Friday, 8 July 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

Sports Day
Sports Day turned out to be a fabulous occasion with all the children taking part with respect and good humour.  Thanks to all the parents who came to cheer the children on. Congratulations to all the children.  The winning team was St Matthew.  A special thanks to Mr Rees who did a fantastic job organising the event.

Phonics Screening
A fantastic 97% of children in Year One reached or exceeded the threshold in phonic knowledge.  Congratulations to all of the children and staff. 

Key Stage One and Two SATs.
Huge congratulations are needed for all the children in Year Two and Year Six.  They have excelled themselves as they come to the end of their key stage, having prepared and taken tests under a new curriculum and with harder tests than before.   The staff and governors are all very proud of them.  Below are the results, along with their national comparison (KS2): 

KEY STAGE ONE  Teacher Assessments

% meeting expected standards


% meeting expected standards

Grammar, punctuation, spelling
Reading, writing, maths

Prize Giving – Thursday 14th July
St Joseph’s first Prize Giving Evening will be taking place this Thursday 14th July at 5.30pm.  All parents and children are invited to attend to share in celebrating the achievements in our school this year.  Prizes will be given to children in all classes recognising excellence in attainment, effort, progress, behaviour, consideration and kindness as well as demonstration of the Olympic and Paralympic values during sports day.  Participation and representing the school will also be celebrated as well as the achievements and effort of staff and parents.  It should be a joyous occasion and a great way to finish off a fantastic year.

Class presentations and parents’ open mornings
Parents are invited to their children’s class at the beginning of the day (9.10-9.40) where the class will tell the story of their learning in their most recent topic. Following the presentation, parents and carers will be able to stay for a short while to look at their child’s work. Some of the classes have had their presentations this week.  Reception has theirs on Tuesday, Year 5 on Wednesday with Year 2 on Thursday.

New School Uniform
As reported last week, the governors have agreed that we will provide each child with one set of the new school uniform free of charge. Children will receive their uniform in the last week of term ready for September.

The school uniform shop will be open on 19th/20th/21st July 9.00-9.30 am & 3.00-3.30 pm for uniform supplies for September and then once a week from September.   We will send parents and carers information about prices and ordering next week.  Cash or cheque payments will be accepted at the school uniform shop or you will be able to order online from

Mrs Slade
Mrs Slade has been off sick for several weeks and is still poorly.  We wish her well in her recovery.

Extended School Club (ESC)
May I remind parents that the Extended School Club now runs until 5.30pm daily for those children who have been booked onto the new longer sessions.  If you have booked your child into Extended School Club, you must ensure that the children are picked up promptly either at 5pm (if a short session is booked) or 5.30pm (for the longer session).  There are occasionally unforeseen circumstances that keep you from being on time.  If this happens, please ensure that the school is informed.  However, we would remind parents that, if there is persistent lateness in collection, we will have no alternative but to cancel your child’s place at Extended School Club. 

Mad Science
There will be a Mad Science club starting on Mondays from 12th September until 17th October.  Children in Reception to Year 5 were given a form. If you are interested please return a completed form and payment to the School Office by Wednesday 13th July.

School term dates 2016-17
Term 1                        1/9/16 – 21/10/16                
Term 2                        31/10/16 – 16/12/16
Term 3                        3/1/17 - 10/2/17                   
Term 4                        20/2/17 – 7/4/17
Term 5                        24/4/17 – 26/5/17                
Term 6                        5/6/17 – 21/7/17

There will be 5 staff training days during the year.  The first 2 will be on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd September.  School will therefore open for pupils in years 1 to 6 after the summer holidays on Monday 5th September.  We will inform you of the dates for the other 3 staff training days as soon as they are known.

Celebration  Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 11th July, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:  Filip, Tegan, Jay Jay (R), Patricia, Mikolaj, Madeleine (Y1), Joseph, Chetavia (Y2), Jeremy, Austin (Y3), Ruby, Karam, Dom, Marco, Taya (Y4), Patty (Y5), Alisha, Claudia, Mackenzie (Y6)

Super Stars:  Abay (Rec), Oliver Mooney (Y5), Harvey (Y6)

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 12th July                  -           Rec Presentation and Parents’ open morning
Wednesday 13th July           -           Y5 Presentation and Parents’ open morning
Thursday 14th July                 -           Y2 Presentation and Parents’ open morning
                                                            9.10 -9.40
                                                -           Prize giving 5.30-6.30 
Friday 15th July                      -           Columbus sports day – Air Balloon
                                                -           Columbus music concert –choir, evening
Wednesday 20th July           -           Y3 Presentation and Parents’ open morning                                                 -           Year Six Performance to parents 7pm
Thursday 21st July                  -           Briarwood Singing Festival
Friday 22 July                         -           Leavers’ Mass 9.30am in church
                                                            END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR
Thursday 1st September      -           INSET (school closed)
Friday 2nd September          -          INSET (school closed)
Monday 5th September       -          First Day back after summer break for children
                                                            in Years 1-6

Mrs Jackie McCarthy

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