27th February, 2009.
Dear Parent/Carer,
School Uniform – a Reminder
There is in place a school uniform comprising white polo shirt, navy blue sweatshirt, cardigan, fleece, grey trousers/skirts (tailored shorts in warmer weather) or blue/white gingham dress.
The shirts, sweatshirts etc. are available through the school, but have to be ordered with money paid in advance.
Children must wear clothing and footwear (black shoes or black trainers) appropriate to the school environment and activity whilst avoiding extremes of fashion.
School staff and governors retain the right to request children not to attend school in clothing or footwear deemed to be unsuitable, inappropriate or likely to compromise health and safety.
Jewellery in School
Children should not wear jewellery to school. The school will not be responsible for any loss or damage to property or person resulting from the bringing of jewellery into school.
Please note: Children with pierced ears whose parents wish them to wear earrings must, for safety sake, wear plain metallic studs rather than other types of earrings.
Hair extensions or extreme ornamentations are not allowed on ground of Health and Safety. Children who wear earrings must remove (or tape) them for all PE and sporting activities on Health and Safety grounds.
Parents’ Evening
A reminder if you have not received your child’s Parents’ Evenings letter which is next Tuesday 3rd March from 4.00-6.00pm and on Thursday 12th March from 4.00-6.30pm, to come to the office to collect one. The purpose of the meeting is for teachers to share how your child is progressing in their learning, to look at their completed work, to learn about what they need to do to improve and to share any important information. The meeting lasts for no more than 10 minutes.
May I remind you all that it is very important that at least 1 parent/carer attends this meeting.
Parking on Chatsworth Road
Local residents have complained that parents, taking their children to school, are parking across driveways and blocking access. Please be considerate to our neighbours and do not park across driveways or lanes.
Consultation on Waste Treatment Facilities
As some of you are aware, a consultation is taking place on where to locate waste treatment facilities. One of the proposed sites is on Goodneston Road, off Lodge Causeway. Information can be found and comments can be made online at www.westofengland.org/waste
New Traffic Signs
We have just been notified that Bristol City Council are planning to install Solar Powered Vehicle Activated Signs on Lodge Causeway in an attempt to slow traffic near the school.
This action has resulted in concerns being raised in the School Travel Plan submitted by the school last year. A big thank you to Mrs. Rollings and all involved in the writing of this plan.
There will be some fun activities taking place in school to raise money for Comic Relief. Please try and participate in some (or all) of them! Here are some of the things planned.
50p DRESS UP DAY. Wear your pyjamas to school, or wear something red.
CAKE SALE. The cookery club will be making some special 'red nose' cakes to sell after school; we would also welcome any other cake contributions to sell alongside them.
ASSEMBLY COLLECTION. There will be a collection after assembly for any small change you can donate.
Celebration of Achievements
There will be no Celebration Assembly next week.
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 3rd March - Y3/4 Mass in Church
Tuesday 3rd March - Parent’s Evening
Tuesday 10th March - Y5/6 Mass in Church
Thursday 12th March - Parent’s Evening
Friday 13th March - Red Nose Day and Y56P Class Assembly
Tuesday 17th March - Reception, Y1 and Y2 – Mass in Church
Thursday 19th March - St. Joseph’s Day Mass
Friday 2oth March - Y2F Class Assembly
Tuesday 24th March - Y3/4 Mass in Church
Tuesday 31st March - Y5/6 Mass in Church
Friday 3rd April am - Y2S Class Assembly
Friday 3rd April pm - Holy Week Service (in school hall)
Friday 1st May - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Monday 29th June - Mass for Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul
Monday 13th July - Staff Training Day (school closed)
One more training day date (school closed), needs to be confirmed.
Yours Sincerely,
Matt Condon
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