Friday, 6 September 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back to the start of the new school year and I hope you all had a good summer break.

I would like to welcome our new Reception children who will start next week on a part-time basis. We know that they will really enjoy growing as part of our school community.

Summer Weddings

Congratulations to Miss Holman, Miss Geach and Miss Thomas who all got married during the summer. Miss Geach is now known as Mrs Andrews, Miss Holman is now Mrs Darvill, and Miss Thomas is now Mrs Gilvear.

A thank you from Mrs Mantle and Mrs Patton

Dear Parents &Carers,

We would like to say a very big thank you for the beautiful flowers, gifts and good wishes we received on our retirement in July; your kindness and thoughtfulness was really appreciated. It was a memorable day and although we’re looking forward to exciting and new experiences in the future, it was very sad having to say goodbye to the adults and children that make St Joseph’s School such a wonderful, caring community. Everyone will be greatly missed.

Your children were a joy to work with and we know that those still at St Joseph’s will continue to enjoy their learning and make excellent progress under the continuing guidance and care of a dedicated staff. 

Thank you for all your help and support over the years and our very best wishes to you all.

Mrs Patton & Mrs Mantle.

Start of Year Parent Information Sessions

These short information sessions will take place next week from 3pm in each class. In these sessions information will be shared about expectations for the school year and other important information. Reception and Year 6 have already held their meetings. Dates are in ‘Dates for Diaries’.

New Staff

I would like to welcome Cordelia Hutchinson to the school as our new part-time art specialist. Mrs Hutchinson will be teaching different classes each Thursday and will be focusing on developing children’s drawing skills this year.

Past Pupil Success

Well done to Susanna Harvey who has achieved brilliantly in her A Levels with an A* in English, A* in Psychology, AS* Extended Project and an A in Law.

Please let us know about other St. Joseph’s ex pupil success stories – there are lots out there and we would love to publish them in the newsletter.

IMPORTANT – Reporting Absence

Can I remind parents that if their child is absent, they must telephone the school so we can ensure all children are in school or safely at home. If we have not received contact regarding an absence by 9.30am, we have no alternative but to record the pupil’s absence as unauthorised, which could result in further action being taken.


Topic overviews for new topics will be sent home next week and will be displayed in the school playground and on the school website.

Contact Details

If any of your details have changed could you please let the school know as soon as possible, in order for records to be up-dated.

100% Attendance Rewards

At the end of each term, every child who has 100% attendance will be entered into a draw.  There will be one prize of a £10.00 Mall shopping voucher for the lucky winner.  The first draw will take place during Assembly on Friday 25th October, 2013.
New security arrangements

To improve site security we will now be locking the front gate from 9.15am each day until 3.15pm. Please use the intercom and we promise we will let you in!

Prospective Parents Tour

There will be tours for prospective parents for September 2014. The dates are Thursday 26th September at 2pm and Tuesday 1st October at 10am.
Keyboard lessons

Keyboard lessons will start again next week (week beginning 9.9.13).  Lessons will take place on Thursdays, however for the first week only they will be on Friday (I have a hospital appointment - sorry).  Pupils can ask their class teachers for the exact time of their lesson.

Looking forward to teaching you again - Mrs Marsh

Lost Property

We have lots of unclaimed lost property in the blue box in the entrance foyer. Can I ask parents, carers and children to check the box if they have lost anything, as all contents will be recycled at the end of next week.

Mr Condon’s Charity Bike Ride for Ataxia UK

At the end of July I cycled from from Bristol to Colwyn Bay in North Wales for charity. The ride was 250 miles long and took us 4 days. Members of the team nominated their own charity to support and I chose to support Ataxia UK.

As many of you know, Liam Rice in last year’s Year 6 has Friedreich’s Ataxia. Ataxia is the name given to a group of neurological disorders that affect balance, coordination, and speech. There are many different types of ataxia that can affect people in different ways. Some forms of ataxia are treatable, but in most cases there is still no cure. Ataxia UK are funding a wide range of research projects to try to find treatments that can help ataxia, and ultimately to find a cure.

I’ve included pictures and a dairy on the school blog and shared some stories with the children in assembly.

Any donations towards this important cause would be gratefully received. You can donate (and support through Gift Aid) by using the attached form or by visiting where you can donate using the Just Giving website. A big thank you for your support.

After School Clubs

A letter will be sent out will all information early next week. We expect clubs to begin the following week.

Celebration of Achievements

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 9th September at 9.10am where the following children will receive their headteachers award:  Joseph Calloway, Conor Crudge, Sam toye, Olivr Kelliher-Swash, Caitlin Kallarchully, Emily Nurse, Jerome Mathew, Evelyn Buchanan, Lionel Sowa and Rosemary Manoj.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 9th September at 3pm                 -           Y1 Parents Information Session
Tuesday 10th September at 3pm                -           Y4 Parents Information Session
Wednesday 11th September at 3pm        -           Y3 Parents Information Session
Thursday 12th September at 3pm               -           Y5 Parents Information Session
Friday 13th September at 9.30am                   -           Start of Term Mass in hall
Friday 13th September at 3pm                   -           Y2 Parents Information Session
Monday 16th September                            -           Start of Textiles Club
Thursday 26th September, at 2pm             -           Tour for prospective parents
Friday 27th September                                -           INSET (outdoor learning)
Tuesday 1st October at 10am                    -           Tour for prospective parents
Wednesday 9th October                            -           Parents evening
Monday 14th October                                -           Parents evening
Friday 25th October                                     -           End of term and 100& attendance presentation

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please talk to the class teacher or a member of staff in the front office.

We hope all our children have a great year of learning ahead of them!


Best wishes

Matt Condon




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