Thursday, 31 January 2013

Dear Parent/Carer,

A reminder that the school is closed tomorrow, due to a staff training day.


Well done to Mrs Rollings class with 99% attendance last week.  They will be able to wear non uniform on Friday 8th February. Also Miss Holman’s class with 98% and Miss Phillips’, Mrs Ford’s and Mrs Joseph’s with 97% attendance.

Attendance for the week beginning the 7th January overall was very good considering the snow on the Friday.  Well done!!

Overall, this is very positive as attendance in the Autumn term was not as good as in the last school year.

Celebration Assembly

There will be no celebration assembly on Monday, due to camp week.  Celebration Assemblies will resume after half term.

Consultation about a new playground on Ridgeway Road

All parents, carers and children are invited to look and comment on plans on Tuesday 12th February 2013, BETWEEN 6.00 PM – 8.00 PM. This drop in session will be held in the main Church Foyer of ST JOHN’S CHURCH, LODGE CAUSEWAY, FISHPONDS, BRISTOL BS16 3QG

Clothes for a Cause

The Clothes For a Cause bag has been sent home with your child for you to fill with any unwanted, good quality clothing, curtains, paired shoes, handbags and belts. The more we collect, the more money the school receives. The school council have nominated the NSPCC and the Rainbow Trust to benefit from the funds raised. The bags will be collected on Friday 8th February, but we will be accepting the bags from Thursday 7th February.

Team Points

St Mark are last term’s winners and they will be able to wear non-uniform on Friday 22nd February.

Dates for Diaries

Friday 8th February                          -           End of term 3 and Y1 non-uniform day
Tuesday 12th February                     -           Consultation meeting about Ridgeway Road playground
Wednesday 20th February             -           Cafod ‘Hungry for Change’ Assembly
Friday 22nd February                        -           St Mark non-uniform day
Monday 18th February                    -           Year 1 Topic Presentation
Tuesday 19th Feb                             -           Lent Mass in hall
Wednesday 20th February             -           Y6 Lifeskills visit
Monday 25th February                    -           Y6 Topic Presentation
Wednesday 20th March                 -           Years 3 and 4 Topic Presentations
Monday 25th February                   -           Full Governing Body meeting
Thursday 7th March                        -           Parents’ Evening, 4-6.30pm
Monday 11th March                       -           Parents’ Evening, 4-6pm
Friday 8th March                              -           Y3 Mother’s Day Assembly
Monday 11th March                        -           Year 5 Topic Presentation
Friday 15th March                            -           Reception Assembly
Monday 18th March                        -           Year 2 Topic Presentation
19th March                                       -           St Joseph’s day and Easter Mass in church
Friday 22nd March                          -           End of Term 4
Monday 13th May                           -           KS2 SATs week

Best wishes

Matt Condon


Thursday, 24 January 2013

Dear Parent/Carer,

Site Security – Serious Incident

An incident occurred yesterday where a child managed to exit the school premises for a short space of time. Staff were alerted immediately and the child, who was happy and unharmed, was quickly found by a member of staff and their parents were contacted.

Whilst we and the child’s parents believe that this was a ‘freak’ incident, and that our site security has always been judged to be very good, we are obviously greatly concerned that no such incident ever happens again. We are taking advice and will take any additional precautions deemed necessary to make site security even better. We will keep you informed as we expect some of the changes to affect parent access to the school, during the school day.

Ziz-Zag Lines

Parking on these Zig Zag lines puts lives at risks. It may save a couple of minutes of time, but it endangers children. Please don’t do it!

Playground & Security

Can I please remind you PARENTS MUST ONLY ENTER THE SCHOOL THROUGH THE MAIN ENTRANCE. Children or staff must not open any outside doors for anyone. Also children must exit the school via allocated doors – not the main school entrance.

Internet Safety

It is important that children’s use of the internet is monitored at home. In particular, children’s use of social networking sites. Next week is E-Safety Week where the children will be learning more about how to use the internet safely.

Topic Presentations

These are short presentations where classes talk about their topic learning. These are not full assemblies and not all children will always have a speaking role. We would like to invite parents to these presentations later in Term 2. Please see dates for diaries.

Lost Property

Our lost property box which is situated in the porch at the front entrance is beginning to overflow. It is full of jumpers, coats, fleeces etc. If you are missing any of these items please come and check the box, as it will be emptied by the end of next week. All items will be sent to a charity shop or recycled.

Toy Sale and Cake Sale

Year 6 will be having a toy sale on Wednesday 31st January at 2.45pm and a cake sale on Friday 22nd February at 2.45pmto raise money  for their school trip.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 28th January, at 3pm where the following children will receive a headteachers award: Meikel Quirke, Mackenzie Sawers, Lewis Hodder, Szymon Lewkowicz, Meigan Westlake, Rachel Butcher, Jakub Meus, Melvin Mathew, Edwin Sebastian, Will Scammell , Rochelle Christian, Oliver Mooney and Rimmon Joseph.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 28th January                     -           E-Safety Week
Wednesday 30th January              -           Y6 Bike It workshop
Friday 1st February                           -           INSET (School closed)
Monday 4th February                     -           Y6 Camp  
Friday 8th February                          -           End of term 3
Wednesday 20th February             -           Cafod ‘Hungry for Change’ Assembly
Monday 18th February                    -           Year 1 Topic Presentation
Tuesday 19th Feb                             -           Lent Mass in hall
Wednesday 20th February             -           Y6 Lifeskills visit
Monday 25th February                    -           Y6 Topic Presentation
Wednesday 20th March                  -           Years 3 and 4 Topic Presentations
Monday 25th February                   -           Full Governing Body meeting
Thursday 7th March                        -           Parents’ Evening, 4-6.30pm
Monday 11th March                       -           Parents’ Evening, 4-6pm
Friday 8th March                              -           Y3 Mother’s Day Assembly
Monday 11th March                        -           Year 5 Topic Presentation
Friday 15th March                            -           Reception Assembly
Monday 18th March                         -           Year 2 Topic Presentation
19th March                                        -           St Joseph’s day and Easter Mass in church
Friday 22nd March                           -           End of Term 4
Monday 13th May                           -           KS2 SATs week


Best wishes

Matt Condon


Monday, 21 January 2013

Dear Parents and Carers,

School is open as normal today. However, pavements are still very icy, so take care if walking into school.

Mr Condon

Friday, 18 January 2013

Snow update

Dear Parents and Carers,

The school is open as usual today. However, can everybody come into the school hall this morning via the main Chatsworth Road entrance. The Forest Road entrance will be locked. Please travel carefully into school.

Update - Can children wear/bring warm clothes and wellies/winter footwear. Children do not have to wear school uniform.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Snow-Special Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers,

As I am sure you all know, the Met Office has forecast heavy snow for this region for tomorrow.

We plan to open the school as normal tomorrow.

However, in the unlikely case of the school being close, we will inform you in the following ways –

  • We will text parents and carers
  • We will also inform Radio Bristol, who will broadcast details of any school closures.

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Special After School Provision Newsletter

After School Clubs

After School Clubs will start the second week back (week beginning 14 January 2013):

For Years
Finish Time
Theme Roald Dahl
3 – 6
14 January to 8 April
(10 sessions)
3 to 6
15 January
Ultimate Frisbee
4 to 6
15 January to 19 March
Gymnastics & Dance
1 to 6
16 January to 20 March
1 to 3
17 January to 21 March
1 – 4

If your child would like to attend any of the After School Clubs, please contact the school office for a Parental Consent Form, which will need to be completed and returned prior to the first session. Unfortunately, for safeguarding reasons, children will be unable to join without the school receiving their completed consent form (and full payment if required).
Extended School Club

This has been running since September and we have had great feedback about the quality of care and activities led by Mrs Martin.

The club is open for all pupils, both before and after school. The Club will start at 8.00am to the start of Registration, and then from 3.30pm to 5.00pm. The costs are £2.00 for a morning session and £2.50 for the afternoon session. For further details, please contact the School Business Manager via the school office or email