Friday, 20 January 2012

Dear Parent/Carer,

Clothes for a Cause

‘Clothes for a Cause’ is running again this year. The collection day is on Friday 27th January, before school starts. Bring clothing, paired shoes, handbags and belts. This year they are also collecting books.

Children’s Liturgy

The children’s Liturgy Mass is now on a Sunday morning for families attending the 10.00am Mass. If anyone is interested in helping out on a rota basis, please contact Michelle Nurse on 07944719042.

School Transport Support Group – St Bernadette’s and St Bede’s

There will be a meeting after the 10.00am mass on Sunday 22nd January in the parish hall. Coffee will be provided.

Team Points

The winner of Term 2’s Team Points competition was St Mark’s Team. They will have a special non uniform day on Friday 27th January.


Well done to Mrs Patton’s and Mr Conlon’s class with 97%, and Mrs Ford’s class with 96%. So far this is our best year of attendance ever at 96% overall! Also a massive well done to the 71 children who have attended 100% so far this year!

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 23rd January, at 9.15am, where the following children will receive a headteacher’s award: Aisling Brown, Adedire Odumboni, Eddie Brain, Kwame Hartley and Emily Webb.

These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards:
Mia Hood, Stan Doling, Mathews Manue, Dominic Sebastian, Michal Oledzki, Martyna Oszwaldowska, Charlie Russell and Stan Doling.

Dates for Diaries

Friday 27th January - St. Mark’s non uniform day
Monday 7th February - Camp week for Year 5 and 6
Thursday 10th February - End of Term 3
Monday 20th February - INSET
Tuesday 21st February - Term 4
Friday 24th February - Y6 Life Skills visit

Best wishes
Matt Condon, Headteacher

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