22nd January, 2009.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Changes to dates
Some changes have been made to dates published in last week's newsletter. Please see dates for diaries for details. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
New Learning Topics
Overviews of topics being taught this term, will be sent home next week.
Football Club
We have planned this After School Club for Mondays at £2.50 per session. Presently, we do not have enough children interested to continue with this activity. If you would like your child to partake in this activity, please contact the school office by the end of the week. A final decision about the future activity will be made on Monday.
After-School Clubs
The new series of Multi-sports coaching sessions begin next Tuesday.
There seems to be a few problems with some after-school clubs. If your child’s name is down for any of the after-school clubs, and you have sent the consent form and money to the office, for which you will receive a receipt to confirm, a place has been booked. If you are not sure if you child is on any of the after school clubs, could you please check at the office.
In the Beginning – Sex and Relationships Scheme of Work
Following the successful meeting last term looking at the scheme of work, the school hopes to begin using the scheme later in this academic year. If you were unable to attend the meeting and would like to look at a copy of the scheme, please ask the office, where one is available for viewing.
‘Keeping up with the Kids’ Course
This starts today. Places are still available for parents who are interested to join the group.
Celebration of Achievements
There will not be a celebration assembly next week because of the INSET Day.
Chance to Shine Cricket Festival 2009
Yesterday ten members of year 5/6 took part in the Action indoor sports -Chance to shine cricket festival 2009. Our school successfully won their games and the group and were presented with a trophy. Mr. Conlon was very impressed with our team's positive attitude and team work. They demonstrated some excellent cricket skills and performed well under pressure. Well done to all involved!
Visit the school Blog to see pictures and video of the action.
Dates for Diaries (changed dates are in italics)
Monday 26th January - INSET Day (school closed)
Tuesday 27th January - New Group Multi-Sports
Tuesday 27th January - Y1 and Year 2 Mass in Parish Church
Thursday 29th January - ‘Keeping up with the Kids’ Course session 2
Monday 2nd February - Y5/6 Deanfield Study Centre Trip
Tuesday 3rd February - Y3/4 Mass in Parish Church
Tuesday 10th February - Y5 and 6 Mass in Parish Church
Friday 13th February - End of Term 3 Mass
Monday 23rd February - Start of Term 4
Finally, just a reminder that the school is closed on Monday. This is due to a staff training day. I hope you all enjoy the long weekend.
Best wishes
Matt Condon, Headteacher
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