Friday, 17 January 2014

Dear Parents/Carers,

Reception Reading Sessions

Thank you to the parents who attended yesterday’s informal sessions about reading at home. The afternoon was fully booked so we are arranging a second group of meetings on the afternoon of Tuesday 28th January.

If you would like to meet Miss Phillips, please let her know to arrange a time.

Parent’s Tea and Coffee afternoons

A big thank you to parents who joined us for tea, coffee and cake yesterday afternoon. We’d like to invite parents in again on Tuesday 11th February from 2.45pm onwards.
Zig Zag Lines

This week all the children learnt in assembly that all parents need to:

Please do this to help make our roads safer for everybody.

E-Safety Week

It is important that children’s use of the internet is monitored at home - in particular, children’s use of social networking sites. Soon we will have our E-Safety Week where the children will be learning more about how to use the internet safely.

Topic Presentations

As you all know, these are short presentations where the children tell the story of their learning in their most recent topic. These presentations are in dates for diaries.

Medical Appointments

A reminder that if your child has a dentist’s or doctor’s appointment during school hours, could you please put a request in writing in advance for the attention of the class teacher. If we are not notified in advance, any time missed will need to be recorded as unauthorised.


Well done to Reception with an outstanding 100% attendance last week.  They will be able to wear non-uniform on Friday 24th January. Also well done to Year 5 who had really good attendance with 98%.

Celebration of Achievements

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 20th January, at 9.10am where the following children  will receive their headteachers award: Abby (Y2), Marlen (Y3), Lamoiya (Y3) Leona (R), Jeremy (Y1), Tash (Y4), Jake (Y5), Allena (Y5, James (Y6) and David (Y6)

Super Star Sports Awards: Agnel (Y1), Ruby (Y1), Kayla (Y2), Isobel (Y2), Rimmon (Y3), Areeba (Y3), Lachontay (Y4), Vanessa (Y4) and Harry (Y6).

Super Stars Art Award: Philip (Y1)

Dates for Diaries

Friday 24th January                                      -           Reception non uniform (good attendance)
Monday 27th January                                  -           School E-Safety week
Tuesday 28th January                                  -           Reception reading meetings
Wednesday 29th January                           -           Y6 visit to Swindon Steam Museum
Friday 31st January                                       -           Year 2 Assembly (Chinese New Year)
Thursday 6th February                                  -           Year 6 Topic Presentation
Friday 7th February                                       -           Year 4 Topic Presentation
Monday 10th February                                -           Y6 camp week
Tuesday 11th February at 3pm                  -           Parents’ tea and coffee afternoon
Wednesday 12th February                          -           Year 1 Topic Presentation
Wednesday 12th February                          -           Year 2 Topic Presentation
Friday 14th February                                    -           End of Term 3
Monday 24th February                                -           Start of Term 4
Wednesday 26th March                              -           Year 3 Topic Presentation
Wednesday 2nd April                                 -           Year 5 Topic Presentation
Monday 12th May 2014                              -           Year 6 SATs week


Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

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