Friday, 22 January 2010

22nd January 2010

22nd January 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Fencing Tournament

Well done to the St. Joseph’s Fencing ‘A’ Team who came FIRST PLACE in the Bristol Primary School’s Fencing Championship this week. Also well done to Team ‘B’ who were runners up. Pictures will be on the Blog soon! Also a big thank you to John Rohde and Teresa Smaka who coach and support the children in fencing each week.

Haiti Crisis

Many children in school have responded to the plight of people living in Haiti with great concern and sympathy. The school is planning a response, which will involve fundraising to help those in need. We will share information about this shortly.

In the mean time, you can help these people in need by supporting a Cookery Club Cake Sale, which will take place after school next Friday. Bags of cakes will be sold at 50p a bag. All proceeds will support those in need in Haiti.

Leather Glove

A leather glove was found in the Church after a school Christmas Celebration. If it belongs to you, please come and ask the school office.

Dinner Money Envelopes

Dinner money envelopes are available from the school office. 50 envelopes for £1.50 or 100 for £2.50

Y1 School Trip

The year 1 school trip to Blaise Castle Toy Museum on Monday 1st February will be going ahead. Volunteer parent helpers are still needed. If you can help please see Miss Wright.

Clothes for a Cause

The Clothes for a Cause bag has been sent home with your child for you to fill it with any unwanted good quality clothing, curtains, paired shoes, handbags and belts. The more we collect the more money the school receives. The school council have nominated the NSPCC and Rainbow Trust to benefit from the funds raised. The bags will be collected on the 29th January, but we will be accepting the bags from the 27th January.

PTFA Meeting

There will be a PTFA meeting on Wednesday 27th January at 8pm in the Spotted Cow on Lodge Causeway, please try & make it so we can get plans finalised for the Summer Festival. If you've never been before, and would like to come along, we'd love to see you there.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 25th January at 9.15am, and the following children will receive their headteachers award:-

Joel Shelvi, Nile Thomas, Kwame Hartley, Gabriel Matorres, Jack Underhill and George McIntyre

Dates for Diaries

Friday 22nd January - Parish Meeting in Parish Hall (7pm)
Tuesday 26th January - Early Primary (Y1/2) Mass in Church
Monday 1st February - Y1 School Trip
Monday 1st February - Year 5/6 Camp Week
Monday 1st February - Start of Black History Month
Tuesday 2nd February - Middle Primary (Y3/4) Mass in Church
Tuesday 9th February - Later Primary (Y5/6) Mass in Church

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

Friday, 15 January 2010

15th January 2010

Dear Parents and Carers,


A big thank you to the parents who came in this week to help the snow (the remainder is now being washed away by the rain).

Team Points

St Matthew’s team won last terms team points and will be able to wear non-uniform next Friday (22nd January).

Deanfield Study Centre

Please ensure that the outstanding balance for this trip is paid by Friday 22nd January 2010.

School Security – A ReminderAll monies and correspondence be given to the class teacher in an envelope or posted through the post box in the school entrance (please see next item if you need envelopes).
All persons coming to the main entrance will need to come to the window first. Access will then be given when needed.WE ASSURE YOU WE STILL WANT TO BE A WELCOMING SCHOOL BUT THE SAFETY OF CHILDREN MUST COME FIRST!

Dinner Money Envelopes

Dinner money envelopes are available from the school office. 50 envelopes for £1.50 or 100 for £2.50

Clothes for a Cause

The Clothes for a Cause bag has been sent home with your child this week for you to fill it with any unwanted good quality clothing, curtains, paired shoes, handbags and belts. The more we collect the more money the school receives. The school council have nominated the NSPCC and Rainbow Trust to benefit from the funds raised. The bags will be collected on the 29th January, but we will be accepting the bags from the 27th January.

PTFA Meeting

There will be a PTFA meeting on Wednesday 27th January at 8pm in the Spotted Cow on Lodge Causeway, please try & make it so we can get plans finalised for the Summer Festival. If you've never been before, and would like to come along, we'd love to see you there.


If your child is ill, please inform the school first thing. Otherwise you will be contacted directly by the school office.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 18th January - INSET DAY – Child Protection Training
Tuesday 19th January - Later Primary (Y5/6) Mass in Church

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Sunday, 10 January 2010

School Open as Normal

Unless the weather changes DRAMATICALLY for the worse, the school will be open as usual from now on.

Please take care travelling.

Mr Condon

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

School Closed - Thursday 7th January

Dear All,

I know I said the announcement would not be until 8am, but in view of the outlook for tonight (it's already very cold) and the likelihood of very icy conditions on the roads and especially the pavements, we have decided not to open the school tomorrow/today (Thursday 7th January).

As you all know, we close the school as a last resort. With the potential for icy conditions and even more snow over the weekend, we will make every effort to get back to normal quickly.

A big thank you for all your support and especially to staff and volunteers who helped keep the school open today.

I am sorry for all the inconvenience this closure may cause.

Best wishes and stay safe.

Mr Condon

PS - keep an eye on the BLOG for updates about Friday

Update - 10.30am

Snow Day – Today

As you all know St. Joseph’s is one of the few schools in Bristol open today.

However with temperatures potentially dropping this afternoon and travelling conditions worsening, we will be closing at lunchtime.

We would ask all parents and carers to collect their children at midday. Children with packed lunches can stay a bit longer to have their lunch but we are unable to provide hot school dinners.

Tomorrow –

The forecast is temperatures dropping significantly overnight. This will have an impact on travelling conditions and potentially on the schools ability to open.

Any announcements regarding school closure will be put on the school BLOG and passed on to Radio Bristol. A decision about closure will be made around 8am, so that all factors can be taken under consideration.

Again, thanks for your cooperation and take care travelling.

Update - 10.30am

Snow Day – Today

As you all know St. Joseph’s is one of the few schools in Bristol open today. As you can see from the pictures the children are having a great day enjoying a variety of activities.

However with temperatures potentially dropping this afternoon and travelling conditions worsening, we will be closing at lunchtime.

We would ask all parents and carers to collect their children at midday. Children with packed lunches can stay a bit longer to have their lunch but we are unable to provide hot school dinners.

Tomorrow –

The forecast is temperatures dropping significantly overnight. This will have an impact on travelling conditions and potentially on the schools ability to open.

Any announcements regarding school closure will be put on the school BLOG and passed on to Radio Bristol. A decision about closure will be made around 8am, so that all factors can be taken under consideration.

Again, thanks for your cooperation and take care travelling.



However, we are severely understaffed and will need to review the situation later in the morning (although we will try to avoid it, we may need to close early).

Please check the school BLOG or phone the school office for updates later in the morning.

Many thanks

Mr. Condon


Although we expect lower than usual levels of staffing (which will affect how we organise classes), the school will be open today.

Please keep ckecking the BLOG as more snow is forecast later today.

Take care.

Mr. Condon

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

5th January 2010

Snow-Special Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers,

Weather Warning

The Met Office has issued an early warning of severe weather warning, forecasting widespread icy roads and heavy snow for this region.

As always, we plan to open the school as normal tomorrow – and hopefully have some fun with any snow in school.

However, in the unlikely case of the school being closed (or other changes to the normal school day), we will inform you in the following ways –Notice will be published on the school website.

We hope to publish this information by 7.30am and you will find this news on the newsletter blog – the normal blog -

If you do not have access to the internet, perhaps other parents who do, may be able to share this information.

We will also inform Radio Bristol, who will broadcast details of any school closures.

Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon, Headteacher.