Friday, 17 May 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

Ziz-Zag Lines
This week I have witnessed several parents parking on the zig zag lines. It may save a couple of minutes of time, but it endangers children. Please don’t do it!

Medical Appointments

If your child has a dentist or doctor’s appointment during school hours, could you please put a request in writing in advance for the attention of the class teacher.

Dean Field Study Centre
Letters will be going out next week to year 4s and 5s for the residential trip which takes place in February of next year. If you would like your child to attend, please could you ensure you return the completed form together with £40.00 to the school office by Friday 14th June.

Music Tuition
Letters were sent out to parents last week for the current Years 2-5, to book a place for their child to learn an instrument from September. There are spaces available to learn the guitar, violin and drums. Please ensure that a completed slip and the first instalment of £93.50 are returned to the school office by Friday 7th June.

St Joseph’s Summer Fair – July 6th

Before we know it the Summer Fair will be upon us. If you wish to have a stall or put an advert in the programme which, this year, will reach even more people, then please contact Andrea on 07711 574722. We would also welcome anyone who would like to help out on the day. If you can spare an hour or two to help on a stall, please leave your details in the office.

Community Fun Day
There will be a Community Fun Day at Duncombe Lane, Speedwell on Saturday 8th June 12.00-4.00pm. There will be lots of activities such as a bird of prey display, tug of war, inflatables, a circus workshop, stalls, fun dog show, food and drink and much more.

Parent View
Parent View is an online facility launched by Ofsted in October 2011 that allows parents and carers to give their views about their child’s school at any time of the school year. The questionnaire is also the main mechanism for parents to give their views to inspectors about their child’s school at the time of a school inspection.

The questionnaire can be accessed directly at or from the home page of Ofsted’s website
Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 20th May, at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their Headteacher award: Joshua Davies, Kiara Savage, Mikenagh Quirke, Kayla Tarr, Lionel Sowa, Ridah Chaudhry Daniel George and Godwin Sebastian.

These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards:  Marco La Porta, Helene Jim, JenniferEubebeagu, Kai Drysdale, Jakub Spocinski, Liam Wornell and Harvey Hill.

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 21st May                                         -           Reception trip to Bristol Zoo
Wednesday 22nd May                               -           Full Governing Body Meeting
Wednesday 22nd May                                 -           Y4 trip to the Red Lodge    
Thursday 23rd May                                        -           Year 5 Class Assembly
Thursday 23rd May                                        -           End of Term 5
Friday 24th May                                            -           INSET DAY (writing focus)
Monday 3rd June                                         -           Start of term 5
Monday 10th June                                       -           Book Week
Tuesday 11th June                                        -           Class photographs
Thursday 13th June                                       -           Y1 and Y2 trip to Avon Valley
Thursday 13th June                                       -           Y6 Bristol Cathedral – Moving On Day
Monday 17th June                                        -           INSET DAY (child protection focus)
Tuesday 18th June                                        -           Leavers Mass at Clifton Cathedral

Best wishes

Matt Condon




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