Friday, 16 May 2008

16th May, 2008.

Dear Parent/Carer,

Cake Sale

Thank you so much to everyone who made cakes and supported our cake sale last Friday. A big thank you too, to Staple Hill Bakery who kindly donated bread and cakes.

We raised the magnificent sum of £78.00 which will go towards the cost of the coach for ‘Joseph’. Thank you to year 6 for helping to organise, serve and sell the cakes.

Multi-Sports – Y4

Multi Sports which runs on a Thursday evening – 3.45-4.45pm will be open to year 4 pupils after half-term. If you would like your child to take part £16.00 is required and you will have to complete a consent form available from the office.

All Parents – KEEPING UP WITH THE KIDS COURSEWe are now able to open up this opportunity to all parents in the school. The course has been designed to enable parents to develop their own Maths and Computer skills whilst working with their children, who are improving their own skills. It is a 6 week course that will take place every Tuesday afternoon in school. Half of the session will be adults only and the second half will be with the children.

Please contact the school office by Wednesday 21st May if you would like to be involved.
Healthy Foods

We want to enrol on a scheme that will enable the pupils of St Joseph’s to have a better understanding of the food they eat and where it comes from. We would like some parent volunteers to help by giving their news, opinions and support. Please see Mrs Rollings if you are interested.

Responsible Internet Use

If you have not sent back your internet consent form for KS2 pupils, could you please do so by Monday 19th May. If you have not received a letter, they are available in the school office.

Celebration of Achievements

Stan Doling, Dean Turner, Laura Apperley

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 20th May Mrs Rollings/Miss Wright’s – Bristol Zoo
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Ford/Mr Sherwin’s – SS Great Britain.
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Bell, Mrs Mantle and Mr Tilmouth –
Queen’s Square via Temple Meads
Friday 23rd May End of Term 5 – School closes
Monday 2nd June INSERVICE DAY
Monday 2nd June Start of Term 6
Wednesday 11th June Y6 – Bristol Cathedral
Wednesday 18th June Y6 – Leavers Mass (Clifton Cathedral)
Saturday 21st June Summer Fayre
Friday 25th July End of Term 6 – Summer Holidays.

Best wishes

Matt CondonHeadteacher

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