16th May, 2008.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Cake Sale
Thank you so much to everyone who made cakes and supported our cake sale last Friday. A big thank you too, to Staple Hill Bakery who kindly donated bread and cakes.
We raised the magnificent sum of £78.00 which will go towards the cost of the coach for ‘Joseph’. Thank you to year 6 for helping to organise, serve and sell the cakes.
Multi-Sports – Y4
Multi Sports which runs on a Thursday evening – 3.45-4.45pm will be open to year 4 pupils after half-term. If you would like your child to take part £16.00 is required and you will have to complete a consent form available from the office.
All Parents – KEEPING UP WITH THE KIDS COURSEWe are now able to open up this opportunity to all parents in the school. The course has been designed to enable parents to develop their own Maths and Computer skills whilst working with their children, who are improving their own skills. It is a 6 week course that will take place every Tuesday afternoon in school. Half of the session will be adults only and the second half will be with the children.
Please contact the school office by Wednesday 21st May if you would like to be involved.
Healthy Foods
We want to enrol on a scheme that will enable the pupils of St Joseph’s to have a better understanding of the food they eat and where it comes from. We would like some parent volunteers to help by giving their news, opinions and support. Please see Mrs Rollings if you are interested.
Responsible Internet Use
If you have not sent back your internet consent form for KS2 pupils, could you please do so by Monday 19th May. If you have not received a letter, they are available in the school office.
Celebration of Achievements
Stan Doling, Dean Turner, Laura Apperley
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Rollings/Miss Wright’s – Bristol Zoo
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Ford/Mr Sherwin’s – SS Great Britain.
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Bell, Mrs Mantle and Mr Tilmouth –
Queen’s Square via Temple Meads
Friday 23rd May End of Term 5 – School closes
Monday 2nd June INSERVICE DAY
Monday 2nd June Start of Term 6
Wednesday 11th June Y6 – Bristol Cathedral
Wednesday 18th June Y6 – Leavers Mass (Clifton Cathedral)
Saturday 21st June Summer Fayre
Friday 25th July End of Term 6 – Summer Holidays.
Best wishes
Matt CondonHeadteacher
Friday, 16 May 2008
Friday, 9 May 2008
9th May, 2008.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Ethiopian Water Crisis
In recent weeks the people of Ethiopia have suffered a severe water shortage. The water wells, built with money raised by the children of St. Joseph's, proved to be a valuable lifeline for the people of Addis Alem, when all other water dried up. This is an incredible example of how this school community, has not only contributed improving the lives of others – but also saving the lives of others! We should be proud of what we have achieved and look forward to making more of a difference in the future.
The reception class will be buying fruit from Tesco next week to make a fruit salad. Please let Mrs. Rollings know if your child can’t take part or has any allergies.
Holiday Request Form
When you request a holiday form for your child/ren to take a holiday during term-time, parents also need to attach a letter explaining the reason for the holiday. We have several forms in the office, without letters explaining the reason for requested leave. Please can any parents who have submitted a form only, send a letter in to the office as soon as possible.
If your child/ren are absent from school, could you please telephone the school office or inform the school in writing. If we do not receive a message, the school will telephone to confirm your child is at home for a valid reason.
Celebration of Achievements
Luke Staddon, Estella Maloney-Danvers, Marissa Peart, David Koleczko, Harry Barton,
Matthew Klamanski.
Monday's Celebration Assembly will be held in the school hall at 3pm. All parents are welcome.
Flyers will be sent out today to parents of children in Year 3 and 4 about this exciting course. The couse has been designed to enable parents to develop their own Maths and Computer skills whilst working with their children, who are improving their own skills. It is a 6 week course that will take place every Tuesday afternoon in school. Half of the session will be adults only and the second half will be with the children.
If successful we hope to plan similar sessions and open them to other groups of parents. Please see the flyers for futher details.
After School Activities
Recently we received a couple of comments (thank you!) in the suggestion boxes regarding after school activities. The parent asked whether more activivities could be arrange for different age groups of children and whether parents can be more involved?
It is the schools aim to provide a wide range of activities for all ages of children and we have managed to provide something for all ages this year. We hope to develop this in school more next year, but we are finding managing this additional provision quite a challenge (managing finance, managing staff from outside school, ensuring health and safety requirements are met – that your children are looked after and are safe).
We are very plaesed with how this side of school life has improved this year and more will be on offer next year. This will include more activities shared with other local schools and sometimes offered in different locations.
As far a parental contributions are concerned, we all know that parents have much to contribute and I welcome any suggestions. However we need to ensure that children are always safe and that we follow all proper procedures. This can make it difficult to invite parents in to work with children without CRB checks (which we can do easily) and a school member of staff (who is a First Aider) to help supervise the activity (this is sometimes more difficult to arrage). We have also had to ensure that adults volunteering to coach PE activities are fully qualified and we are trying to get a parent onto a Food Hygeine Certifivcate, so they can take small groups for cookery. So it can be done, it just takes a bit more organisation!
If there is something that as a parent you could contribute for an after school activity, please let me know and we can start organising things now.
A big thank you to the parent who made these useful comments.
Clifton Cathedral
Year 6 leavers will be going to the Clifton Cathedral on Wednesday, 18thh June, at 1.00pm.
All parents are welcome to join us at the Cathedral.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 12th May Start of KS2 SATS week
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Rollings/Miss Wright’s – Bristol Zoo
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Ford/Mr Sherwin’s – SS Great Britian
Friday 23rd May End of Term 5 – School closes
Monday 2nd June INSERVICE DAY
Monday 2nd June Start of Term 6 Wednesday 11th June Y6 – Bristol Cathedral
Wednesday 18th June Y6 – Leavers Mass (Clifton Cathedral)
Saturday 21st June Summer Fayre
Friday 25th July End of Term 6 – Summer Holidays.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Ethiopian Water Crisis
In recent weeks the people of Ethiopia have suffered a severe water shortage. The water wells, built with money raised by the children of St. Joseph's, proved to be a valuable lifeline for the people of Addis Alem, when all other water dried up. This is an incredible example of how this school community, has not only contributed improving the lives of others – but also saving the lives of others! We should be proud of what we have achieved and look forward to making more of a difference in the future.
The reception class will be buying fruit from Tesco next week to make a fruit salad. Please let Mrs. Rollings know if your child can’t take part or has any allergies.
Holiday Request Form
When you request a holiday form for your child/ren to take a holiday during term-time, parents also need to attach a letter explaining the reason for the holiday. We have several forms in the office, without letters explaining the reason for requested leave. Please can any parents who have submitted a form only, send a letter in to the office as soon as possible.
If your child/ren are absent from school, could you please telephone the school office or inform the school in writing. If we do not receive a message, the school will telephone to confirm your child is at home for a valid reason.
Celebration of Achievements
Luke Staddon, Estella Maloney-Danvers, Marissa Peart, David Koleczko, Harry Barton,
Matthew Klamanski.
Monday's Celebration Assembly will be held in the school hall at 3pm. All parents are welcome.
Flyers will be sent out today to parents of children in Year 3 and 4 about this exciting course. The couse has been designed to enable parents to develop their own Maths and Computer skills whilst working with their children, who are improving their own skills. It is a 6 week course that will take place every Tuesday afternoon in school. Half of the session will be adults only and the second half will be with the children.
If successful we hope to plan similar sessions and open them to other groups of parents. Please see the flyers for futher details.
After School Activities
Recently we received a couple of comments (thank you!) in the suggestion boxes regarding after school activities. The parent asked whether more activivities could be arrange for different age groups of children and whether parents can be more involved?
It is the schools aim to provide a wide range of activities for all ages of children and we have managed to provide something for all ages this year. We hope to develop this in school more next year, but we are finding managing this additional provision quite a challenge (managing finance, managing staff from outside school, ensuring health and safety requirements are met – that your children are looked after and are safe).
We are very plaesed with how this side of school life has improved this year and more will be on offer next year. This will include more activities shared with other local schools and sometimes offered in different locations.
As far a parental contributions are concerned, we all know that parents have much to contribute and I welcome any suggestions. However we need to ensure that children are always safe and that we follow all proper procedures. This can make it difficult to invite parents in to work with children without CRB checks (which we can do easily) and a school member of staff (who is a First Aider) to help supervise the activity (this is sometimes more difficult to arrage). We have also had to ensure that adults volunteering to coach PE activities are fully qualified and we are trying to get a parent onto a Food Hygeine Certifivcate, so they can take small groups for cookery. So it can be done, it just takes a bit more organisation!
If there is something that as a parent you could contribute for an after school activity, please let me know and we can start organising things now.
A big thank you to the parent who made these useful comments.
Clifton Cathedral
Year 6 leavers will be going to the Clifton Cathedral on Wednesday, 18thh June, at 1.00pm.
All parents are welcome to join us at the Cathedral.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 12th May Start of KS2 SATS week
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Rollings/Miss Wright’s – Bristol Zoo
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Ford/Mr Sherwin’s – SS Great Britian
Friday 23rd May End of Term 5 – School closes
Monday 2nd June INSERVICE DAY
Monday 2nd June Start of Term 6 Wednesday 11th June Y6 – Bristol Cathedral
Wednesday 18th June Y6 – Leavers Mass (Clifton Cathedral)
Saturday 21st June Summer Fayre
Friday 25th July End of Term 6 – Summer Holidays.
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
7th May, 2008.
Dear Parent/Carers,
PTFA Meeting
Just a reminder that the PTFA meeting is tonight at the Cross Hands Pub, Fishponds – 7.00pm.
School Celebration Assembly
There will be a school celebration assembly on Monday 12th May at 3.00pm; this is because of SATS week. Children’s names for the achievement awards will be in Friday’s newsletter.
St Mark’s Team the points competition last term, so it will be a non-uniform day for them. Well done.
Tesco/Sainsburys Vouchers
We are going to start a competition between the four school teams to see who can
Collect the most supermarket sports vouchers for the rest of the school year. Each voucher point will equal one point to the total. A chart will go up in the hall to show how many vouchers each team has collected so far. The team who has collected the most vouchers by the end of term 6 will get to have a non-uniform day as a reward! All you have to do is bring in all the vouchers you can from home and put them in your teams coloured voucher box in the foyer.
Year 6 SATs
Year 6 have worked tremendously hard and have been very focused on their learning. I have been genuinely impressed by how well they have worked as a team. We all know that they will do their best. Good luck for next week!
I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine!
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Dear Parent/Carers,
PTFA Meeting
Just a reminder that the PTFA meeting is tonight at the Cross Hands Pub, Fishponds – 7.00pm.
School Celebration Assembly
There will be a school celebration assembly on Monday 12th May at 3.00pm; this is because of SATS week. Children’s names for the achievement awards will be in Friday’s newsletter.
St Mark’s Team the points competition last term, so it will be a non-uniform day for them. Well done.
Tesco/Sainsburys Vouchers
We are going to start a competition between the four school teams to see who can
Collect the most supermarket sports vouchers for the rest of the school year. Each voucher point will equal one point to the total. A chart will go up in the hall to show how many vouchers each team has collected so far. The team who has collected the most vouchers by the end of term 6 will get to have a non-uniform day as a reward! All you have to do is bring in all the vouchers you can from home and put them in your teams coloured voucher box in the foyer.
Year 6 SATs
Year 6 have worked tremendously hard and have been very focused on their learning. I have been genuinely impressed by how well they have worked as a team. We all know that they will do their best. Good luck for next week!
I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine!
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Friday, 2 May 2008
2nd May 2008
2nd May, 2008.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Occasionally during discussions with parents, we are told that advice has been given to children to ‘hit back’ if they have been hurt. This advice does not support our behaviour policy and makes it very difficult to resolve situations fairly. The best advice parents can give, is to make sure their child tells an adult immediately if they have been hurt. Any problems can be then dealt with swiftly.
Collecting children from school
To ensure the safety of all children we must insist of the following:
· Children can only be collected by legal parent/carers if the school is informed by telephone or letter – no verbal messages to staff other than office staff
· If you wish another adult (even Grandparents) to collect your child on regular basis, we need written permission
Thank you for you co-operation.
School Uniform
It has come to me attention that girls have started wearing leggings as wear as their dresses/skirts. Leggings are not part of school uniform. Tights are a perfectly acceptable alternative.
My First Poem
Some of the children’s work for ‘My First Poem’ series has been selected for publication in
one of the books representing the best of the children’s work. The children were helped to
write their first poem and dedicate it to someone special, and here are the names:
Lara Brown, Jeleil Manmohan, Jordan Toy, Emily Webb, James Ayton-Lambourne, Alfie Ferris, Harry Barton, Charlotte Petrie, Andre Chipperfield, Luke Briones, Johann Manosh
Jakub Spocinski, Hannah Richards, Tejal Sebastian, Izza Chaudhry, Bethany Prasad, Samuel Toye, Geore Hickey and Joseph Calloway.
Postponed School Trips
The postponed educational school trips will now take place:-
Bristol Zoo – Mrs Rollings and Miss Wrigth’s Class – Tuesday 20th May
SS Great Britian – Mrs Ford and Mr Sherwin’s Class – Tuesday 20th May
School Activemark 2007
We are proud to announce the school has been awarded this prestigious mark.
This mark was awarded due to the high quality PE and school sport enjoyed by children in school and in after school activities. Well done to all the children and staff and Mr. Tilmouth who has led the improvement in PE this year.
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 7th May Joseph Performance at St Joseph’s Old People’s Home
Monday 12th May Start of KS2 SATS week
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Rollings/Miss Wright’s – Bristol Zoo
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Ford/Mr Sherwin’s – SS Great Britian
Friday 23rd May End of Term 5 – School closes
Monday 2nd June INSERVICE DAY
Monday 2nd June Start of Term 6 Wednesday 11th June Y6 – Bristol Cathedral
Wednesday 18th June Y6 – Leavers Mass (Clifton Cathedral)
Saturday 21st June Summer Fayre
Friday 25th July End of Term 6 – Summer Holidays.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Occasionally during discussions with parents, we are told that advice has been given to children to ‘hit back’ if they have been hurt. This advice does not support our behaviour policy and makes it very difficult to resolve situations fairly. The best advice parents can give, is to make sure their child tells an adult immediately if they have been hurt. Any problems can be then dealt with swiftly.
Collecting children from school
To ensure the safety of all children we must insist of the following:
· Children can only be collected by legal parent/carers if the school is informed by telephone or letter – no verbal messages to staff other than office staff
· If you wish another adult (even Grandparents) to collect your child on regular basis, we need written permission
Thank you for you co-operation.
School Uniform
It has come to me attention that girls have started wearing leggings as wear as their dresses/skirts. Leggings are not part of school uniform. Tights are a perfectly acceptable alternative.
My First Poem
Some of the children’s work for ‘My First Poem’ series has been selected for publication in
one of the books representing the best of the children’s work. The children were helped to
write their first poem and dedicate it to someone special, and here are the names:
Lara Brown, Jeleil Manmohan, Jordan Toy, Emily Webb, James Ayton-Lambourne, Alfie Ferris, Harry Barton, Charlotte Petrie, Andre Chipperfield, Luke Briones, Johann Manosh
Jakub Spocinski, Hannah Richards, Tejal Sebastian, Izza Chaudhry, Bethany Prasad, Samuel Toye, Geore Hickey and Joseph Calloway.
Postponed School Trips
The postponed educational school trips will now take place:-
Bristol Zoo – Mrs Rollings and Miss Wrigth’s Class – Tuesday 20th May
SS Great Britian – Mrs Ford and Mr Sherwin’s Class – Tuesday 20th May
School Activemark 2007
We are proud to announce the school has been awarded this prestigious mark.
This mark was awarded due to the high quality PE and school sport enjoyed by children in school and in after school activities. Well done to all the children and staff and Mr. Tilmouth who has led the improvement in PE this year.
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 7th May Joseph Performance at St Joseph’s Old People’s Home
Monday 12th May Start of KS2 SATS week
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Rollings/Miss Wright’s – Bristol Zoo
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Ford/Mr Sherwin’s – SS Great Britian
Friday 23rd May End of Term 5 – School closes
Monday 2nd June INSERVICE DAY
Monday 2nd June Start of Term 6 Wednesday 11th June Y6 – Bristol Cathedral
Wednesday 18th June Y6 – Leavers Mass (Clifton Cathedral)
Saturday 21st June Summer Fayre
Friday 25th July End of Term 6 – Summer Holidays.
25th April
Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome back to you all. We look forward to an exciting spring of learning in St. Joseph’s.
Attendance – A Reminder
As you know good attendance is the key to successful learning.
If your child needs to see the Doctor, Dentist or other for a medical reason, and an appointment outside school hours is not possible, it is far less disruptive to learning if these appointments are made for the end of the school day.
We would like to thank parents for your support in this important area.
Children should not wear jewellery to school. The school will not be responsible
for any loss or damage to property or person resulting from the bringing of
jewellery into school. Please note: children with pierced ears whose parents
wish them to wear earrings must, for safety wear studs rather than other types
of earrings. Children who wear earrings must remove (or tape) them for all PE and sporting activities on Health and Safety grounds.
Netball resumes next Monday, 28th April.
Postponed School Trips
The final closing date for these educational visits is today. Hopefully we will have
secured the majority of funding so that the visits can go ahead as planned.
Parents to support children reading for KS2 SATs
We are in need of readers to support some of our Y6 pupils when taking their SATs
on the following dates; Monday 12th May, Thursday 15th May, Friday 16th May.
This support would be incredibly helpful. Please contact the school office or see Mrs. Joseph or Mr. Conlon if you can help (by early next week if possible).
Celebration of Achievements
Dates for Diaries
Friday 25th April Infant Party
Wednesday 7th May Joseph Performance at St Joseph’s Old People’s Home
Monday 12th May Start of KS2 SATS week
Friday 23rd May End of Term 5 – School closes
Monday 2nd June INSERVICE DAY
Monday 2nd June Start of Term 6 Wednesday 11th June Y6 – Bristol Cathedral
Wednesday 18th June Y6 – Leavers Mass (Clifton Cathedral)
Saturday 21st June School Summer Fayre
Saturday 28th June Parish Summer Fayre
Friday 25th July End of Term 6 – Summer Holidays.
Welcome back to you all. We look forward to an exciting spring of learning in St. Joseph’s.
Attendance – A Reminder
As you know good attendance is the key to successful learning.
If your child needs to see the Doctor, Dentist or other for a medical reason, and an appointment outside school hours is not possible, it is far less disruptive to learning if these appointments are made for the end of the school day.
We would like to thank parents for your support in this important area.
Children should not wear jewellery to school. The school will not be responsible
for any loss or damage to property or person resulting from the bringing of
jewellery into school. Please note: children with pierced ears whose parents
wish them to wear earrings must, for safety wear studs rather than other types
of earrings. Children who wear earrings must remove (or tape) them for all PE and sporting activities on Health and Safety grounds.
Netball resumes next Monday, 28th April.
Postponed School Trips
The final closing date for these educational visits is today. Hopefully we will have
secured the majority of funding so that the visits can go ahead as planned.
Parents to support children reading for KS2 SATs
We are in need of readers to support some of our Y6 pupils when taking their SATs
on the following dates; Monday 12th May, Thursday 15th May, Friday 16th May.
This support would be incredibly helpful. Please contact the school office or see Mrs. Joseph or Mr. Conlon if you can help (by early next week if possible).
Celebration of Achievements
Dates for Diaries
Friday 25th April Infant Party
Wednesday 7th May Joseph Performance at St Joseph’s Old People’s Home
Monday 12th May Start of KS2 SATS week
Friday 23rd May End of Term 5 – School closes
Monday 2nd June INSERVICE DAY
Monday 2nd June Start of Term 6 Wednesday 11th June Y6 – Bristol Cathedral
Wednesday 18th June Y6 – Leavers Mass (Clifton Cathedral)
Saturday 21st June School Summer Fayre
Saturday 28th June Parish Summer Fayre
Friday 25th July End of Term 6 – Summer Holidays.
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