to owners (PLEASE LABEL CLOTHING). Any remaining clothing will be sold at the end of the term to raise money for educational visits.

Help Needed!

Would you like to come into school to support children with their reading or other area of learning? Do you have skills which could benefit the children and the school community? If you have a bit of time to come into school and help please see myself, the school office or another member of staff.

Together we will continue to build a better school!

Best wishes

Matt Condon

Dates for Diaries

Wednesday 24th September - Y5/6 visit to WW2 Experience, Swindon
Wednesday 24th September - Y2 Healthy Picnic at Forest Road
Thursday 25th September, 3pm - Y5/6 Parents Information Session
Friday 26th September, 3pm - Y1/2 Parents Information Session
Friday 3rd October, 9.30am - Y5/6C Class Assembly
Tuesday 7th October - Year 6 visit Lifeskills Centre
Tuesday 14th October - Parents Evening
Thursday 16th October - Parents Evening
Friday 17th October - Y5/6P Class Assembly
Friday 24th October - End of Term 1

Friday, 12 September 2008

Guidance on Labelling of Medicines – September 2008

The Medicines Act 1968 states that 'the prescriber's directions must be followed'. So staff are only legally allowed to give meds as detailed on the label printed by the dispensing pharmacy, as these constitute the prescriber's directions. If parents think their child needs medication more often, they must go back to the GP.

If medication is prescribed as '3 times a day', then they should be given the 3 times, not more or less. The medication should be regularly spaced out during waking hours [unless otherwise instructed]. Unless a child is staying after hours for clubs etc, then best given before school, on return, and at bed time, so no need to bring to school at all.

If medication is labelled 'when required' or 'as required' the school will use the details as given by the family in the care plan to, determine if medication should be given, ie details of what symptoms the child will show when having a problem and how often medication should be given before further action is taken.

Prescriptions can state '3 times a day when required' meaning that when the person has symptoms they should use the medicine up to 3 doses a day, could use less number of doses but not more.

Please contact Mr. Condon if you require clarification of these points
12th September, 2008.

Dear Parent/Carer,

Curriculum Overviews

Today you will be sent home a ‘Curriculum Topic Web’ for your child’s class. These map out what your child will be learning during their current topic. These will be sent home when every new topic begins.
Miss O’Toole’s will be sent out next week as she is unwell.

Ex-Pupil Achievement

We love celebrating the success of ex-pupils. This summer Sarah Gossan got 4 A's and a B at A level and is off to Cardiff University to do Astrophysics. Well done Sarah! Please let us know about other success stories – there are many out there!

Parent Information Sessions

These sessions will be held at the start of each year and will allow teachers to meet parents together (without the children) and explain issues that are relevant to their year group, such as homework and the curriculum. The dates are at the end of this letter.

Administration of Medicines

Several parents have requested additional clarification about the labelling of medication. We have taken advice from the local health authority and created a guidance letter. This is available from the school office and will be published on the school newsletter blog (accessed through the website).

Lost Property

Mr. Pitt will place all lost property on a table in the playground every Thursday. All labelled property will be returned to owners (PLEASE LABEL CLOTHING). Any remaining clothing will be sold at the end of the term to raise money for educational visits.

Y6 - Information Sessions about Secondary Transfer

An information session for parents of Year 6 children will be held on Monday 22nd September at 3.30pm in the school hall. This session will be provided by the local authority and will last approximately 40mins. Supervision for children will be provided in the computer room. Secondary transfer packs are being sent out today.

Morrison’s Let’s Grow Vouchers

We have now registered with Morrison’s, so if you do receive any ‘Let’s Grow’ vouchers, could you please send them into school. The purpose is to inspire pupils to follow a healthier diet and lifestyle through the practical experience of growing fruit and vegetable in the school grounds. By collecting the vouchers the school will benefit by receiving free gardening equipment.

High School Musical Competition

From Monday 15th September, the kitchen are running a competition to win 4 tickets to the London Premiere of High School Musical 3, on the 7th October (travel paid). From the 15th September for 2 weeks, you can download a voucher from www.myhighschool Children take this voucher (1 per day) to the canteen at lunchtime, to have their voucher stamped when they have their school meal. Vouchers can then be posted (up to 10 vouchers per child) to:

Magic Meal Ticket Promotion,
School Food Trust
S1 4PQ.

On 30th September, the first 100 vouchers drawn will win an I pod shuffle and 5 vouchers will win the premiere tickets.

Celebration of Achievements

Well done to the following children who will receive Headteacher’s Award in Mondays Celebration Assembly.

King Wilson, Thomas Coombs, Airam Pamintuan, Micah Gayle, Elijah Hayden, Isaac Allen, Ty Mitchell and Matthew Bristow.

Dates for Diaries

Friday 19th September, 9.30am - Y6J Peace Day Class Assembly
Monday 22nd September, 3.30pm -Y6 Secondary Transfer Parents Meeting
Wednesday 24th September - Y5/6 visit to WW2 Experience, Swindon
Wednesday 24th September, 3pm - Y3/4 Parents Information Session
Thursday 25th September, 3pm - Y5/6 Parents Information Session
Friday 26th September, 3pm - Y1/2 Parents Information Session
Friday 3rd October, 9.30am - Y5/6C Class Assembly
Tuesday 7th October - Year 6 visit Lifeskills Centre
Tuesday 14th October - Parents Evening
Thursday 16th October - Parents Evening
Friday 17th October - Y5/6P Class Assembly
Friday 24th October - End of Term 1

Best wishes

Matt Condon, Headteacher

Polish Club


Szanowni Rodzice/Opiekunowie,

Oferujemy polskim dzieciom okazję dołączenia się do polskiego klubu jako zajęcie poza lekcyjne. W tym klubie dzieci będą mogli używać swój polski język ucząc się jednocześnie języka angielskiego i o kulturze Brytyjskiej.

Zajęcia będą prowadzone przez Panią Smaka, jedna z naszych rodziców, którą niektórzy znają, i która pracuje jako asystent nauczyciela klasy w innej szkole. Pani Smaka będzie zatrudnione przez szkołę St Joseph's aby prowadzić te sesje.

Zajęcia w tym klubie odbywać się będą w środy od godz. 15.30 do 16.45.
Pierwsza sesja odbędzie się 17-go września 2008.

Jeżeli państwo życzy aby dziecko brało udział w klubie, proszę wypełnić poniższy druk.

Z poważaniem,

Matt Condon

Friday, 5 September 2008

5th September, 2008.

Dear Parent/Carer.

Welcome back to the start of the new school year, hopefully you all had a good summer break. The Reception Year will join us next week on a part-time basis, building up to full-time.

We will be sharing dates and other ‘new term’ information in the next newsletter. All newsletters can be found on the school website (see above address).

School Meals

School meals have increased from £1.95 to £2.00 as from the 3rd September.


If you shop at Morrison’s could you please send the vouchers into school.


The next PTFA Meeting is on Tuesday 16th September in the Vandyke Forum on Fishponds Road. The PTFA (who are doing a great job!) would love new volunteers to support their exciting new plans for 2008/2009.

PE Kits

Can I take this opportunity to remind all parents and carers about the school PE Kit:

· PE kit should be in school all week.
· PE kit should be complete and labelled – White T. shirt, Navy Shorts, Daps and/or Trainers for outdoor PE.
· If the incorrect PE kit is taken home accidentally – please send it back immediately. We have too many kits that are going missing!
· If due to medical reasons, your child is unable to do PE, you need to send a note into your class teacher. Please ensure the letter includes details of how long your child is unable to do PE for.

After School Activities

As you know last year we were able to offer a wide range of after school. We hope to do the same this year and details of activities will be in the newsletter soon.

Guitar Lessons

Guitar lessons will resume on Monday 8th September.

As-New Uniform Sale

Year 5 and 6 will be running As-New uniform sale on Monday 8th, Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th September. The proceeds will support the funding of a planned educational visit learning about the Second World War in Swindon.


Dates for class assemblies will be published shortly in the newsletter. Celebration assemblies will begin on Monday 15th September at 9.15am.


A reminder that pupils should be in school between 8.45am and 8.55am. If you child arrives after 8.55am they will be classed as late, and after this time all pupils must come through the ‘Main Entrance’ and report to the office, this is for the safety of your child

This week we have been reflecting on how God loves each of us for being special in many different ways. We all look forward to a very special year of learning in St. Joseph’s.

We all thank you for your continuing support

Matt Condon