Tuesday, 2 February 2010

29th January 2010

Dear Parents and Carers,

Clothes for a Cause

A huge thank you to all who brought in bags of clothes and textiles - 79 bags were collected. The amount raised will be announced as soon as we know. The money raised will be shared between the NSPCC and The Rainbow Trust and the school community has gone a long way to help the planet by recycling. More recycling initiatives will be announced next term.
Many thanks
Eva (on behalf of the School Council)

Singing Games DVD

Thank you to all of you who purchased a Singing DVD from The Primary Music Specialists. The school is now the proud owner of copies of the DVD, thanks to your purchases. Some of you wondered if there was a handbook to go with the DVDs. I contacted the producers and there is not one included in the original price of £2:50, however they have sent me an online link so that you could print your own off if you wish. To download the book please follow the following instructions:
Type in the address bar : www.theresourcebank.co.uk/locked
Use username: singing
Password: games
You should be able to download the key stage 1 and 2 singing games books.
Good luck and enjoy the songs!
Mrs Marsh

Children’s Liturgy of the World

Did you know we have a children’s liturgy of the word at our Sunday evening mass? This involves children being taken out for the first half of mass to discuss and understand the gospel at their level with fun activities. Teaching of the children’s liturgy of the word is given by 2 adults each week. If you would like your child to go to the children’s liturgy, then please come along to the Sunday evening mass at 6.00pm

Lost Property

Lost property will be on display after school on Monday 1st February, and Friday 5th February.

Celebration Assembly

There will not be a celebration assembly on Monday.

Dates for Diaries

Friday 22nd January - Parish Meeting in Parish Hall (7pm)
Tuesday 26th January - Early Primary (Y1/2) Mass in Church
Monday 1st February - Y1 School Trip
Monday 1st February - Year 5/6 Camp Week
Monday 1st February - Start of Black History Month
Tuesday 2nd February - Middle Primary (Y3/4) Mass in Church
Tuesday 9th February - Later Primary (Y5/6) Mass in Church
Friday 12th February - End of Term 3
Monday 22nd February - Start of Term 4
Tuesday 2nd March - Parent’s Evening
Monday 8th March - Parent’s Evening

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

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