Friday, 5 September 2008

5th September, 2008.

Dear Parent/Carer.

Welcome back to the start of the new school year, hopefully you all had a good summer break. The Reception Year will join us next week on a part-time basis, building up to full-time.

We will be sharing dates and other ‘new term’ information in the next newsletter. All newsletters can be found on the school website (see above address).

School Meals

School meals have increased from £1.95 to £2.00 as from the 3rd September.


If you shop at Morrison’s could you please send the vouchers into school.


The next PTFA Meeting is on Tuesday 16th September in the Vandyke Forum on Fishponds Road. The PTFA (who are doing a great job!) would love new volunteers to support their exciting new plans for 2008/2009.

PE Kits

Can I take this opportunity to remind all parents and carers about the school PE Kit:

· PE kit should be in school all week.
· PE kit should be complete and labelled – White T. shirt, Navy Shorts, Daps and/or Trainers for outdoor PE.
· If the incorrect PE kit is taken home accidentally – please send it back immediately. We have too many kits that are going missing!
· If due to medical reasons, your child is unable to do PE, you need to send a note into your class teacher. Please ensure the letter includes details of how long your child is unable to do PE for.

After School Activities

As you know last year we were able to offer a wide range of after school. We hope to do the same this year and details of activities will be in the newsletter soon.

Guitar Lessons

Guitar lessons will resume on Monday 8th September.

As-New Uniform Sale

Year 5 and 6 will be running As-New uniform sale on Monday 8th, Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th September. The proceeds will support the funding of a planned educational visit learning about the Second World War in Swindon.


Dates for class assemblies will be published shortly in the newsletter. Celebration assemblies will begin on Monday 15th September at 9.15am.


A reminder that pupils should be in school between 8.45am and 8.55am. If you child arrives after 8.55am they will be classed as late, and after this time all pupils must come through the ‘Main Entrance’ and report to the office, this is for the safety of your child

This week we have been reflecting on how God loves each of us for being special in many different ways. We all look forward to a very special year of learning in St. Joseph’s.

We all thank you for your continuing support

Matt Condon

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