Thursday, 31 January 2013

Dear Parent/Carer,

A reminder that the school is closed tomorrow, due to a staff training day.


Well done to Mrs Rollings class with 99% attendance last week.  They will be able to wear non uniform on Friday 8th February. Also Miss Holman’s class with 98% and Miss Phillips’, Mrs Ford’s and Mrs Joseph’s with 97% attendance.

Attendance for the week beginning the 7th January overall was very good considering the snow on the Friday.  Well done!!

Overall, this is very positive as attendance in the Autumn term was not as good as in the last school year.

Celebration Assembly

There will be no celebration assembly on Monday, due to camp week.  Celebration Assemblies will resume after half term.

Consultation about a new playground on Ridgeway Road

All parents, carers and children are invited to look and comment on plans on Tuesday 12th February 2013, BETWEEN 6.00 PM – 8.00 PM. This drop in session will be held in the main Church Foyer of ST JOHN’S CHURCH, LODGE CAUSEWAY, FISHPONDS, BRISTOL BS16 3QG

Clothes for a Cause

The Clothes For a Cause bag has been sent home with your child for you to fill with any unwanted, good quality clothing, curtains, paired shoes, handbags and belts. The more we collect, the more money the school receives. The school council have nominated the NSPCC and the Rainbow Trust to benefit from the funds raised. The bags will be collected on Friday 8th February, but we will be accepting the bags from Thursday 7th February.

Team Points

St Mark are last term’s winners and they will be able to wear non-uniform on Friday 22nd February.

Dates for Diaries

Friday 8th February                          -           End of term 3 and Y1 non-uniform day
Tuesday 12th February                     -           Consultation meeting about Ridgeway Road playground
Wednesday 20th February             -           Cafod ‘Hungry for Change’ Assembly
Friday 22nd February                        -           St Mark non-uniform day
Monday 18th February                    -           Year 1 Topic Presentation
Tuesday 19th Feb                             -           Lent Mass in hall
Wednesday 20th February             -           Y6 Lifeskills visit
Monday 25th February                    -           Y6 Topic Presentation
Wednesday 20th March                 -           Years 3 and 4 Topic Presentations
Monday 25th February                   -           Full Governing Body meeting
Thursday 7th March                        -           Parents’ Evening, 4-6.30pm
Monday 11th March                       -           Parents’ Evening, 4-6pm
Friday 8th March                              -           Y3 Mother’s Day Assembly
Monday 11th March                        -           Year 5 Topic Presentation
Friday 15th March                            -           Reception Assembly
Monday 18th March                        -           Year 2 Topic Presentation
19th March                                       -           St Joseph’s day and Easter Mass in church
Friday 22nd March                          -           End of Term 4
Monday 13th May                           -           KS2 SATs week

Best wishes

Matt Condon


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