Friday, May 13th, 2011
Dear Parent/Carers,
Walk to School Week
‘Walk Smart’ week commences from Monday 16th May to Friday 20th May. Next week we are encouraging parents to walk with their children to school and teach them to be smart, be safe and be happy when walking and crossing roads. A leaflet is being sent home today.
Well done to Mrs Patton’s class with an outstanding 100% attendance last week. The class will be able to wear non-uniform next Friday 20th May.
Also well done to Mrs Rolling’s and Ford’s class with 97%, Mrs Bell’s with 98% and Mrs Mantle and Mrs Joseph with 99%. Thank you all for great week of attendance!
Music Tuition
A letter was sent home last week with regards to music tuition for September. If you wish your child to either continue receiving music tuition or start learning an instrument, please could you ensure that you return the slip to the school office by Thursday 26th May at the latest.
Dinner Money
Please could you ensure that all dinner monies are sent into school in an envelope with your child’s name on it. No loose change please. Envelopes are available from the school office - 50 for £1.50 or 100 for £2.50.
St Joseph’s Summer Fair 2011 - June 18th
This year's summer fair will be 'The St. Joseph's Community Summer Fair' and will be the Parish, School and pre-school fair all in one great event. There will still be all the activities you're used to from previous school events, but also lots of activities in the parish hall as well.
If you wish to have a stall, or take an advert in the programme which, this year, will reach even more people, then please leave your details in the school office, or contact Andrea on 07711 574722. We would also welcome anyone who would like to help out on the day. If you can spare an hour or two to help on a stall, please leave your details in the office.
Also does anyone have a large fish tank that the PTFA could borrow for the summer fair - if so could you let the office know. There will be a competition for design the front cover of the programme for the summer fair, these will go out to children next week
Gardening Club Vegetable Plant Sale - Gardening club will be hold a vegetable plant sale on Thursday 19th May at 3.15 in the garden area/infant courtyard. Please come along.
School Uniform – to buy
School uniform is available to order by post (order forms are in the porch) or online at Please ensure that you order early to avoid any delays over the summer holidays. Uniform is available to try on if you are unsure of the size your child requires.
School Uniform Policy
Some children are wearing large studs or dangling earrings – only small studs are allowed. Also can I remind children that school uniform is black shoes or trainers, not white or trainers of other colours. We will be writing to individual parents if school uniform is not worn.
Medical Appointments
If your child has a dentist or doctor’s appointment during school hours, could you please put a request in writing in advance for the attention of the class teacher.
Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly next Monday 16th May, where the following chidren will receive their headteachers award:-
King Wilson, Chinnu James, Hannah James, Erikan Udoh, Daniel George, Ty Mitchell and Therese Briones.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 6th June - INSET Day – school closed
Friday 20th May - Bikeability Training Y3/4
Thursday 9th June - Class Photographs
Friday 10th June - Non-uniform for School Fair
Friday 10th June - Bike It Prize Day KS1 - KS2
Thursday 16th June - Y6 Leaver’s Mass
Thursday 16th June - Y6 Bristol Cathederal
Friday 17th June - Level 2 Bike Check
Saturday 18th June - School Fair
Monday 20th June - Book Fair Week
Tuesday 28th June - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Friday 1st July - INSET Day - school closed
Tuesday 5th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Thursday 7th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Friday 8th July - CLIC Sergeant Football – non-uniform
Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed
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