Sunday, 2 October 2011

Dear Parent/Carer,

Individual photographs will be taken next Tuesday.

Platinum Award Party

As you know, St Joseph’s achieved the Platinum SingUp Award right at the end of the last academic year. We are only the second school in the city of Bristol to get this award and the only one in the area to have completed the entire journey from no award through silver, gold and now platinum.

We will be celebrating this amazing success on Friday 14 October with a series of exciting singing led activities within the school day and a great Singing Assembly at 2:30pm. Parents and friends of the school are more then welcome to join us for the assembly, when we will be presented with our certificate and plaque by the High Sheriff of the City of Bristol.
We are also asking children to dress up as a song or bring in a prop inspired by a song, to share with their class e.g. dress up as a star for Twinkle Twinkle or bring to school some pretend sausages for 10 fat Sausages!

CD Recording

We have decided to make a CD of the children’s wonderful singing. This will take place on Monday 17 October and all the children will be involved at one point of the day or another. The CD will hopefully be made in time for selling at Christmas, so that will sort out Grandma’s Christmas present for this year! We will be running a CD Cover Design competition and we will be telling the children about this very soon in an assembly. Meanwhile perhaps your children could be thinking about what is needed on a CD cover and what pictures sum up our school and its singing.

Harvest Festival Shopping List

We will be having our Harvest Festival Celebration next Friday 7th October, where we are asking parents if they could choose an item from our harvest list to bring into school next Thursday - instant mashed potato, tinned lentils/chickpeas, vegetables (tinned), breakfast cereal, tomatoes (tinned), fruit juice, tea bags, fish (tinned) or rice pudding (tinned).

Your gifts make a difference in the community and will be distributed through the Crisis Centre which is run by the Trussell Trust.

School Uniform Policy – a reminder

Although most children come to school wearing the correct school uniform, there is a sizable minority of children who are not. Can I remind you that our policy is -

Earrings – these can be worn but must be small studs only.
Footwear – these should be black shoes or trainers. Logos on trainers should be minimal, avoiding bright colours.
Children should not wear jewellery to school.
Hair extensions or extreme ornamentations are not allowed.
Leggings are NOT part of school uniform.

We will be writing to the parents/carers of all children who are not wearing correct school uniform.

Dean Field Study Centre

If you have not paid your July instalment of £30, could you please do so as the next instalment of £30 is due on the 3rd October. If you are paying by cheque, please make it payable to Bristol City Council.

Reception 2012

The Admissions booklet and ‘Additional Form’ which you will need to get from the office for Reception 2012 will be available from the office on Monday 26th September. The closing date for applications is January 15th 2011. It is very important that if you apply on-line, you wait for online confirmation of your application.


Attendance last week – well done to Mrs Bell’s Class with 99%, Mrs Ford with 97%, and Mrs Rollings, Mrs Joseph and Mr Conlon with 96%.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a Celebration Assembly on Monday 3rd October at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s Award:
Nathan Long, Angus Wallace, Maici Quirke, Lucia Mercato, Ceris Lee, Laura Apperley and Liam Rice.

These children will receive our new Superstars Sports Awards:
Evie Attwood, Iwan Calloway, Bethany Prasad, David Wabissa, Izzy Wodruff, David Sebastian and Godwin Sebastian.

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 4th October - Individual Photographs
Wednesday 5th October - Y6 visit to the Synagogue
Thursday 13th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.30pm
Tuesday 18th October - Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.00pm
Friday 14th October - SING UP Platinum Celebration
Wednesday 19th October - Y4J Red Lodge
Friday 21st October - End of term 1
Monday 31st October - Start of term 2
Wednesday 2nd November - Reception Y1S & Y2F – Westonbirt
Friday 16th December - End of term 2

Best wishes
Matt Condon, Headteacher

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