Friday, 3 September 2010

3rd September 2010

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to the start of the new school year, hopefully you all had a good
summer break. The Reception Year will join us next week on a part-time basis, building up to full-time.

We will be sharing dates and other ‘new term’information in the next newsletter. All newsletters can be found on the school website (see above address).

We all look forward to a very special year of learning in
St. Joseph’s. Above is a ‘Wordle’ summary of our priorities for this school year.

Site Security
For security reasons the gates between the school and church (at the rear of the school), will be locked at all times. Also children will no longer be leaving the school via the exit on Lodge Causeway. All children will exit the building into the school playground, where they can be met by parents/carers, or exit the grounds themselves (if parents/carers allow).

New Office layout
As many of you may have seen we have improved the office environment to help us provide an even better service to the school community, especially parents. Our admin staff are now located in 2 offices giving them more space to deal with their everyday tasks and, more importantly, more space to deal with your enquiries warmly and efficiently. The changes have meant that the headteacher’s office space has also been relocated. These changes have enabled us to focus on and increase security at the front of the building to ensure that the environment is as safe as possible for our children.

If your enquiry is about money (dinner money, school trips, after school clubs) then you need to see Eva our Bursar.
If your enquiry is about anything more general you need to see Liz our School Secretary.

There is also a new library area (which is not yet finished), our staffroom has been given a facelift and our medical room has been relocated and improved.

We have also introduced much improved CCTV systems and a new phone system. If you now phone the school you will be given several options, enabling you to report an absence, speak directly to Mrs Gossan about any matters involving money or talk to Mrs Slade in the main reception.

Please join us for a cup of tea and some cake on Thursday 9th or Friday 10th September at 3.15pm when my admin team and myself will show you around.

2010 School Leavers – Where are they now?
Bristol Brunel - 5 children, Bristol Met - 3 children, Bristol Cathedral – 1 child, Colston’s Girl School – 1 child, Downend – 4 children, John Cabot – 2 children, Kingsfield – 1 child, Oldfield – 3 children, Sir Bernard Lovell – 2 children, St Bede’s Catholic College – 3 children, St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School – 15 children, St Mary Redcliffe – 4 children, City Academy – 1 child, The Grange – 1 child

We hope they are all settling into their new schools.

Purple Mash – Home Learning
We are delighted to launch a new web based programme Purple Mash.(www.purplemashcom). It has hundreds of activities to help children develop their knowledge and creativity. To use it simply follow the link on the school website and use the log on details below for full access. Username:pupil@c46524, Password: Fig 3

School Crossing Patrol
Unfortunately, Mrs Sheere, our school crossing patrol, is still unable to return to her duties due to ill health. We hope she is able to return soon and wish her well.

We all thank you for your continuing support.

Start of Term Mass is next Friday, at 9.30am in the Church. There will be a special assembly the following week to celebrate the Pope’s visit.

We hope all the children have a great year of learning!

Best wishes

Matt Condon

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