Thursday, 26 September 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

A reminder that the school is closed tomorrow for staff training.

Reception 2014

The Additional Form for Reception 2014 will be available from the office on Monday 30th September. The closing date for applications is January 15th 2014. It is very important that if you apply on-line, you wait for online confirmation of your application. Also, the New Parents’ Tours for children starting in September 2014 are Thursday 26th September at 2.00pm and Tuesday 1st October at 10.00am.

We encourage all parents to read the school’s Admissions Policy carefully before applying.

Past Pupil Success

Well done to Brijil Joseph who achieved an amazing 10A*’s and 2 A’s in her GCSE’s. Brijil studied at St Bernadette Secondary School and is now a student at St Brendan’s Sixth Form College.

Please let us know about other St. Joseph’s ex pupil success stories – there are lots out there and we would love to publish them in the newsletter.


Well done to the following classes for their good attendance last week:
  • Y1 with 100%!
  • Year 3 with 99%.
  • Year 4 with 99% attendance.
All three classes will have special non-uniform days on Friday 4th October.

Individual Photographs

Individual photos will take place on Thursday 3rd October, and not Tuesday the 1st October as previously published.

Celebration of Achievements

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 30th September at 9.10am, where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s award:  David Sebastian, Nathan Long, Areeba Rasul, Julia Zareba and Caspar Ali-Thomas,

Art Super Stars are: Nile Thomas, Jennifer Eubebegau, Olivia Woodruff, Vanessa Wabissa, Amer Walton and Cole Marr.

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 1st October at 10am                   -           Tour for prospective parents
Thursday 3rd October                                  -           Individual photographs
Friday 4th October                                       -           Start of Mandarin Club (ending at 4.15pm)
Friday 4th October                                       -           Year 1 Harvest class assembly
Friday 4th October                                       -           Non-uniform day for Years 1, 3 and 4
Wednesday 9th October                            -           Parents evening
Monday 14th October                                 -           Parents evening
Friday 25th October                                     -           End of term and 100% attendance presentation
Wednesday 6th November                                    -           Mass for All Saints in church (Year 5 reading)
Friday 29th November                                 -           Advent Mass in school hall (Year 4 reading)
Monday 16th December - pm                   -           Infant Nativity Performance
Tuesday 17th December – am                   -           Infant Nativity Performance
Friday 20th December                                 -           Christmas Mass in Church (Year 3 reading)

Best wishes

Matt Condon

Email Addresses

If you would like your newsletters sent by email (and we don’t have your email address already) could you please return this slip.

Name: (print).......................................................................................

Email address: .....................................................................................

Friday, 20 September 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

A reminder that the school will be closed next Friday for staff training.

Well done to the following classes for their great attendance last week:
  • Year 3  with 100%
  • Year 4 with 99% attendance
Both classes can have a special non-uniform day on Thursday 26th September.

Prospective Parents Tour

There will be tours for prospective parents for September 2014. The dates are Thursday 26th September at 2pm and Tuesday 1st October at 10am.

After School Clubs

Art Club will be starting next Thursday and will be open to pupils in years 3-6. We hope to open Art Club to younger children later in the year. Mandarin Club will also now begin at the later date of Friday 4th October and will end at the earlier than previously published time of 4.15pm.

Finish Time
Year Groups
Start date/day of club
End date
On-going (payment covers until Christmas)
£2.50 per session
No cost
Gymnastics and Dance
Wednesday 18th December
£2.50 per session
Thursday 19th December
£2.50 per session
No cost
On-going (payment covers until Christmas)
£2.50 per session = £30

Cleaner Required 

St Joseph’s Pre-school are looking for a part time cleaner to work 1 1/2 hours a day, four days a week (Tuesday to Friday) from 3.30 pm to 5 pm. (Total of 6 hours a week)
£6.31 per hour, term time only. Might suit semi-retired person! This post is subject to an Enhanced Disclosure check. Please contact Cathy Williamson on 0117 9147173 for further details

Celebration of Achievements

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 16th September at 9.10am, where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s award:  Hannah Long, Alana Cowell, Charlotte Petrie, Ceris Lee, Aidan Johnson, Lachontay Barrett, Sean Turner, Soraya Lynch and George Stenner.

Dates for Diaries

Thursday 26th September, at 2pm             -           Tour for prospective parents
Friday 27th September                               -           INSET – school closed
Tuesday 1st October at 10am                    -           Tour for prospective parents
Friday 4th October                                       -           Start of Mandarin Club (ending at 4.15pm)
Friday 4th October                                       -           Year 1 Harvest class assembly
Wednesday 9th October                            -           Parents evening
Monday 14th October                                -           Parents evening
Friday 25th October                                     -           End of term and 100% attendance presentation
Wednesday 6th November                                    -           Mass for All Saints in church (Year 5 reading)
Friday 29th November                                 -           Advent Mass in school hall (Year 4 reading)
Monday 16th December - pm                   -           Infant Nativity Performance
Tuesday 17th December – am                    -           Infant Nativity Performance
Friday 20th December                                 -           Christmas Mass in Church (Year 3 reading)

Best wishes

Matt Condon


Friday, 13 September 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

Past Pupil Success

Well done to Becky Dudley who achieved outstanding results in her GCSE’s.  9A*, 2A’s and a Distinction in Music. 

Also a big congratulations to Hazel Apperley who achieved  A in Higher Maths, A in  French and  A in Spanish A Levels!

Please let us know about other St. Joseph’s ex pupil success stories – there are lots out there and we would love to publish them in the newsletter.

Mr Condon’s Charity Bike Ride for Ataxia UK

A big thank to those of you who have donated to Ataxia UK. We are still gratefully receiving donations through the school office or through the Just Giving website:

School Attendance – New Law

As you all now know, headteachers may no longer grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. THIS MEANS THAT WE CAN NO LONGER AUTHORISE ANY ABSENCES FOR HOLIDAYS. Absences can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.

If you wish to make such a request for absence, a form must be obtained from the school office and must be submitted at least ten days before the commencement of the requested period. Only written requests will be considered. Each case will be considered by the School Attendance Team, and if agreed, written confirmation will be given to the parent or carer within 1 week.

IMPORTANT – Reporting Absence

Can I remind parents that if their child is absent, they must telephone the school so we can ensure all children are in school or safely at home. If we have not received contact regarding an absence by 9.30am, we have no alternative but to record the pupil’s absence as unauthorised, which could result in further action being taken.

100% Attendance Rewards

A reminder that at the end of each term, every child who has 100% attendance will be entered into a draw.  There will be one prize of a £10.00 Mall shopping voucher for the lucky winner.  The first draw will take place during Assembly on Friday 25th October, 2013.

Prospective Parents Tour

There will be tours for prospective parents for September 2014. The dates are Thursday 26th September at 2pm and Tuesday 1st October at 10am.

After School Clubs

A reminder that all after school clubs have to be paid for in advance. An Art Club will be starting soon running after school on Thursdays. Mandarin Club will also now begin at the later date of Friday 4th October and will end at the earlier than previously published time of 4.15pm.

Medical Appointments

A reminder that if your child has a dentist’s or doctor’s appointment during school hours, could you please put a request in writing in advance for the attention of the class teacher. If we are not notified in advance any time missed will need to be recorded as unauthorised.

Morrisons Let’s Grow Vouchers

Once again, Morrisons are giving ‘Let’s Grow’ vouchers.  St Joseph’s Gardening  Club are dependent on these vouchers to provide equipment, seeds and compost.  Please send your vouchers into school with your child.  There is a collection box by the school office.  Thank you for your continuing support of this scheme.

Celebration of Achievements

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 16th September, at 9.10am, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:   Melanie Lyon, Luke Briones, Taychon Graham and Paige Halliday.

Dates for Diaries

Thursday 26th September, at 2pm             -           Tour for prospective parents
Friday 27th September                               -           INSET – school closed
Tuesday 1st October at 10am                    -           Tour for prospective parents
Friday 4th October                                       -           Start of Mandarin Club (ending at 4.15pm)
Wednesday 9th October                            -           Parents evening
Monday 14th October                                -           Parents evening
Friday 25th October                                     -           End of term and 100& attendance presentation

Best wishes

Matt Condon


Tuesday, 10 September 2013

After School Clubs

Dear Parents/Carers,

The following clubs will be starting next week:

Finish Time
Year Groups
Start date
End date
Monday 16th September
£2.50 per session = £32.50 (this payment covers until Christmas and will fund materials and equipment)
Tuesday 17th September
No cost
Gymnastics and Dance
Wednesday 18th September
Wednesday 18th December
£2.50 per session = £32.50
Thursday 19th September
Thursday 19th December
£2.50 per session = £32.50
Friday 20th September
No cost

These clubs will run until Christmas. A new Art Club will begin soon on Thursdays.

We no longer require written permission but places will be allocated on a first-come basis when monies are received. Please send payment into the school office in an envelope with details of the child and chosen club. If no payment is required please send in a brief note requesting a place for your child.

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon