Wednesday, 11 March 2009

11th March, 2009 - to be updated!

Dear Parent/Carer,

School Attendance – Getting Worse!

Children’s attendance has dropped over the last couple of months. I will be writing shortly to all parents of children who are missing a significant amount of school. We will also be publishing the percentage of attendance for each class each week.

Section 48 Inspection

Last December the school was visited by an inspector looking at Religious Education and the Catholic life of the school. Overall Effectiveness of the school was judged to be Good. Well done to all involved in the school community for achieving this positive result. Next time we aim for Outstanding! –

‘The Senior Leadership Team and Governors of the school have a clear vision of its
direction and know how to move the school forward to achieve its goals. Structures and systems are being put in place to ensure that school improvement and the raising of standards are priorities. The effectiveness of the Religious Education (RE) owes much to the strong leadership of the Subject Leader and the Headteacher, supported by a well-informed Governing Body.

Teaching is predominantly good and the good practice identified in this inspection
provides a model for where teaching could be improved further. Standards are good
overall. Pupils make good progress across the ability range and from year to year.
The school has identified what it does well and has good structures to support
improvement which will need time to embed consistently across all key stages.’

All other areas were judged to be good, except for Collective Worship, which was judged to be outstanding. Please can I encourage all parents to read the full report. A copy of this report will be sent home with this newsletter.

St Joseph’s Day

St Joseph’s Mass will be celebrated next Thursday 19th March, at 9.15am, in the Church. Next week's Mass for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 is canecelled.

Parent/Governors Vacancy

Would you like to join a team of 12 governors who carry out a strategic role to support the work of the school for the benefit of children and staff?

Day to day running of the school is delegated to the Headteacher and his senior management team.

For further information or to express an interest in this re-warding role, please leave your name and a telephone contact number with Mrs Slade, school secretary or contact Mrs Williams on 9518490.

Thank you,

Shelagh Williams,
Chair of Governors

School Access

May I please remind parents again about the safety and security of their children. Access to the school is through the front entrance. Unfortunately, their safety is being put at risk by a small number of adults who continue to attempt to access the building through other doorways which should be used as an exit for children only. Adults should only enter the school through the front entrance. If you wish to speak to your child’s class teacher please make an appointment with the office

In the morning and evening could children please use their own entrances. This
is for Health and Safety reasons.

St Joseph's Pre-School

St Joseph’s Pre-School are holding a Pamper Night on Friday 27th March 7pm till 10pm. Tickets only £2.50 including glass wine and light refreshments! Spoil yourself with taster treatments including Indian Head Massage, Thai Massage, Reflexology, Manicures or Facials to name but a few! Lovely treats and pamper goods also available for sale! £5 Gift Vouchers available to use towards treatments on the night. Why not buy a ticket and a £5 voucher as a gift for Mothers Day?!

Celebration of Achievements

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday at 9.15am. The following children will receive awards:-

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 17th March - Reception, Y1 and Y2 – Mass in Church - CANCELLED
Thursday 19th March - St. Joseph’s Day Mass
Friday 20th March - Y2F Class Assembly
Tuesday 24th March - Y3/4 Mass in Church
Tuesday 31st March - Y5/6 Mass in Church
Friday 3rd April am - Y2S Class Assembly
Friday 3rd April – End of Term 4
Friday 3rd April pm - Holy Week Service (in school hall)
Monday 20th April – Start of Term 5
Friday 1st May - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Monday 29th June - Mass for Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul
Monday 13th July - Staff Training Day (school closed)

One more training day date (school closed), needs to be confirmed.

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