Friday, 5 December 2008

5th December, 2008.
Dear Parent/Carer,

Section 48 Inspection
Mrs. Maisie Foster inspected the school on behalf of the Diosese this week. She was made to feel very welcome by the whole school community and we thank you all for your support. A full report will be sent home when it is published.

‘In the beginning’ Sex and Relationship Education scheme of work
Another reminder that Trisha Antolik, the Diocese Primary Advisor will be joining the school for a special meeting to introduce this scheme to the school on the 16th December. The meeting will be at 6pm and all parents/carers are invited.

Christmas Lunch
Monday will be the last day to order Christmas lunch for your child. Numbers need to be given into the kitchen by that day. You will not be able to order a Christmas dinner after Mondays deadline.

Christmas Lunch helpers
The school cook is looking for 2 volunteers to help in the school kitchen on the 10th December (Christmas Lunch day) between 11am - 1.30pm. If you are interested or would like more information, please go along to the school kitchen and speak with Zowie, or come to the office.

Parish Christmas Fair
The School stall in the parish fair raised £60.55 last weekend. Thank you for all your donations and a big thank you to Miss Geach and Miss Wright for running the stall.

PTFA – School Book Fair
Thank you to everyone who supported the book fair last week. Due to your efforts we raised an amazing £480 worth of books for the school.

Christmas Disco
The Christmas Disco has now sold out & promises to be great. The PTFA have worked very hard to organise the event but need additional support on the night. If you would like to help out, just see a PTFA member or the staff in the school office.

Deanfield Study Centre
The December instalment is now due.

Celebration of Achievements
There will be a celebration assembly next Monday at 9.15am. The following children will receive awards:-
Reuben Reji, Rajan Sahota, Sandra Paslawska, Oliver Halliday, Oliwia Zielinska, Charlotte Petrie, Alvin Chime and Orian Jamieson.All parents and carers are welcome to this celebration.

Date for Diaries
Wednesday 10th December - School Christmas Dinner
Tuesday 16th December - Nativity Performance (Reception) 2.45pm
Tuesday 16th December - ‘In the beginning’ school meeting – 6pm
Wednesday 17th December - Nativity Performance (Reception) 9.30am
Thursday 18th December - Christmas Carol Concert – 9.30am in the parish Church
Thursday 18th December - Infant Party – afternoon
Friday 19th December - End of term Mass
Friday 19th December - Term 2 finishes for Christmas

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

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