Friday, 16 July 2010

16th July 2010

Dear Parent/Carer,


Year 5 and 6 Welcome Parents
The staff and children are welcoming parents and carers into school on Monday afternoon at 3pm. Please come in, so that your children can share their work with you.

Water Walk 2010
Can children could bring in their completed sponsor forms and any money raised, by next Wednesday.

We held a special Attendance Celebration Assembly today. All children with 98% attendance or more will have a special non uniform day on Monday.

An award was also given to the classes with best attendance – Mrs Mantle’s class and Mr Conlon’s class. They will also have a non uniform day on Monday.

This last week Mrs Rolling’s and Mr Conlon’s class achieved 97% attendance and Mr Sherwin’s and Mrs Bell’s class had a fantastic 99% attendance.

Secondary School
The '3 for 1' choosing secondary schools/My Future, My Choice event at Metropolitan Academy on Monday 19th July will now not have secondary schools present to get information from and will be an explanation of the My Future My Choice project along with the Choosing a secondary school information."

Next week’s film will be the continuation of Shark Boy and Lava Girl. This film is rated U.

Dogs on School Grounds
Can I remind you all that dogs are not allowed on school grounds. This is for reasons of health and safety.

School Uniform
We have the following school uniform left in the stock cupboard to sell at a reduced price:-

2 x 5/6 Navy fleece, 2 x 10/12 navy fleece, 3 small adult navy fleeces, 2 small adult navy sweatshirts, 2 x 5/6 navy cardigans, 2 x 11/12 navy cardigans. Please make us an offer.

Can I remind you that if you require any school uniform you can either collect an order form from the porch or order on online at

Dinner Money Arrears
Please could you ensure that all dinner monies are paid on Monday 19th July so that all arrears are paid before the end of term. Any credits will be refunded on Friday 23rd July.

Dean Field Study Centre Residential Trip
If your child will be in either year 5 or 6 in September they wil be able to attend an activity residential trip in February 2011. If you would like more details please contact the school office.

Barton Hill Fun Day
Barton Hill RFC, Duncombe Lane, Speedwell are holding a Community Fun Day & Charity Game on Sat 24th July from 1 - 5pm. There will be a BBQ, bouncy castle, inflatable slide, stalls & more. All welcome.

Celebration Assembly – End of Year Special
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday, 19th July, at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteachers award:
Alya Rasul, Kamal Smallwood, Joel Vadhyanath, Mia Hood, Summer Edwards, Anique Sergeant, Erin Brooks, Jakub Spocinski, Stan Doling, Sam Iles, Edwin Sebastian, Shaan Singh, Natalia Warmuz, Olivia Woodruff, Eddy Brain, Davina Masemo, Kelsey Ford, Jaya Kaur, Shinique Dehaney, Emediong Jumbo, Ann James, Courtney Hollis, Joseph Cachia, Matthew Bristow, Chelcia Velmurugan, Kavita Sahota, Julia Lewkowicz, Hamda Ibrahim-Mahamoud, and Airam Pamintuan.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 19th July - Attendance winners non uniform day
Tuesday 20th July - Parents Evening (optional meeting to discuss reports) Tuesday 20th July - Y6 Performance – 2.00pm
Wednesday 21st July - Fencing Tournament
Wednesday 21st July - Y6 Performance – 7.00pm
Friday 23rd July - Leaver’s Mass in church and end of school year
Wednesday 1st Sept - Staff Training (school closed)
Thursday 2nd Sept - Start of new school year!

Best wishes

Matt Condon, Headteacher

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