Friday, 4 November 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

Parent Governor Elections
Following the results of the Parent Governor elections, we are pleased to welcome Mrs Sahar Ali and Mr Sean Campbell as our new Parent Governors. They will start their roles in the New Year.

Drop In Sessions
Parents and carers are welcome to our Drop-in sessions every Monday, between 9 and 10 am, with our Family Support Team, Mrs Serle and Mrs Okpiyalele.  In these sessions we aim to be a listening ear and helping hand with any forms, letters or other concerns which you may have.

Poppy Appeal
Once again we are supporting the British Legion’s Poppy Appeal. There are a selection of items that can be purchased from the school office including poppies, wristbands, snap rulers and friendship bracelets. Suggested donations are between 50p - £1.

Remembrance Assembly
Year 6 will be leading a Remembrance Assembly on 11/11/16 at 10.40am. Parents and Governors are welcome to join the staff and children. The assembly will include a minutes silence at 11.00am.

Samaritan’s Shoe Box Appeal
This year we are taking part in the Samaritans Purse Shoebox Appeal. It is the world’s largest children’s Christmas project and we are asking parents to donate either empty shoeboxes or small gifts. The shoeboxes will be filled with gifts by year 6 children and sent to refugee children at Christmas. Please look out for a letter in your child’s bookbag with more information and a list of suggested gifts. Please bring in any donations by Wednesday 16th November.

School Uniform
I would like to remind parents that jewellery and nail varnish are not permitted in school. The children are looking very smart in their school uniform generally. Thanks for your support with this.

Extended School Club (ESC)
The deadline for payment for Term 1 was October 31st.  Thank you to everyone that has already paid. If you have not yet paid, please do so as soon as possible using the School Gateway. If you wish to discuss payment or have any difficulties using the School Gateway please call in and speak to the school office.

Family Mass
Please note that as the second Sunday of the month falls on Remembrance Sunday in November we will not be doing the usual ‘Family’ Mass as the Parish Choir will be leading a more Solemn service for this occasion. However, as we are having a Visitation from the Bishop on the weekend of 26th/27th November, we will be making the 10am Mass more of a Family celebration and would still like to encourage any children who want to get more involved to join us then.
Please contact Cathy Williamson on 07917276994 for further details and if you would like to get more involved.

 PTFA Junior Disco
The PTFA Junior disco will be held on Wednesday 30th November from 5.30pm – 7.00pm. More information will follow shortly.

PTFA Christmas Cards
This year the children have designed their own Christmas cards which are currently being printed. The cards will be sold in packs of 12 for £5. They will be available to purchase via the PTFA from Monday 14th November and 30% of the profit will be used to support school activities.

School Photograph Orders
Please return school photograph order forms to the school office by Wednesday 9th November.

St Mark Team Message from Josh Mathew - Team Captain.
Congratulations to St Mark for being excellent in winning the team points. Therefore St Mark will be having a sports theme party. It will be on 10th November in the hall. If you don’t want to participate you could go outside with our vice-captain (Hannah) to play some games. The day is accompanied by a free non-uniform day. So I hope I see you there.

Attendance and Celebration Assembly
There will be a special celebration assembly on Monday 7th November at 9.10am.  All pupil who had 100% attendance in Term 1 will be able to participate in the prize draw, and are given the special treat of coming to school in non-uniform on that day. I am so impressed with all the classes at the exceptionally high attendance last term and so many children coming to school on time every day. Year 1 has the highest number of 100% attendance, with 22 pupils achieving this. Of course we understand that children cannot avoid being ill, it happens to us all from time to time, but it is such a positive message to give our children that we value every day in school.
The following children will receive their head teacher’s award:  William (R ) Meaghan and Abhay (Y1) Zachary (Y2) Clara (Y3) Jesselyn (Y4) Lionel (Y5) and  Cheyenne (Y6)

Dates for Diaries     
Thursday 10th November                 - Open morning for Reception 2017 parents
Tuesday 22nd November                 - INSET day
Thursday 24th November                - Open afternoon for Reception 2017 parents
Tuesday 29th November                  - Year 5 trip to St Fagan’s
Wednesday 30th November           - Advent Mass 9.30 in Church
Tuesday 6th December                    - Infant Nativity 2.30pm
Wednesday 7th December              - Infant Nativity 9.30am (repeat)
Wednesday 7th December              - Christmas Lunch for all pupils
Thursday 8th – Friday 9th Dec          - Years 4/5 Trip to Kintbury
Tuesday 13th December                  - Pantomime trip for Infant Classes
Wednesday 14th December           - Infant Christmas Parties (am)
Wednesday 14th December           - Theatre trip for Junior Classes (pm)
Thursday 15th December                 - Junior Christmas Parties (pm)
Friday 16th December                      - School breaks up for Christmas Holidays (2pm finish, no Extended School Club after school on 16th December)
Tuesday 3rd January                         - Doors open for Term 3 at 8.55am

School Term Dates 2016-17
Term 2            Monday 31st October - Friday 16th December (2pm finish)  
                       Tuesday 22nd November – INSET day (school closed to
Term 3            Tuesday 3rd January - Friday 10th February
Term 4            Friday 20th February – Friday 7th April
Term 5            Monday 24th April – Friday 26th May
Term 6            Monday 5th June – Friday 21st July
We will inform parents of the dates of the remaining two INSET days as soon as possible.

Mrs Jackie McCarthy

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