Dear Parents and Carers,
Staffing – Miss Jane O’Toole
Regretfully Miss O’Toole will not be returning to work at St. Joseph’s. This is due to ill health. We wish her the best for the future.
Parents Evening
These are being held over the next two weeks. It is important that you all make an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher, as important information about their progress will be shared in this meeting. There will also be an opportunity to meet the school governors, who will be seeking the views of parents about the school’s work.
Virtual Bike Race
This begins on Monday. Every child who cycles to school each day will be a part of the school cycle team. Bike it Ben will also be available to talk about the schools cycling plans and to offer advice, during Parents Evening on Tuesday 2nd March.
School Mass – Mothering Sunday
The school community will be leading a special Mass in Church, on Sunday 14th March. You are all welcome. The Mass will begin at 10am.
School Attendance We are still keeping up good attendance with Miss Wright’s class, Mrs Ford’s class, Mrs Mantle’s class, Mrs Joseph’s and Mrs Bell’s class achieving over 96% attendance.
Mr Conlon’s class achieved almost 100% with 99.3%!!!
Cookathon – 16th March
We are holding an all day Cookathon for the children in KS2. If you are able to spare half an hour during the 16th March to help out with cooking, please speak to Sharon Hood in the playground or give your name into the office together with the time that you are available.
School Crossing Patrol
A reminder that Mrs Pauline Sheere will be unable to work from the 8th March and for 8 weeks from the 11th March. Please ensure your children are always safe when crossing the road.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 1st March - No celebration assembly
Tuesday 2nd March - Years 3 and 4 Mass in Church
Tuesday 2nd March - Parent’s Evening
Friday 5th March – Mrs. Ford’s class assembly (parents are welcome)
Monday 8th March - Parent’s Evening
Sunday 14th March - School Mass in Church
Tuesday 16th March - Year 5 and 6 Mass in Church
Tuesday 30th March - Holy week Mass in the school hall
Thursday 1st April - End of Term 4
Monday 19th April - Start of Term 5
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Friday, 26 February 2010
Friday, 12 February 2010
Friday 12th February 2010
Dear Parents and Carers,
School Attendance
We are still keeping up good attendance with Mr Sherwin’s class over attending over 95% of the time, Mr Conlon’s, Mrs Bell’s and Miss Wright’s over 97%, Mrs Joseph’s and Mrs Patton’s class over 98%, Mrs Mantles at 99% and…
Bike it Ben
Bike it Ben will be available to talk about the schools cycling plans and to offer advice, during Parents Evening on Tuesday 2nd March.
Clothes for a Cause
Thank you to all who supported the Clothes for a Cause a total of £159.80 was raised. The money will be shared out equally between the nominated charities.
Year 5/6 Camp Clothes
We have a bag of clothes left over from last week’s camp. These will be available for parents to look at in the reception courtyard, after school on Monday 22nd February.
200 Club
The winners for January 2010 are:-
Mrs White - £ 12.25
Mr & Mrs Poole - £ 8.17
Mrs Palmer - £ 4.08
Please see Mrs Gossan if you would like to join. Many members are regular winners and all money raised supports children’s learning directly – some of it going directly to the School Council.
Eco and School Council News
Over the holidays we are having loft insulation and draft excluders installed to reduce the amount of energy we use to heat the school. Also we are replacing the soap and toilet dispensers with eco-friendly ones which will reduce the schools impact on the planet.
In term 4 we will be sending home envelopes for recycling jewellery (broken watches, costume jewellery) anything that you would like to get rid of. Also a box will be set up in the school to collect old DVD's and CD's - they must still be in their original case, so over the hols have a look around to see what you can find. Proceeds of both ventures will go to the school council to help with their fundraising for the playground.
PTFA Coffee Afternoon
There will be a coffee afternoon on Friday 26th February, from 3.00-3.30pm, in the Reception Class, 50p for a tea or coffee and a biscuit. Everybody is welcome!
Maths Online Support
Please visit the school website, where you will find links to the school’s Challenge website and the Number Crunch website (where you can also find the Maths Clubs). Here children will be able to find special challenges for the holidays, as well as guidance on how to improve their number calculation skills. Also all Year 5 and 6 pupils have access to Mathletics, if they have the internet at home. Mathletics is a great way to have fun and improve numeracy skills.
School Crossing Patrol
Mrs Pauline Sheere will be unable to work from the 8th March and for 8 weeks from the 11th March. Please use the crossing by the traffic lights to cross the road safely.
Dates for Diaries
Friday 12th February - End of Term 3
Wednesday 17th February - Ash Wednesday
Monday 22nd February - Start of Term 4
Monday 22nd February - Start of E-Safety Week
Tuesday 23rd February - Years 5 and 6 Mass in Church
Wednesday 24th February - E-Safety Week parents meeting – 9am
Friday 26th February - PTFA Coffee afternoon - 3.00-3.30pm
Tuesday 2nd March - Years 1 and 2 Mass in Church
Tuesday 2nd March - Parent’s Evening
Monday 8th March - Parent’s Evening
Tuesday 9th March - Years 3 and 4 Mass in Church
Sunday 14th March - School Mass in Church
Tuesday 16th March - Year 5 and 6 Mass in Church
Thursday 1st April - End of Term 4
Monday 19th April - Start of Term 5
Have a safe and restful holiday,
Matt Condon, Headteacher
School Attendance
We are still keeping up good attendance with Mr Sherwin’s class over attending over 95% of the time, Mr Conlon’s, Mrs Bell’s and Miss Wright’s over 97%, Mrs Joseph’s and Mrs Patton’s class over 98%, Mrs Mantles at 99% and…
Bike it Ben
Bike it Ben will be available to talk about the schools cycling plans and to offer advice, during Parents Evening on Tuesday 2nd March.
Clothes for a Cause
Thank you to all who supported the Clothes for a Cause a total of £159.80 was raised. The money will be shared out equally between the nominated charities.
Year 5/6 Camp Clothes
We have a bag of clothes left over from last week’s camp. These will be available for parents to look at in the reception courtyard, after school on Monday 22nd February.
200 Club
The winners for January 2010 are:-
Mrs White - £ 12.25
Mr & Mrs Poole - £ 8.17
Mrs Palmer - £ 4.08
Please see Mrs Gossan if you would like to join. Many members are regular winners and all money raised supports children’s learning directly – some of it going directly to the School Council.
Eco and School Council News
Over the holidays we are having loft insulation and draft excluders installed to reduce the amount of energy we use to heat the school. Also we are replacing the soap and toilet dispensers with eco-friendly ones which will reduce the schools impact on the planet.
In term 4 we will be sending home envelopes for recycling jewellery (broken watches, costume jewellery) anything that you would like to get rid of. Also a box will be set up in the school to collect old DVD's and CD's - they must still be in their original case, so over the hols have a look around to see what you can find. Proceeds of both ventures will go to the school council to help with their fundraising for the playground.
PTFA Coffee Afternoon
There will be a coffee afternoon on Friday 26th February, from 3.00-3.30pm, in the Reception Class, 50p for a tea or coffee and a biscuit. Everybody is welcome!
Maths Online Support
Please visit the school website, where you will find links to the school’s Challenge website and the Number Crunch website (where you can also find the Maths Clubs). Here children will be able to find special challenges for the holidays, as well as guidance on how to improve their number calculation skills. Also all Year 5 and 6 pupils have access to Mathletics, if they have the internet at home. Mathletics is a great way to have fun and improve numeracy skills.
School Crossing Patrol
Mrs Pauline Sheere will be unable to work from the 8th March and for 8 weeks from the 11th March. Please use the crossing by the traffic lights to cross the road safely.
Dates for Diaries
Friday 12th February - End of Term 3
Wednesday 17th February - Ash Wednesday
Monday 22nd February - Start of Term 4
Monday 22nd February - Start of E-Safety Week
Tuesday 23rd February - Years 5 and 6 Mass in Church
Wednesday 24th February - E-Safety Week parents meeting – 9am
Friday 26th February - PTFA Coffee afternoon - 3.00-3.30pm
Tuesday 2nd March - Years 1 and 2 Mass in Church
Tuesday 2nd March - Parent’s Evening
Monday 8th March - Parent’s Evening
Tuesday 9th March - Years 3 and 4 Mass in Church
Sunday 14th March - School Mass in Church
Tuesday 16th March - Year 5 and 6 Mass in Church
Thursday 1st April - End of Term 4
Monday 19th April - Start of Term 5
Have a safe and restful holiday,
Matt Condon, Headteacher
Friday, 5 February 2010
5th February 2010
Dear Parents and Carers,
Bullying Concerns
It has come to my attention that there has been some talk in the school playground about school bullying. The school behaviour policy defines bullying as –
Persistent and deliberate undermining of a person’s self-esteem and feelings of well-being in whatever form this takes.
Should an incident occur, which is perceived to be bullying we encourage all children to tell their teacher. The incident will then be swiftly investigated, recorded and appropriate action will be taken. If a child comes home feeling the situation has not been resolved parents need to inform the class teacher immediately. If after talking to the class teacher, the situation has not improved, please make an appointment to discuss the matter with the Headteacher. I will investigate fully, record all relevant information and take appropriate action. If parents still feel the issue has not been resolved satisfactorily, finally the School Governors should then be contacted.
At St Joseph’s School we will not tolerate bullying of any kind.
As a parent I do understand concerns about this issue. However in any school there will always be times when children have problems with relationships and although possibly upsetting, this if usually not bullying.
Generally the children in this school behave very well and demonstrate respect for each other – Ofsted judged children’s behaviour to be outstanding. When there is a problem we do our best to resolve it quickly, but can only do so if we are told about it.
School Attendance
Good attendance all round. Well done to the following classes for achieving over 95% - Miss Wright’s class, Mrs Mantle’s class and Mr Conlon’s class, but a massive well done to Mrs Joseph’s class, Mr Sherwin’s class, Mrs Patton’s class and Mrs Bell’s class for all achieving almost 98%. Almost full attendance!
Bike it Ben
Bike it Ben will be available during Parents Evening on the 2nd March
Lost Property
Lost property will be on display again next Monday 8th February.
Music Tuition
Please could you ensure that music tuition fees are paid by Friday 12th February. If you are paying by cheque, please make it payable to Bristol City Council
After School Clubs
There are still places available on the following after school clubs - which start the week beginning 22nd February:-
Gymnastics - Monday - Years 3/4/5/6
Multi-sports - Tuesday - Years 1/2/3
Fencing - Thursday - Years 5/6
If you are interested in any of these clubs please contact the office for details
Payment Envelopes
Envelopes are for sale for the school office £1.50 for 50 or £2.50 for 100.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 8th February at 9.15am, and the following children will receive their headteachers award:-
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 9th February - Later Primary (Y5/6) Mass in Church
Friday 12th February - End of Term 3
Monday 22nd February - Start of Term 4
Tuesday 2nd March - Parent’s Evening
Monday 8th March - Parent’s Evening
Friday 26th March - PTFA Coffee afternoon 3.00-3.30pm
Thurday 1st April - End of Term 4
Monday 19th April - Start of Term 5
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon
Bullying Concerns
It has come to my attention that there has been some talk in the school playground about school bullying. The school behaviour policy defines bullying as –
Persistent and deliberate undermining of a person’s self-esteem and feelings of well-being in whatever form this takes.
Should an incident occur, which is perceived to be bullying we encourage all children to tell their teacher. The incident will then be swiftly investigated, recorded and appropriate action will be taken. If a child comes home feeling the situation has not been resolved parents need to inform the class teacher immediately. If after talking to the class teacher, the situation has not improved, please make an appointment to discuss the matter with the Headteacher. I will investigate fully, record all relevant information and take appropriate action. If parents still feel the issue has not been resolved satisfactorily, finally the School Governors should then be contacted.
At St Joseph’s School we will not tolerate bullying of any kind.
As a parent I do understand concerns about this issue. However in any school there will always be times when children have problems with relationships and although possibly upsetting, this if usually not bullying.
Generally the children in this school behave very well and demonstrate respect for each other – Ofsted judged children’s behaviour to be outstanding. When there is a problem we do our best to resolve it quickly, but can only do so if we are told about it.
School Attendance
Good attendance all round. Well done to the following classes for achieving over 95% - Miss Wright’s class, Mrs Mantle’s class and Mr Conlon’s class, but a massive well done to Mrs Joseph’s class, Mr Sherwin’s class, Mrs Patton’s class and Mrs Bell’s class for all achieving almost 98%. Almost full attendance!
Bike it Ben
Bike it Ben will be available during Parents Evening on the 2nd March
Lost Property
Lost property will be on display again next Monday 8th February.
Music Tuition
Please could you ensure that music tuition fees are paid by Friday 12th February. If you are paying by cheque, please make it payable to Bristol City Council
After School Clubs
There are still places available on the following after school clubs - which start the week beginning 22nd February:-
Gymnastics - Monday - Years 3/4/5/6
Multi-sports - Tuesday - Years 1/2/3
Fencing - Thursday - Years 5/6
If you are interested in any of these clubs please contact the office for details
Payment Envelopes
Envelopes are for sale for the school office £1.50 for 50 or £2.50 for 100.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 8th February at 9.15am, and the following children will receive their headteachers award:-
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 9th February - Later Primary (Y5/6) Mass in Church
Friday 12th February - End of Term 3
Monday 22nd February - Start of Term 4
Tuesday 2nd March - Parent’s Evening
Monday 8th March - Parent’s Evening
Friday 26th March - PTFA Coffee afternoon 3.00-3.30pm
Thurday 1st April - End of Term 4
Monday 19th April - Start of Term 5
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
29th January 2010
Dear Parents and Carers,
Clothes for a Cause
A huge thank you to all who brought in bags of clothes and textiles - 79 bags were collected. The amount raised will be announced as soon as we know. The money raised will be shared between the NSPCC and The Rainbow Trust and the school community has gone a long way to help the planet by recycling. More recycling initiatives will be announced next term.
Many thanks
Eva (on behalf of the School Council)
Singing Games DVD
Thank you to all of you who purchased a Singing DVD from The Primary Music Specialists. The school is now the proud owner of copies of the DVD, thanks to your purchases. Some of you wondered if there was a handbook to go with the DVDs. I contacted the producers and there is not one included in the original price of £2:50, however they have sent me an online link so that you could print your own off if you wish. To download the book please follow the following instructions:
Type in the address bar :
Use username: singing
Password: games
You should be able to download the key stage 1 and 2 singing games books.
Good luck and enjoy the songs!
Mrs Marsh
Children’s Liturgy of the World
Did you know we have a children’s liturgy of the word at our Sunday evening mass? This involves children being taken out for the first half of mass to discuss and understand the gospel at their level with fun activities. Teaching of the children’s liturgy of the word is given by 2 adults each week. If you would like your child to go to the children’s liturgy, then please come along to the Sunday evening mass at 6.00pm
Lost Property
Lost property will be on display after school on Monday 1st February, and Friday 5th February.
Celebration Assembly
There will not be a celebration assembly on Monday.
Dates for Diaries
Friday 22nd January - Parish Meeting in Parish Hall (7pm)
Tuesday 26th January - Early Primary (Y1/2) Mass in Church
Monday 1st February - Y1 School Trip
Monday 1st February - Year 5/6 Camp Week
Monday 1st February - Start of Black History Month
Tuesday 2nd February - Middle Primary (Y3/4) Mass in Church
Tuesday 9th February - Later Primary (Y5/6) Mass in Church
Friday 12th February - End of Term 3
Monday 22nd February - Start of Term 4
Tuesday 2nd March - Parent’s Evening
Monday 8th March - Parent’s Evening
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon
Clothes for a Cause
A huge thank you to all who brought in bags of clothes and textiles - 79 bags were collected. The amount raised will be announced as soon as we know. The money raised will be shared between the NSPCC and The Rainbow Trust and the school community has gone a long way to help the planet by recycling. More recycling initiatives will be announced next term.
Many thanks
Eva (on behalf of the School Council)
Singing Games DVD
Thank you to all of you who purchased a Singing DVD from The Primary Music Specialists. The school is now the proud owner of copies of the DVD, thanks to your purchases. Some of you wondered if there was a handbook to go with the DVDs. I contacted the producers and there is not one included in the original price of £2:50, however they have sent me an online link so that you could print your own off if you wish. To download the book please follow the following instructions:
Type in the address bar :
Use username: singing
Password: games
You should be able to download the key stage 1 and 2 singing games books.
Good luck and enjoy the songs!
Mrs Marsh
Children’s Liturgy of the World
Did you know we have a children’s liturgy of the word at our Sunday evening mass? This involves children being taken out for the first half of mass to discuss and understand the gospel at their level with fun activities. Teaching of the children’s liturgy of the word is given by 2 adults each week. If you would like your child to go to the children’s liturgy, then please come along to the Sunday evening mass at 6.00pm
Lost Property
Lost property will be on display after school on Monday 1st February, and Friday 5th February.
Celebration Assembly
There will not be a celebration assembly on Monday.
Dates for Diaries
Friday 22nd January - Parish Meeting in Parish Hall (7pm)
Tuesday 26th January - Early Primary (Y1/2) Mass in Church
Monday 1st February - Y1 School Trip
Monday 1st February - Year 5/6 Camp Week
Monday 1st February - Start of Black History Month
Tuesday 2nd February - Middle Primary (Y3/4) Mass in Church
Tuesday 9th February - Later Primary (Y5/6) Mass in Church
Friday 12th February - End of Term 3
Monday 22nd February - Start of Term 4
Tuesday 2nd March - Parent’s Evening
Monday 8th March - Parent’s Evening
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon
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