Monday, 11 January 2016

Apologies for late posting of Friday's newsletter
Friday 8th January

Dear Parent/Carer,

Thank you from Mrs McCarthy
A big thankyou to all the pupils, staff and families who have made me feel so welcome. I have really enjoyed my first week and already feel quite at home. Please do come and say hello if you
see me on the playground, or around school.

Primary School Place for 2016-2017
If your child was born between September 201 1 and 31 August 2012, and you have not applied online, you will need to by the 15th January 2016. Also the additional form from the school office needs to be filed in and returned by the 15th January.

After School Clubs
After school sports clubs will not be running for the first couple of weeks of the new term. We will inform parents when they will be starting again.

Team Points
The winners of last term's team points were the children from St Mark's team. There will be a non-uniform day and special event in the afternoon, organised by the Year Sixes in St Mark's on Friday 15th January.

Outstanding Attendance
Congratulations to the 121 children that achieved 100% attendance and were on•time every day last term. Thankyou to those parents too, for ensuring their children are making the most of every
day at school.

Deanfield Study Centre
The final instalment for Deanfield is now due.

Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday I Ith January at 9.1 Sam, where the fdlowing children will receive their headteachers award: Szymon (Y3), Joann (Y3), Alex (Y 2), Zahra (Y5), Irene (Y6), Amelia (Y I), Alicja (Y I) and Aaron (Y4).

Dates for diaries
Thursday 14th January
Thursday 28th January
Thursday 26th May 201 6
Y2 and Y3 Bristol Old Vic
Y 4 - Bristol Aquarium INSET (school closed
Mrs McCarthy, Headteacher

A Message From Mr Condon
I would like to say a very big thank you for the lovely cards, gifts and good wishes I received at the end of term; your kindness and thoughtfulness was really appreciated. I have used monies and
vouchers collectively to buy a cycle computer mapping gadget, which I hope will guide me on my new adventures.
The last couple of weeks, as I prepared to leave, were at times difficult, but with your friendship and support made the experience memorable and positive. My last day was incredibly memorab e and although I'm looking forward to exciting and new experiences in the future, it
was very sad having to say goodbye to the adults and children that make St Joseph's School such a wonderful, caring community. Everyone will be greatly missed.
Your children were a joy to work with and I know that those still at St Joseph's will continue to enjoy their learning and make excellent progress under the continuing guidance of Mrs McCarthy and the school's dedicated staff.
Thank you for all your help and support over the years and my very best wishes to you ail.
Have a wonderful New Year.
Mr Condon

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