Friday, 30 January 2009

29th January, 2009.

Dear Parent/Carer,

Maths Clubs

This term see the launch of St Joseph's Maths clubs across the school. Maths Clubs are design to help children improve the speed of recalling key maths facts. Knowing the key maths facts will enable children to be more confident and progress further in The Big Number Crunch.For further information and copies of the Clubs please visit the school website and choose ‘The Big Number Crunch’, then ‘Maths Clubs’. Paper copies are available on request.

Our records show that there are a number of pupils who are arriving late. We are sure you will understand lateness can be very disruptive to the school day. Missing the start of lessons means instructions and other essential information will have to be repeated, which will delay the start of lessons and the children’s learning. School starts at 8.55am – children should line up in the playground with their class, at this time.

Can I ask you to work with the school to ensure your child’s prompt arrival in the future, otherwise it could result in the Local Authority taking legal action.

Safety and Security
Can I remind you again to use only the main entrance at the beginning and end of the day.

Children or staff must not open any outside doors for anyone. Please respect this decision – they are not being ill mannered – they are following set procedures in accordance with our Health and Safety Policy.

Adults Collecting Children
Again for security and safety reasons, can you inform the school office, in writing, if any adult is collecting your child who is not normally authorised to do so. Adults who are not authorised will not be allowed to take children off the premises.

There will be no choir on Wednesday 4th February. It will resume the following week. Pick up is at 4.30pm.

After School Club (Football)
Unfortunately, due to lack of interest, we have cancelled the planned football club. We will be sending home a full refund today. We are planning alternative activities but can only maintain clubs if interest is sufficient.

Celebration of Achievements
There will be a celebration assembly next Monday at 3.00pm. The following children will receive awards:-

Bridget Connors, Cole Schwarz, Grace Stepaniuk, Amelia Dockerty, Oliver Kelliher-Swash
Oliver Louch and George Mainprise.

PTFA Meeting
Just a reminder that the PTFA will be meeting on Wednesday February 4th in the Cross Hands, Fishponds, at 8pm. We will be discussing plans for the Summer Fair, and suggestions for how to fundraise for Red Nose Day in March. Please come along if you wish to contribute.

Dates for Diaries
Monday 2nd February - Y5/6 Deanfield Study Centre Trip
Tuesday 3rd February - Y3/4 Mass in Parish Church
Tuesday 10th Februry - Y2F and Y5C Mass in Parish Church
Friday 13th February - End of Term 3 Mass
Monday 23rd February - Start of Term 4

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,

Thursday, 22 January 2009

22nd January, 2009.

Dear Parent/Carer,

Changes to dates

Some changes have been made to dates published in last week's newsletter. Please see dates for diaries for details. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

New Learning Topics

Overviews of topics being taught this term, will be sent home next week.

Football Club

We have planned this After School Club for Mondays at £2.50 per session. Presently, we do not have enough children interested to continue with this activity. If you would like your child to partake in this activity, please contact the school office by the end of the week. A final decision about the future activity will be made on Monday.

After-School Clubs

The new series of Multi-sports coaching sessions begin next Tuesday.

There seems to be a few problems with some after-school clubs. If your child’s name is down for any of the after-school clubs, and you have sent the consent form and money to the office, for which you will receive a receipt to confirm, a place has been booked. If you are not sure if you child is on any of the after school clubs, could you please check at the office.

In the Beginning – Sex and Relationships Scheme of Work

Following the successful meeting last term looking at the scheme of work, the school hopes to begin using the scheme later in this academic year. If you were unable to attend the meeting and would like to look at a copy of the scheme, please ask the office, where one is available for viewing.

‘Keeping up with the Kids’ Course

This starts today. Places are still available for parents who are interested to join the group.

Celebration of Achievements

There will not be a celebration assembly next week because of the INSET Day.
Chance to Shine Cricket Festival 2009
Yesterday ten members of year 5/6 took part in the Action indoor sports -Chance to shine cricket festival 2009. Our school successfully won their games and the group and were presented with a trophy. Mr. Conlon was very impressed with our team's positive attitude and team work. They demonstrated some excellent cricket skills and performed well under pressure. Well done to all involved!

Visit the school Blog to see pictures and video of the action.

Dates for Diaries (changed dates are in italics)

Monday 26th January - INSET Day (school closed)
Tuesday 27th January - New Group Multi-Sports
Tuesday 27th January - Y1 and Year 2 Mass in Parish Church
Thursday 29th January - ‘Keeping up with the Kids’ Course session 2
Monday 2nd February - Y5/6 Deanfield Study Centre Trip
Tuesday 3rd February - Y3/4 Mass in Parish Church
Tuesday 10th February - Y5 and 6 Mass in Parish Church
Friday 13th February - End of Term 3 Mass
Monday 23rd February - Start of Term 4

Finally, just a reminder that the school is closed on Monday. This is due to a staff training day. I hope you all enjoy the long weekend.

Best wishes

Matt Condon, Headteacher

Friday, 16 January 2009

16th January, 2009

16th January, 2009.

Dear Parent/Carer,

Parents Help

During this academic year we have been very lucky that parents have volunteered to come into school to support the learning of children with reading or writing. Those volunteering have helped these children to become more confident learners.

If you have some spare time during the week, and you would also like to help out, please tell Mr. Condon or any other member of staff.

Any Problems?

If you have any concerns about your child’s learning or wellbeing, please contact the school office to arrange a meeting with your child’s class teacher. If you feel the matter is of a serious nature, please contact Mr. Condon, Mrs. Rollings or Mrs. Joseph.

Foundation Stage Courtyard

Learning materials and equipment in this area should not be used by younger siblings or children after 3.30pm. In recent days some disruption has been caused when equipment has been tampered with and has not been ready for learning the next day.

PTFA Meeting

The PTFA will be meeting on Wednesday February 4th in the Cross Hands, Fishponds, at 8pm. We will be discussing plans for the Summer Fair, and suggestions for how to fundraise for Red Nose Day in March. Please come along if you wish to contribute.

Celebration of Achievements

There will be a celebration assembly next Monday at 9.15am. The following children will receive awards:-

Nile Thomas, Muskan Rehan, Ceris Lee, Ben Underhill, Eve Boniface, Sarah Moylan, Corada Wilson

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 20th January, 9.15am - Rec and Y6J Mass in Parish Church
Thursday 22nd January - First session of ‘Keeping up with the Kids’ Course
Monday 26th January - Staff training day (school closed)
Tuesday 27th January - Y1 and Y6P Mass in Parish Church
Monday 2nd February - Y5/6 Deanfield Study Centre TripTuesday 3rd February - Y3/4 Mass in Parish Church
Tuesday 10th February - Y2F and Y5C Mass in Parish Church
Friday 13th February - End of Term 3 Mass
Monday 23rd February - Start of Term 4Yours Sincerely

Matt Condon

Friday, 9 January 2009

9th January, 2009.

Dear Parent/Carer,

‘Keeping up with the Kids’ Course

This FREE short course will look at some easy ideas for improving your Maths Skills and helping your children with theirs.

This is a 10 week course, which will run every Thursday afternoon, from January 22nd – 1.30pm – 3.30pm.

PLEASE SEE MR. CONDON NEXT WEEK IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. Unfortunately, unless a few more parents sign up, the course will have to be cancelled.


We are currently planning to improve the security of the bicycle parking area. However, I need to remind all bike owners that we cannot accept responsibility for any property left on the school site even if it is locked.


It will be a non-uniform day for St Mark’s next Friday, the 16th January. Well done for winning the team point competition last term.

Deanfield Study Centre

All outstanding payments are due on Monday.

Religious Education Topic – Journeys (January 5th—31st)

In this topic, the children will explore the journeys we make in our lives, both physical and spiritual.

They will learn how the Christian life is a journey with Jesus.

Suggestions for home activities

Talk together about journeys the family have made together.

Ask your child to tell you about Jesus’ journey to the temple in Jerusalem with Mary Joseph. Perhaps they could draw it.

Celebration of Achievements

There will be a celebration assembly next Monday at 3pm. The following children will receive awards:-

Ida Johansson, Jeleil Manmohan, Stan Doling, Lara Brown, Elijah Hayden, Alfie Ferris, Joseph Calloway, Chloe Bowden, Laura Smith, Alexander Aliyath, Rochelle Christian


Several children are arriving for school late each day. This is not only disruptive for their learning but also for other children in the class. All children should be ready to line up in the playground at 8.55am.

Dates for Diaries

Week beginning 12th January - Y6 practice SATs
Tuesday 13th January, 6pm - Y5/6 camp meeting
Thursday 22nd January - First session of ‘Keeping up with the Kids’ Course
Monday 26th January - Staff training day (school closed)
Monday 2nd February - Y5/6 Deanfield Study Centre Trip
Friday 13th February - End of Term 3 Mass
Monday 23rd February - Start of Term 4

Yours Sincerely
Matt Condon, Headteacher