Friday, 24 June 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

Forthcoming INSET
A reminder that this coming Friday 1st July and Monday 4th July the school will be closed to children due to staff training.

First Holy Communion
Best wishes to all the children who will be receiving the sacrament of First Holy Communion this Sunday.

As announced in last week’s newsletter, we have entered the three years in-school Polli:Nation programme. This is a project developed in response to the decline in the UK's pollinating insects and the demand from schools to broaden children's understanding of the links between pollination and food security and learn about protecting insect pollinators and their habitats. There is a special assembly this Monday, 27th June at 9:10am when the project will be launched.  Anyone who would like to volunteer to participate in this, alongside the children, please come along or contact Mrs Serle.

Sports Day – new date
Due to the waterlogged field this week, we have moved the sports day to Tuesday 5th July,   weather permitting.  It will take place on the field between 9.30am and 11:30pm.  There will be the usual popular athletic events, as well as some more traditional races, such as the egg and spoon, sack race and obstacle race.  Parents/guardians, friends and governors are all very welcome to come and support the children as they compete

Parish Summer Fair
You are welcome to join others from the parish at the Summer Fair tomorrow from 2-4pm.  The school is running a sweet stall.

Education Mass
Pupils, parents and staff are invited to an Education Mass at 7pm on Thursday 30th June at Clifton Cathedral.

St Thomas celebration weekend
Next weekend is the Feast of St Thomas.  The parish have lots of events going on to celebrate his feast day from Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd July.

Shoes for Kenya
St Brendan’s 6th Form College are collecting shoes to go to Kenya to help people avoid getting parasites in their feet.  If you have any shoes of a reasonable condition that you no longer want, please bring them into the office and we will take them to St Brendan’s for collection.  Thank you.

A Message from the PTFA to all parents, staff and friends of St Joe’s
Welcome to the newly (re)formed PTFA!  We hope to use this forum to get people together and raise money for the school, but above all to have some fun, and we very much hope you will join with us.  We will be publishing details of the committee, our aims & objectives, and future events as soon as possible, so look out for more details.

For anyone who would like to get involved but couldn’t make the initial meeting, we will be having an event planning session at 3.30 on Tuesday, 5 July at the school and would love to hear any ideas you have.

Catherine Ruffles & Laura Bradshaw Price (co-chairs)      

Celebration  Assembly – different day of the week
There will be a celebration assembly on Tuesday 28th June, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:  Ruby (Y1), Janek (Y1), Betty (Y1), Lyra (Y2), Anns (Y2), Christian (Y3), Nathan (Y5), Areeba (Y5).

Super Stars: Abay (R), Elsa, Edith (Y1), Franek, Nelson (Y2), Rian (Y3), Oliver M (Y5), Mack (Y6)

Sad Farewells
The staff and pupils will be very sad to say goodbye to some fantastic teachers and support staff at the end of this year. There will be plenty of opportunities to appreciate and thank them in the coming months and we will certainly miss them all.
Mrs Joseph
You may know that Mrs Joseph, who has been a teacher, Deputy Head and Acting Head-teacher at St Josephs for 25 years, will be retiring at the end of this year. We will certainly miss Mrs Joseph due to the enormous contribution she has made to the school over the years.
Mrs Darvill
Mrs Darvill, a teacher with us for 5 years will also be leaving at the end of this year, to enjoy spending more time looking after her little girl.
Mrs Mizen
Following 26 years working at St Joseph’s Mrs Mizen has decided it is time to enjoy some quality time with her family and friends and is retiring at the end of term. Many of you will have been supported, taught, encouraged and cared for by Mrs Mizen over the years.
Miss Gouveia
Miss Gouveia has been with us this year, and we have really enjoyed her sunny smiling nature, she has been very kind and caring to all the children she has worked with.

On behalf of the governors, pupils and staff I would like to thank them for their hard work and dedication to St Joseph’s and wish them happiness and peace in their new ventures.

Class teachers for 2016/17
We are delighted to welcome some new teachers to our school in September.
Mrs Baker will be joining us as our new Deputy Head.
Miss Gregory, Miss Pick and Miss Coates are also joining us as class teachers. We are also welcoming Mrs Serle and Mrs Okpiyalele as Higher level Teaching Assistants.

The class teachers for 2016/17 will be:
Reception class         Miss Finding
Year 1                         Miss Gregory
Year 2                         Mrs Ford and Miss Phillips
Year 3                         Miss Pick
Year 4                         Mr Mullen and Mrs Baker
Year 5                         Mr Conlon
Year 6                         Miss Coates

Children will meet their new class teacher on our changeover day which is on 19th July.

Dates for Diaries
Sunday 26th June 2016        -           First Holy Communion
Tuesday 28th June                -           Year 5 Aquinas sports day at St Brendan’s
Wednesday 29th June         -           SS Peter and Paul Mass in church 9.30am
                                                            New Parents’ Evening 5.30pm
Thursday 30th June               -           Education Mass at Clifton Cathedral 7pm
Friday 1st July                       -           INSET (school closed)
Monday 4th July                   -           INSET (school closed)
Tuesday 5th July                    -           Sports Day
Thursday 7th July                   -           Y4 Presentation and Parents’ open
Friday 8th July                        -           Y1 Presentation and Parents’ open morning
Tuesday 12th July                  -           Rec Presentation and Parents’ open
Wednesday 13th July           -           Y5 Presentation and Parents’ open morning
Thursday 14th July                 -           Y2 Presentation and Parents’ open morning
                                                -           Prize giving 5.30-6.30 
Friday 15th July                      -           Columbus sports day – Air Balloon
                                                -           Columbus music concert
Tuesday 19th July                  -           Changeover day
Wednesday 20th July           -           Y3 Presentation and Parents’ open morning    
 -           Year Six Performance to parents 7pm
Friday 22 July                         -           Leavers’ Mass 9.30am in church
                                                            END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR
Thursday 1st September      -           INSET (school closed)
Friday 2nd September         -           INSET (school closed)
Monday 5th September      -           First Day back after summer break for children
                                                           in Years 1-6

Mrs Jackie McCarthy

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