18th September, 2009.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Sorry, but this newsletter starts with a moan…
This is already proving to be a big problem this term. In. Mrs. Ford’s class alone, 6 children were late this morning! Many others were late in other classes.
Where lateness is persistent the school will take appropriate action.
The school day starts when the children line up in the playground at 8.55am. All children who come in later will be marked in late.
Hoildays during Term Time
The schools overall attendance figures last year were disappointingly low.
The school’s policy on attendance is very clear: the school can authorise 10 days of leave for holidays during term time. However if absences are not authorised the school has no choice but to take action. This action may include referral to the Education Welfare Officer (who will then take further action) or a fixed penalty notice.
Absence due to Illness
Parents and Carers must contact the school office on the first morning of any absence due to illness.
Information About Learning
A reminder that each classes weekly overviews are being displayed in each class’s window at the start of each week. Hopefully they will inform you so that you can talk to your children about their learning at home.
School Meals
The school roast next week will be on Thursday.
Individual Photographs
Individual photographs take place on Tuesday 29th September. Siblings will be photographed together at the start of the school day.
PTFA Meeting
There will be a PTFA meeting on Wednesday week, 23rd September, at 8pm in the Cross Hands in Fishponds. We will be planning events for the school year, both for the children & parents/carers. If you have any ideas and want to come along, you will be most welcome.
Choir will resume next Wednesday 23rd September, 3.35-4.30pm. All KS2 children welcome. The proposed concert on the 19th September, will not be taking place as we do not have enough children available.
New Parents Tour
The dates for the new parents tour for children starting in September 2010 is Friday 25th September at 10.00am, or Monday 28th September at 2.00pm.
School Meals
School meals have gone up to £2.10 as from the start of term.
Fr Frank Cama
Fr Frank Cama who used to be a priest at St Joseph’s died last week. His funeral will take place next Thursday 24th September in Gloucester. Our prayers go out to him, may he rest in peace.
School Crossing
Pauline our school crossing patrol will not be available on Tuesday and Wednesday morning of next week.
Parents Meeting
Miss Wright has had to change her parents meeting from Friday 25th September to Friday 2nd October at 3.00pm.
School Blog
Children in the later primary years (5&6) have been blogging. Please look on the school website for their news about learning.
World Peace Day
The school will be praying for peace around the world on Monday.
We hope you pray too,
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 22nd September - Y2 parents meeting with Mrs Ford
Wednesday 23rd September - Y3/4 parents meeting with Mr Sherwin, Mrs Mantle and Mrs. Joseph.
Thursday 24th September - Y5/6 parents meeting with Mrs Patton, Mr Conlon and Mrs Bell.
Tuesday 29th September - Individual photographs
Friday 2nd October - Y1 parents meeting with Miss Wright
Friday 23rd October - End of Term 1
Monday 2nd November - Start of Term 2
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