Friday, 14 January 2011

Friday 15th January 2011

Dear Parent/Carers

Travel to Faith Schools
Good News - Bristol City Council have announced that any changes to funding for children to travelling to faith schools will not affect children going to secondary school this coming September.

Playground & Security
Can I please remind you PARENTS MUST ONLY ENTER THE SCHOOL THROUGH THE MAIN ENTRANCE. Children or staff must not open any outside doors for anyone. Also children must exit the school via allocated doors – not the main school entrance.

Internet Safety
It is important that children’s use of the internet is monitored at home. In particular, children’s use of social networking sites. We will be having another E-safety week commencing Monday 14th February.

Free School Meals
If you are eligible for free school meals, you can now apply online at You are eligible if you receive:-
- Income Support
- Job Seekers Allowance
- Child Tax Credit, but not working tax credit (income less than £16,190)
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The Guaranteed Element of the Pension Credit
- Income-related Employment and Support.

Paper copies of the form can be obtained from Mrs Gossan

School Uniform
There is in place a school uniform, comprising of a white polo shirt, navy blue sweatshirt, cardigan, fleece, grey trousers/skirts or blue/white gingham dress. We do not stock school uniform anymore, it has to be ordered on line and the website is: The order will normally take about two weeks to deliver.

Also children must wear footwear (black shoes or black trainers) appropriate to the school environment and activity. School staff and governors retain the right to request children not to attend school in clothing or footwear deemed to be unsuitable, inappropriate or likely to compromise health and safety.

School Menu Change
The school menu has had to be altered for the next 2 weeks. On the 18th January it will be Sausage and Chips and on the 25th January it will be Curry.

TV Debut
Mrs Pauline Sheere, our school crossing patrol will be making her TV debut on Saturday 22nd January, in the quiz show ‘ In it to win it’ with Dell Winton at 8.00pm.

School Attendance
Mrs Rolling’s, Mrs Ford’s, Mrs Patton’s classes had a good 97% and Mr Conlon’s class had a great 98% attendance.

St John’s Team
Well done to St John’s who won last terms team points. They will be able to wear non-uniform next Friday, 21st January.

Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday, 18th January, at 9.15am. Everybody welcome to attend, where the following children will receive their Headteachers Awards :-
Jade Johnson, Kwame Hartley, Belinda Joseph, Natalia Franczak, Jakub Wawrowski, Davina Masemo and children in Year 3 will receive Swimming Certificates.

Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 18th January - Class 5P and Year 3 Mass in church
Friday 21st January - St John’s Non Uniform Day
Tuesday 25th January - Class 4C and Class 5/5J Mass in church
Tuesday 1st February - Year 1 and 2 Mass in church
Monday 7th February - Camp week for Year 5 and 6
Wednesday 9th February - “Sing Up Day” for Gold Medal Award
Monday 14th February - E Safety Week
Thursday 17th February - End of Term 3
Friday 18th February - INSET Day – School Closed
Monday 28th February - Start of Term 4

Best wishes

Matt Condon,

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