Friday, 20 May 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

A reminder that the school will be closed to children for staff training this Thursday and Friday (26th and 27th May).  The school will reopen on Monday 6th June.

Children have been allowed to take books home from our school library this year.  These are not always coming back into school and we have noticed that many are missing.  During the first week of next half term, we are having the library catalogued and all books placed onto a computer system so it is really important that we have all library books accounted for. Please could you check at home for any library books and bring them in immediately, before the holiday.  Thank you.

Extended School Club (ESC)
Following numerous enquiries we will be extending the after-school club until 5.30 every day after half term. Booking for term 6 is now open on the School Gateway. If you are interested in using the ESC and haven’t already registered, then please do pick up a form from the School Office as children need to complete a Registration Form before they can use the ESC. We hope you will find the longer hours meet your needs. We will review the demand towards the end of the summer term.

Celebration  Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 16th May, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:  Alfie, Libby (Y6), Cheyenne (Y5), Jerin, Jakub (Y4), Aiden (Y3), Rachel, Grace (Y2), Nnaemeka, Elsa, Zachary (Y1), Lara, Alison (Rec)

Super Stars: Amira (Rec), Justina (Y1), Kieran (Y2), Alicia (Y2), Harry (Y2), Jessica (Y3), Charlie (Y5), Claudia (Y6), Sophia (Y1), Rachel (Y2)

Playground news
Please supervise younger children carefully, especially on the monkey bars. A couple of accidents have happened when children in the infants have used this equipment. We are closely supervising it during playtimes, please be aware of this risk and supervise your children if you allow them to use the monkey bars after school.

I hope you all have a lovely relaxing week, and that we get some fine weather!

Dates for Diaries
Thursday 26th May 2016                        -                       INSET (school closed)
Friday 27th May 2016                             -                       INSET (school closed)
Friday 27th May                                      -                       End of Term 5
Monday 6th June                                   -                       Start of Term 6
Tuesday 21st June                                  -                       Sports Day
Friday 1st July                                          -                       INSET (school closed)
Monday 4th July                                     -                       INSET (school closed)
Friday 22nd July                                       -                       End of School Year

Mrs Jackie McCarthy

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