Friday, 15 January 2010

15th January 2010

Dear Parents and Carers,


A big thank you to the parents who came in this week to help the snow (the remainder is now being washed away by the rain).

Team Points

St Matthew’s team won last terms team points and will be able to wear non-uniform next Friday (22nd January).

Deanfield Study Centre

Please ensure that the outstanding balance for this trip is paid by Friday 22nd January 2010.

School Security – A ReminderAll monies and correspondence be given to the class teacher in an envelope or posted through the post box in the school entrance (please see next item if you need envelopes).
All persons coming to the main entrance will need to come to the window first. Access will then be given when needed.WE ASSURE YOU WE STILL WANT TO BE A WELCOMING SCHOOL BUT THE SAFETY OF CHILDREN MUST COME FIRST!

Dinner Money Envelopes

Dinner money envelopes are available from the school office. 50 envelopes for £1.50 or 100 for £2.50

Clothes for a Cause

The Clothes for a Cause bag has been sent home with your child this week for you to fill it with any unwanted good quality clothing, curtains, paired shoes, handbags and belts. The more we collect the more money the school receives. The school council have nominated the NSPCC and Rainbow Trust to benefit from the funds raised. The bags will be collected on the 29th January, but we will be accepting the bags from the 27th January.

PTFA Meeting

There will be a PTFA meeting on Wednesday 27th January at 8pm in the Spotted Cow on Lodge Causeway, please try & make it so we can get plans finalised for the Summer Festival. If you've never been before, and would like to come along, we'd love to see you there.


If your child is ill, please inform the school first thing. Otherwise you will be contacted directly by the school office.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 18th January - INSET DAY – Child Protection Training
Tuesday 19th January - Later Primary (Y5/6) Mass in Church

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

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