Friday, 29 November 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,


This morning 15 children arrived late for school! This level of lateness is unacceptable. Lateness is causing real disruption in class and is often upsetting for the children who are late. Can I please ask all parents to ensure their children are ready to line up for school at 8.55am. Where lateness is an ongoing concern, we will be asking parents to come into school and discuss matters further.

Dangerous Driving

It has been reported that parents have been driving at high speed up Chatsworth Road. In one incident a toddler narrowly missed being knocked over. Please can you all drive carefully so that everybody is safe.


Can parents show consideration and not park in front of residents’ drives, as we have had several recent complaints.

Children in Need

Well done to everyone who supported Children in Need.  We raised an amazing £182.20.

Kurtis Henry’s Project in Kenya

£188.05 was raised towards Kurtis Henry’s amazing opportunity to go to Kenya in February to build a primary school in the slums of Nairobi.

Cash/Cheques in School
In order to improve school efficiency and avoid possible confusion, please could any cash or cheques coming into school be sent in with your child in a sealed envelope marked with your child's name, class, amount and reason for the payment. Could I also ask that all payments, including dinner money payments, be sent into school on Monday morning of each week. We will only accept money on this day in a marked envelope. Thank you for your co-operation.

Payment Envelopes

We have payment envelopes for sale from the school office - £1.50 for 50 or £2.50 for 100.

Parish Christmas Fair – Saturday 30th November
This exciting annual event is an important fundraising and community event for the Parish. The Fair is being held in the Parish Hall on Saturday, 30th November at 2pm and the school will be organising a stall as part of the event. Please come and bring your families.

Book Fair

The Book Fair begins on Monday 2nd December.  This is an opportunity to buy your last minute Christmas presents. Thanks in advance for your support - the commission we receive from sales goes straight back into the school, providing books for the school library.

Lost Property

Our lost property box which is situated in the porch at the front entrance is beginning to overflow. It is full of jumpers, coats, fleeces etc. If you are missing any of these items, Mr Buck will be setting up a table with lost items in the school playground on Wednesday 4th December from 3.15pm onwards.

Updated Email Addresses

If your email address has changed, could you please let the office know? Also, if your address, telephone or mobile number has changed, please let the office know in case of emergencies.


Well done to the following classes for their good attendance last week:
  • Year 6 with 100% attendance
  • Reception with 98% attendance
Well done to Year 6 for an outstanding100% attendance for the second week running.  They will have a non-uniform day on Friday 6th December.

Celebration Assembly

There will be no celebration assembly on Monday 2nd December.

Dates for Diaries

Saturday 30th November                            -           Parish Christmas Fair
Monday 2nd December                              -           Advent Assembly at 9.10am
Monday 2nd December                              -           Book Fair Week
Wednesday 4th December                        -           Year 6 trip to Bristol Old Vic
Wednesday 4th December                        -           Year 6 Camp Meeting
Thursday 5th December                              -           Years 3 and 4 M Shed and Bristol Old Vic visit
Tuesday 10th December                             -           Christmas Lunch
Monday 16th December - pm                   -           Infant Nativity Performance
Tuesday 17th December - am                    -           Infant Nativity Performance
Wednesday 18th December                      -           Term 2 Attendance Assembly
Wednesday 18th December at 2 pm       -           Carol Concert in Church
Friday 20th December at 9.30am              -           Christmas Mass in Church (Year 4 reading)
Monday 12th May 2014                               -           Year 6 SATs week

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

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